History's Ashes and Future's Flame

You cannot imagine how excited I am to start this! After all your lovely comments on 'Wild World' I decided to start this! So this is a crossover between my favourites: Merlin and The Lord of the Rings! After reading a story about Merlin being part of the fellowship, this story sparked in my head. And well here it is! I hope you enjoy.

I will try to upload descent sized chapters as often as possible to avoid those irritating wait!

This was written: 24th Dec 2013 (OMG Christmas tomorrow!)

By the way the poem at the beginning of the chapters is called 'Finding Home' by 'Tim David Cook'

Chapter 1

Rose in Thorns

Right as the sun was rising
Out across the bay
A plan he was devising
Oh how to get away

30 years previously

'Ada, my lord, we have searched past the boarders of Mirkwood in to the lands of the mountains and even to Rivendell and to Bree, we still have no traces of either the Knights of Camelot or Lord Amerlas," Prince Legolas of Mirkwood took a deep breath and looked up from where he was knelt on the ground tears brimming his eyes as he spoke, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let him out of my view…"

Thranduil Elven King of Mirkwood, tucked his face behind his snow white hands and sighed disparagingly. He cursed his impudence, he had sent his young ward out with Legolas alone, 'what had possessed him to do such a thing!'

Looking out across the winding emerald glow of the root structures of the hall of Mirkwood, Thranduil placed him hands over his grieving son and help him to his feet, cradling his young head to his own.

"He was a credit to his father. He will never be forgotten my son, as a friend and a warrior." Thranduil announced solemnly. The image of the young elf appeared in his mind, raven-black hair like a waterfall tumbling down over his shoulders and vibrant blue eyes glinting with the earthy glow of a life in Mirkwood, he was the splitting image of his father…

Uthur Prince of Camelot rose from his bowed position in front of his father. "He was found, amongst the orcs, Sire. He was alive, just."

"An elf you say." The King rose from his throne and ambled round its back staring out across the great hall. "Yes, my lord, he can't be no more than an boy, very young to be fighting."

He made his judgement and turned to his corn-haired son, "You made the right choice to bring him to us, but we have no clue of who he is?"

"No sire, he is a strange elf, black hair, like the night, he obviously knows very little of our own language, but yet he seems not to remember much of his family, Gaius said that was due to a head wound, he may still have time to remember."

"Good, when he awakes I wish to see the boy."

"Of course my lord." The King racked his brains, 'There had only been one black haired elf he'd known, but he was long dead this boy was a mystery'…

30 years on

A black haired elf sat in his chambers watching the sun rise, he was silent staring in wonderment at the dawning day. It was as if an artist was finished his piece in the sky, blending yellows and blue, oranges and whites to create the morning canvas that was stretched across the might of Camelot.

"Merlin, where are you?" A voice called, Uthur.

"Your majesty!" Merlin called meeting the king at the door of his chambers, "Prince Arthur is looking for you!"

Merlin looked up at the man and gave a smile, Uthur's brain quizzed and whirled, the boy was thirty years older than the day he'd first arrived, yet his own twenty- five year old son looked many years older, than the young elf.

Two horse thundered around the training fields, Prince Arthur jockeyed his horse roughly, his movements heavy but commanding to the heavy built war horse beneath him. Yet ahead of him ran a ghost like horse, white as snow mounted by air, riding light as a feather, but still thundering at speed. The boys aboard were both laughing.

It wasn't long before the ghost and the war horse were cropping the rough grass and the boys were sat about a tree on the edge of the woodland. Merlin clambered up the tree with nimble feet, whilst Arthur slumped at its roots catching his breath.

"You ride so quietly Merlin, how do you do it?" Arthur enquired in bewilderment.

"It's an elf thing!" Merlin replied from the treetops.

"With you everything is an elf thing!" Arthur joked.

"Well… It is!" Merlin added landing with little less than a small thud beside Arthur who flinched. "Don't you ever whish you could go… home!" Arthur blurted out.

"Well, this is my home, you, Uthur you're my family!"

"But, we're not though, you must have a family out there somewhere!" Arthur stated.

"I guess, so, but I can't really remember, there was a blond elf I think I knew, he was older than me, but I've never really thought about it."

"How do you remember your childhood so well… Merlin, awkward question, how old are you?" Arthur asked awkwardly.

"46, I think, give or take a few years!" Merlin muttered. Arthur looked at him seriously, brows knitted in confusion.

"An elf thing!" The both chanted together before laughing. Their laugher soon faded and they sat as the air stilled around them.

"But yes, I would like to get out of here, see other elves, the closest I've seen then is in the courtyard from my window."

"Then why don't we make a hasty exit, go for an adventure go to Rivendell or Mirkwood, maybe even Lothlorien!" Arthur fantasised.

"Now that's a thought." Merlin sighed.

The boys rode back with little hast than they arrived. It had been agreed. Arthur would speak to Uthur and Merlin would wait in the woods, so even if Uthur said no, both Arthur and Merlin could slip away during the night.

Merlin knew he was different, but he never wanted to speak to Arthur about it, other Elves he'd seen even from afar fought with swift silence and each skin glowed with health. Merlin knew he wasn't exactly the quietest fighter, but he was quick and as for his glow, he barely noticed it as day went by, it seemed to fade in to the dull light of Camelot. But the plan was set and Merlin couldn't go back on his word now.

End of Chapter

Thanks for reading, I won't update again until after Christmas, obviously, but I might be able to get up one or more chapters before the new year, but unfortunately no promises. Please let me know what you think. Do you like the length, the style? Do you understand? Hopefully Yes! But constructive criticism is always good! Feel free to ask any questions, just mail me or add it to a review.

Merry Christmas!

IrethOfMirkwood (Oh, btw my name is my real name in LotR Elvish!)
