"But Rose can't we go to christadna-ayiko-degranado they have the best Christmas trees in the whole universe! They are always the perfect shape and the needles aren't sharp! Or how about Eragari their trees come in all different colors!" The Doctor had been at it all morning and to say the least Rose was annoyed.

"Doctor we are doing this the earth way, no TARDIS, no sonic screwdriver, no nothing. We are going to go get a Christmas tree like I did when I was a little girl, then we are going to bring it back and decorate it." The glare The Doctor was getting was enough to shut him up. He wasn't afraid of Daleks, Cybermen, or Weeping Angles, okay maybe a little bit, but Rose's glares were enough to leave him cowering.

"I really can't see Jackie walking around a field with little Rose and cutting down a tree. She'd be too worried about breaking a nail or messing her hair up." The Doctor complained

"Well… we never really did cut a tree down we would just buy one off a lot." Rose admitted "Oh don't get all pouty on me Mr. this is going to be fun"

"Right fun"


"Can we just pick one already!" Rose asked exasperated. The Doctor found something wrong with every single tree they passed.

"No Rose we can't, our tree has to be perfect! We can't just get a more or less perfect tree!" Rose sighed at least he wasn't complaining about coming anymore, but seriously they had been here for two hours already. She just shuddered at the thought of what would have happened if she gave in to going to that planet with the colored trees. Then not only would they have size and shape to worry about, but they would have to choose the perfect color too.

Rose, having not been looking where she was going, suddenly found herself walking straight into a tree.

"Rose! Rose are you okay!?" The Doctor ran up to her to help her up.

"Yeah Doctor I'm fine just got the wind knocked out of me" suddenly The Doctor pulled her into a hug. She hadn't realized how cold she was until she was enjoying the warmth of him holding her. "Really Doctor I'm fine I just.." the rest of her words were muffled since he pulled her closer to him.

"Shh I'm using it as an excuse to hold you in my arms, don't ruin it"

"Doctor" Rose said pulling back enough to be able to talk enough "you don't need an excuse, but we really do need to find a tree."

"The tree can wait, I need to make sure you're okay first" The Doctor said with a grin on his face.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Rose asked an identical grin creeping its way onto her face.

"Oh you know like this" The Doctor said grinning evilly before leaning in and capturing her lips on his.

You know what, Rose thought, maybe the tree could wait.


What could have been a couple minutes or a couple hours later Rose pulled away.

"Aww Rose but" Rose cut him up with a glare.

"Tree now" Rose said.

"Well what about this one?" The Doctor asked pointing to the tree directly behind Rose.

Rose turned to study the tree "Isn't this the one I ran into?" She asked skeptically.

"Well yes… but it's perfect"

Rose looked the tree over again and noticed he was right. It was a dark green, about seven feet tall, and had the perfect Christmas tree shape.

"You're right it is perfect" Rose said smiling.

The Doctor stood next to Rose with an arm around her shoulder. "The perfect tree for our perfect family" he said placing his other hand on Rose's swollen belly.

For once in her life, everything truly was perfect.