Hey guys, I'm deeply sorry about the really long wait, I've just been so busy with a lot of things but now the time has come, chapter seven is now readable. I hope I did a good job and hope you guys enjoy it.

Everyone swam for their lives, the water so cold it felt like their skin was being brazed by a white hot blade. Alice swam behind everyone at a reasonable pace, but she stopped due to her stomach. She placed her hands on her stomach, letting out a cry in pain. Rain hearing this, she turned her head towards the sound and saw Alice starting to sink.

"Shit!" Rain yelled, causing everyone else to stop.

"What's wrong?" Claire shouted.

"Just keep going, I'll catch up" Rain said loudly.

Once Rain got to Alice's side, she grabbed her arm and wrapped it around her neck. "Look I know you're upset with me right now, but I need you to hold on to me so I can get you to safety" Rain said.

Alice let out a quiet sigh and fully wrapped her arms around Rain for support. As Rain approached the shore with Alice on her back, she gently let her down, keeping her arm around the blonde.

"Are you alright?" Rain asked meeting Alice's gaze.

"I'm fine, stop worrying about me" Alice replied, almost falling to her knees in pain but was caught by Rain.

"Obviously you're not fine because you're clearly in a lot of pain, can you even walk?" Rain asked, Alice shaking her head as a "No".

"Then I'll carry you, so put your hatred aside because we won't get anywhere with it" Rain replied, allowing Alice to climb onto her back.

Once everyone was fully in front of the building, they discovered a back door leading into the basement part of the headquarters.

"What are we going to do once we're inside?" Leon asked Rain.

"We're going to try and stay hidden until we can get the information we need to bring down umbrella, if anyone gets in our way, well you know what to do" Rain replied in a serious tone.

Everyone cautiously entered the building, their weapons at the ready. Before they reached the end of the hallway, Rain stopped everyone behind her.

"So far so good, we've stopped here because right beside me looks like a security room"

"So lets check it out" Jill said.

"We can't just walk in there, we'll get caught"

"What do we do then?"

"I was a soldier for umbrella and before any of this happened, I worked in a facility like this. It may seem like you could just walk in and out, but don't be fooled, they don't make things easy. Now I know there's an alarm on the door, so what we need to do is find another way inside the room and deactivate all the security cameras and alarm systems" Rain replied.

"There's a vent, and it looks like it leads right into the room" Ada said pointing up.

"How are we going to get through there?" Rain asked, Ada giving her a smile.

"I'll handle it" Ada replied, easily reaching the vent by doing impossible acrobatics.

"Be careful, there could be guards in there" Rain said before Ada went through.

"Then we'll have some fun" Ada replied, disappearing into the vent.

Ada crawled through the vent until she reached the other side. She looked through the hatch, finding two guards sitting at the computers. Very slowly, she pushed the hatch open, quietly dropping down. Ada approached one of the guards, knocking him unconscious from a blow to the head.

The other guard saw this from the corner of his eye, taking out his gun. Ada's quick instincts kicked in, allowing her to slide underneath his legs and deliver a hard fan kick to the temple.

"You boys are sore losers" Ada said in her soothing seductive voice as she turned around and deactivated everything.

Once she was done, she opened the door, meeting confused faces.

"How boring those two were, now shall we go?" Ada said, walking towards the end of the hall with a smirk on her face.

"How does she do this?" Rain asked Leon.

Leon shook his head "I've learned not to question what she does and just go along with it, works better that way trust me" he replied walking after Ada.

"It'll eventually set in don't worry" Claire said nudging Rain's shoulder until they followed their friends.

As everyone moved forward, Alice let out a cry in agonizing pain causing Rain to immediately set her down.

"Are you alright?!" Rain asked in a frantic tone.

"No, it feels like something is twisting my insides" Alice struggled to say.

"I'm impressed you all made it this far" a voice said on the intercom.

"Who are you?" Leon said aloud.

"You'll find out soon enough but for right now, you're all going to be kept somewhere so I can't lose you" the voice replied.

At that moment, a loud bang caught the attention of the survivors, causing them to jump in fright. Umbrella soldiers burst through the door behind them, trying to capture them by force. Alice was the first to be caught due to being weak from pain, Rain fighting for her life to rescue the blonde.


"Alice!" the commando yelled, both women reaching for each others hand.

Before their hands could touch, Rain was knocked out, her body falling limp in the soldiers arms. It wasn't long before the soldiers put the blue eyed woman to sleep, watching all of her friends get the same treatment.

"Rain..." was the last thing Alice said before losing consciousness.

