540 words

For Camp Potter (Campfire Songs, lyric below)

"I tell myself that you're no good for me.

I wish you well, but desire never leaves."

-Halestorm, "Familiar Taste of Poison"

You shouldn't feel this way about him. You've known it from the start, but you were foolish enough to think that you wouldn't fall this hard. Now, you want to laugh at your own idiocy.

How could you not get addicted to Regulus Black? He's everything that your father warned you about and so much more. But you can't want him anymore. You can't follow him down this path. You've come too far already, and getting out is going to destroy you.

It has to be done. There's no way around it.

"So, that's it?" he asks, taking a drag from his cigarette. "You're walking away?"

You swallow dryly. Why does he have to make such a filthy habit look so sexy? It makes it even harder for you to leave.

He's no good for you. You have a bright future ahead of you. Even your father, as hard to please as he is, has told you that you can go far at the Ministry. Maybe you could even become Minister one day.

"I'm sorry," you say, and the words sound choked. You're afraid that your lungs will stop working. "I hope you understand."

Regulus laughs. He snuffs his cigarette, leaving the smoking filter in the ashtray. "Not exactly easy to understand, is it? You want me. I can still see it in your eyes."

You swallow dryly. Perhaps a letter would have been easier. You should have known that saying goodbye in person like this would shatter you.

Tears sting your eyes. You wipe them away quickly with a trembling hand. "Have a nice life, Reg," you whisper before turning away.

Your feet seem to be stuck. For several moments, you find it impossible to move. When you finally can, you run, the tears falling freely.

Three nights later, you lay awake, wide, sleepless eyes fixed upon the ceiling. It's impossible to sleep now. Your bed feels so empty, so wrong without him on the other side.

Your fingers trail over the pillow. His pillow. It still smells like him, and that scent twists your stomach into knots.

You're a fool. You want him. Maybe you even love him.

No, there's no maybe to it. You do love him. You weren't supposed to, but there's no denying it anymore. The feelings aren't going to leave.

You climb out of bed, pulling a jacket on and heading out the door.

Regulus doesn't seem surprised to find you at his door. You aren't sure if that's relieving or annoying, really.

"You came back," he says.

"I can't fight what I feel for you," you whisper. "I don't want to anymore."

You expect him to laugh at you, to send you away. Instead, he grabs your waist firmly, his grip almost bruising, and pulls you close, pressing a rough kiss to your lips. "I knew you couldn't stay away," he murmurs against your lips. "I knew you'd come back to me."

Maybe you shouldn't have. Maybe you should have severed the ties and never looked back.

But all reason blurs whenever you're with him. You're done fighting this. It's an endless battle, one that you don't even want to win. You surrender and let him carry you to bed.