Alice slowly opened her blue eyes, looking around finding her friends still unconscious. She finally realized they were all in a cell inside of a mysterious room with test tubes and scientific equipment, almost like a lab. Alice looked through the bars, her eyes landing on the form of Rain strapped into a stretcher. She quickly gathered herself together, making her way over to the bars.

"Rain! Can you hear me? Please say something?" Alice pleaded.

"I can hear you, I'm alright" Rain replied, the blonde releasing a breath of relief.

"What's going on?" Alice asked.

"I don't know but keep calm, I'll get you all out of here" Rain replied hearing someone laughing.

"I'm afraid you won't be going anywhere Ms. Ocampo" the person said coming closer.

Leon, and everyone else stirred awake from hearing faint voices, Ada's eyes widening at the person standing next to Rain.

"Wesker..." Ada said lowly, causing Leon's eyes to widen as well.

"Ms. Wong, its been quite some time, it's a shame you're not working beside me anymore, there was no other agent like you" Wesker sneered.

"Do you realize how much chaos you've corrupted throughout the entire world? You've killed millions of people!" Leon shouted, his eyes filled with hatred.

"Which was what I wanted, to make this world mine"

"By releasing a bio-terrorism attack?!" Claire yelled.

Alice felt the sharp pains come back, Wesker smiling as he heard her groan with agony.

"Ahh, I see you're still having those pains but that's completely normal, for your state"

"What are you talking about?" Alice breathed out in pain.

"You don't know? Well, allow me to tell you, you're pregnant" Wesker replied.

"But...how? By who?" Alice asked seeing Wesker point to the commando next to him.

"No, you're insane it's biologically impossible" Rain said.

"Oh I'm afraid it's true, back in the hive both of you were tested on correct? Well, while the doctors were doing so they found a mutation caused by the Anti-virus and the T-virus in your cells Ms. Ocampo, a mutation that allowed your body to create sperm cells from your own DNA, and since it was a surprise to them, how could they miss an opportunity to test it on another female? So they did, and it worked" Wesker finished.

Alice looked down, running the tips of her fingers across her stomach in the lightest way possible.

"So what do you want with me?" Rain said, snapping Alice out of her phase.

"I'm going to bestow a gift upon you, a gift that'll grant you phenomenal power, the power to become a god" Wesker replied, picking up one of the vials that held the strange liquid.

"No, you're not going to infect me with whatever that is" Rain said struggling to break free.

"I didn't give you a choice, you'll just have to accept it" Wesker replied, holding Rain's head as he stuck the needle into her neck, pushing down on the syringe until it was empty.

Immediately Rain's body started shaking violently, everyone's ears being filled with the yells of pain from the commando as the virus took over.

"Stop please! Don't hurt her anymore!" Alice yelled, tears running down her face.

At that moment, Rain stopped moving, Wesker undoing the straps across her body. Jill looked up towards the ceiling, realizing there was a big enough space between the bars for her to squeeze through.

"If I go through there, how am I going to get my friends out?" Jill said to herself, scratching the back of her head.

As Jill slowly pulled her hand away, something fell into her palm. She opened her hand, a hairpin resting lazily against her skin. Jill tapped Leon's shoulder with the back of her hand, turning his attention to her. She pointed towards the ceiling, Leon becoming confused.

"Give me boost, I can squeeze through and get us out of here" Jill whispered, showing Leon the hairpin.

Leon nodded, allowing Jill to climb onto his shoulders. Once she was outside the cell, Jill started picking the lock, while Leon kept an eye out.

"Come on Jill" Leon whispered anxiously.

"I think I almost got it" Jill whispered back, hearing the lock click open. Before Jill could let her friends out, she heard a gun cock back behind her head.

"Very entertaining, the teamwork is just outstanding. It's wonderful, to see how much confidence you all have about escaping this alive, I wish I possessed that as a human. This is the end of the road for you Ms. Valentine, is there something you would like to say before I pull the trigger?" Wesker asked.

"You're going to burn in hell for everything you've done" Jill growled, forcefully smacking the gun out of Wesker's hand and delivered a kick to the jaw, knocking his glasses off his face.

He slowly turned to face everyone with his glowing amber colored eyes, smirking as he said, "I guess this means war".

Leon pushed the door open, rushing over to Jill's side along with Ada and Claire to offer a helping hand against the crazed scientist, whereas Alice went to check on Rain but her body wasn't on the stretcher. Alice turned around, blood-red eyes that held the fires of hell in them stared into her heavenly blue eyes.

"Rain..." Alice whispered sadly, reaching out to touch the soldiers face. The commando smacked Alice's hand away, then pushed her down with deadly force.

"Rain listen to me, this isn't you!" Alice shouted, moving out of the way before Rain's foot collided with her stomach.

Alice looked at the floor, it was cracked from the force Rain put in. The mutated soldier grabbed the blonde by her neck, lifting her with incredible strength. Rain's blood red eyes drilled into Alice's bright blue ones as the blonde struggled in her lovers grip.

"Rain...please...stop" Alice gasped for air, trying to pry Rain's hand away from her neck, but Rain's grip tightened even more from that.

Alice started to lose her air fast but Rain's grip around her neck loosened due to something hitting her back which caused the commando to immediately drop her. Alice let out a violent gasp of air, her eyes darting towards bullets that fell behind Rain, those caused her to stumble back into the stretcher. Alice's blue eyes darted everywhere around the room, finally landing on the form of the one and only Chris Redfield.

"Chris!" Alice yelled hoarsely.

Rain slowly got back up, moving her neck around as if she was trying to work out a kink. Alice noticed a couple of bullets slowly start to extract from Rain's body, then fall to the ground with a few drops of blood.

She slowly got back to her feet to, walking backwards in fear then Chris noticed Rain lifting the stretcher.

"Alice get out of there!" Chris yelled, Leon quickly turning his head towards his friend.

He ran full speed at the blonde, wrapping his arms around her as he dived to the ground, avoiding the stretcher from crushing them.

"Are you okay?!" Leon asked.

"Yeah I'm fine but we need to move, like now!" Alice replied, trying to get away from Rain, but Leon was grabbed by her.

"Dammit! Leon!" Alice shouted, grabbing Leon's arm.

Chris charged towards them, wrapping his arm around Rain's neck so his friend could slip out of her grasp. Leon helped Chris hold the commando down, both of them struggling to keep her steady. Meanwhile, Claire, Jill, and Ada were using hand to hand combat against Wesker, which wasn't very effective at first but then Ada noticed a sharp piece of metal sticking out from the cell. She started fighting again only this time, she was pushing Wesker towards the cell. Once he was directly in front of the sharp object, Ada pushed him back with a hard round-house kick, the metal piercing Wesker through his chest.

"Although your invitation of working with you again was quite tempting, you forgot one thing about me, I hate playing other peoples games" Ada said, hooking Wesker in the jaw.

"Rain snap out of it, you're hurting everyone!" Chris yelled, taking out his knife. Rain slammed both men into the ground, Chris dropping his knife in the process.

Alice picked up the weapon, tightening her fist around the handle. She waited until Rain turned towards her and got close enough before plunging the blade deep into her chest. The commando let out a grunt in pain, Alice becoming hysterical. She shoved the knife deeper into Rain's chest, punching her shoulder in sadness and anger.

"Rain...I'm so sorry Rain" Alice whispered, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Once Alice removed the blade, she watched Rain slowly go to her knees, hearing her whisper something before she hit the ground.

"Te quiero con todo mi corazon..." Rain said, fully collapsing onto the ground.

Those words broke the blondes heart, causing her to fall next to Rain's body. The image of Rain's lifeless body lying on the ground, and the sobs of her lover finally broke Chris inside, hot tears started burning his eyes, becoming cold as they fell down his face. Claire hugged her brother, Chris keeping his eyes on the couple in shock.

"I never got to tell Rain I'm sorry...I never told her I'm sorry" Chris sobbed, a voice on the intercom ruining the moment.

"Self destruct sequence has been activated, all employees must exit the building immediately"

"What did you do?!" Chris yelled towards Wesker.

"I activated the self destruct sequence, if I'm going to hell, so are all of you" Wesker laughed.

"We need to get out of here, are you both really hurt?" Jill asked the guys.

"I just have a dislocated arm" Leon said.

"And I think I have a couple fractured ribs, it hurts to breathe" Chris struggled to say.

"I'll help Chris, lets get going" Claire said.

Leon popped his arm back into place before going to Alice's side.

"We need to leave"

"No, I'm not leaving her...I'd rather die right here, just to be with her again" Alice replied sadly.

"Alice she's gone, we don't have any other choice, Rain would want you to leave. Please, if you won't do this for yourself, do it for us...do it for your baby" Leon pleaded.

"I'm sorry Leon, but I want to die with her, so we can be a family in another life" Alice whispered.

Leon felt the building shake, causing him to quickly go to his feet. "Forgive me Alice, but I have to do this" Leon said, picking up the blonde into his arms, moving away from the commando's body.

"No! Put me down! I can't leave her here!" Alice shouted struggling in Leon's arms.

Before Claire left the lab, she turned around, noticing her brother still standing in the same spot.

"Chris what are you doing? Lets go!"

"I need to grab the samples for evidence, go on without me!"

"I'm not going to lose you again!"

"Just trust me I'll be okay, go!" Chris yelled back, his sister doing a double-take before running after her friends.

Chris walked over to the table, grabbing the samples and put them into a holster, moving out of the lab as fast as he could.

Once Chris was in the hall, he started making his way towards a door that looked like it lead to the lower levels of the building, but was knocked onto his back from an explosion. The ceiling came down in front of the door, making it inaccessible.

"Dammit...I'm sorry Claire, I let you down" Chris said to himself.

There was a couple of windows that wasn't very high up and he would've survived if he jumped, but Chris couldn't move a muscle. As soon as Chris thought this was the end, he felt a hand grab his arm. He slowly looked towards the person, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Rain" Chris said lowly, the commando wrapping his arm around her neck and pulled his body onto her back.

"Ten seconds until self destruct, Ten, Nine, Eight..."

Rain looked around, her eyes darting towards the window.

"Seven, Six, Five, Four..."

She tightened her grip on Chris' arm as she started running towards the window. Chris clenched his eyes shut, Rain breaking through the glass.

"Three, Two, One..." it counted down, then the building exploded, causing Rain to lose her balance from the force of the explosion.

Alice closed her eyes, trapping the tears within them.

"Goodbye Rain" Alice whispered to herself.

"...Where's Chris?" Claire asked aloud.

Leon placed his hand onto her shoulder, shaking his head.

"He risked his life to save mine..." Claire said, releasing her tears.

Rain gathered herself from the ground, putting her hand over the wound on her chest. She put Chris over her back once again, slowly making her way towards the front of the building. Ada noticed Alice staring off into the flames of the building, not even moving a muscle. She placed a hand on the blonde, trying to snap her out of her phase.

"I'm so sorry Alice, I really am" Ada said.

"Thank you, but it's not going to bring Rain back" Alice replied.

"Who's that in the distance?" Jill said, making everyone look towards the direction she was pointing in.

The apparition came closer, everyone's eyes widening.

"Oh my god...it's Rain, and she's got Chris" Jill said in shock.

Rain began to sway side to side, Chris sliding off her back as she eventually lost her balance. Chris caught Rain before she hit the ground, the rest of the survivors running towards their two friends.

"Rain! Answer me please" Alice said frantically.

"I'm dying..." Rain replied weakly.

"No you're not going to die, I won't let you" Alice said, taking out a needle and the syringe that held her blood.

She put the needle in Rain's neck, inserting her blood into the commando.

"Come on Rain, don't go" Alice said to herself, waiting for Rain to move again.

A few minuets went by, Rain still not moving.

"I think it may be too late Alice, it doesn't look like she's coming back" Claire said.

"No, she can't die...she can't" Alice sobbed, resting her hand on Rain's cheek.

At that moment, the wound on Rain's chest healed itself, the commando taking a sharp inhale, then released it deeply.

Chris slowly brought Rain to her knees, giving her a tight hug.

"I'm sorry Rain, for everything I said"

"You don't have to apologize, I've held in all of that anger for so long, I forgot what it was like to even have other emotions, so I thank you" Rain replied.

"You saved me and without your help I'd still be in that building, I'm the one who should be thanking you" Chris said.

Alice clutched onto Rain, the commando resting her head on the blonde's shoulder.

"I thought I lost you" Alice cried.

"I promised you that we'd all leave this nightmare together even if it would take the very last breath from my body, I wasn't about to break that promise" Rain replied lowly.

Claire wrapped her arms around the two women, Chris wrapping both his arms around his younger sibling, everyone else doing the same until they were all embracing one another. Leon heard what sounded like a helicopter coming towards them along with a voice on a microphone.

"Bring us down, there's more survivors!"



"Will we be okay now?" Alice asked, Rain placing her hand onto the blue eyed woman's stomach.

"We will Alice, we will" Rain replied with a smile.

Well ladies and gentlemen, Will we be okay is now over, boy was I crying when I wrote this and I wonder if you all did as well. I want to thank all of you who stuck with me during the really long wait, I couldn't have done it without you guys. Stay tuned for the Sequel My Angel, we're following Rain and Alice after everything that happened. Again thank you all for sticking by me. Love you ;)