Author's Note: Rated M for suggestive themes, language, alcohol, and future chapters.
I do not own The Hobbit or its characters, only my original character.
This story is going to be Movie-verse, Book-verse and Me-verse, meaning I'll add whatever I want to add to it.
Please rate/review. I would love to know your opinions.
Thank you darlings. Enjoy.

I squatted next to the patch of yellow flowers, running my fingers over them.

"Finally." I breathed. These little flowers aren't usually scarce in the forest, but as of late, it has been unusually hard to find them. I dug my dagger into the ground and cut deep, around the patch of flowers, lifting the patch, roots and all. Before putting them in the bag with the other plants I had collected, I made sure I had most of the roots. They are what Radagast needed the most. I sheathed my dagger, standing up and started to make my way back towards the house I shared with Radagast. I was not too far off. The house barely came into view when I heard rustling behind me. I whipped around quickly with my hand on the hilt of one of my daggers. I did not bring my sword or bow when I was merely searching for herbs. Radagast was rushing towards me, something cradled in his arms.

"Niya!" He breathed in a panic. He did not stop to explain his unusual manner, but left me standing where I was, confused. He craned his neck to look for me. "Inside! Hurry!" He called to me. He opened the door, and this time without looking to his friend, "Hurry!" He yelled frantically. The urgency in his voice forced my feet forward at a running speed. I could hear movement in the forest all around, but I could not spy anything out before I ran into the house and shut the door. Radagast was looking for something, rummaging through his bottles. I stood near the door confused.

"What is happening?" I asked cautiously, not understanding his frenzied urgent manner at all. He did not answer me. I heard loud thumping outside, many footsteps. I rushed to my room, securing my sheathed sword to my belt, and throwing my quiver and my bow over my body to lay top my coat and cloak. The house started to shake and I thought it to be the Earth, but shadows were cast throughout the house and my attention was brought to the windows. Spiders. My breath hitched and my stomach dropped. What are they doing here?

"Radagast what is going on!" I whispered hastily. I looked to him and gasped, my hand covering my mouth. "Sebastian!" I sighed sadly. I rushed to Radagast, kneeling in front of him as he chanted and touched the stone from his staff to the little dead hedgehog's mouth. My gaze flicked to Radagast. Was he so oblivious to the spiders trying to break into the house? I huffed and stood, unsheathing my sword, ready to cut down any spider that broke into the house. "Radagast." I said in a warning tone.

Before anything could happen, a cough broke through the ruckus and everything became quiet. The spiders had frozen their movements. My attention was grabbed by the sputtering hedgehog that lay in Radagast's arms behind me.

"Oh." Radagast looked on at Sebastian lovingly. I lowered my sword but quickly jumped into a defensive stance when the spiders started moving about again. This time they were moving down and off the house and soon the house stopped shaking and their stomping became faint to my ears. I huffed and sheathed my sword looking demandingly at Radagast.

"Radagast what is going on!" I demanded his attention. He put Sebastion on a table and looked to me.

"We shall find out!" He finally piped up. Not the answer I was looking for. He hurried to the door, grasping his staff as he went outside. I followed him, annoyed that I had no clue as to what was happening.

"I -" I started but was cut short.

"I found webs Niya." Radagast said in a troubling tone. He stood by his sled looking out into the forest. My eyes trailed to where his lay and I shivered. A band of large spiders was running in the opposite direction of the house. "All over the forest. The animals. The plants. They are dying." He turned and looked at me worriedly. "There is a darkness." He stepped onto his sled, motioning me to hurry and come along. I sighed, the dislike I held for traveling on his one-man sled was severely understated. I crouched on the front portion of the sled, Radagast right behind me, and grasped the branches on the sides tightly as to not be thrown off.

We sped into the forest following the trail of the spiders at a safe distance. They led us to the abandoned fortress of Dol Guldur.

"I thought the fortress was abandoned!" I spoke loudly over the wind as we weaved through the forest still. I looked up over my shoulder at Radagast. He looked down at me, saying nothing but worry etched into his brow nonetheless agreeing with me. We came to a stop and I stood to stretch my legs and back.

"Stay here." Radagast said lowly to me as he gripped his staff and looked on at the fortress.

"No I can't-" I argued but Radagast shook his head.

"Niya stay here." He commanded, his eyes never leaving the fortress. He was so serious. He never really was serious and when he was I took him very seriously. I didn't want him to go alone, but he was a very capable wizard. The place was abandoned anyway…unless the spiders inhabit it. I watched Radagast's figure warily as he lightly stepped about into the fortress. I unsheathed my sword but kept a relaxed stance, watching the bunnies carefully. If there were any danger they would sense it before I did. After some time I sat down on the sled with my sword sheathed. Radagast made no sign of return and the bunnies seemed relaxed.

I was fully relaxed at this point, succumbing to boredom even, that the thought of Radagast being an awful long while crept into my mind. I looked on at the towering fortress, willing it to let my old friend go free of harm. I made to stand up when I noticed the bunnies' ears prick. Something spooked them. Radagast burst through the bushes all of a sudden and the bunnies took off without him. Out of shock I quickly held tightly to the sides of the sled and when I composed myself I glanced back to see Radagast hop onto the back of the sled.

"What did you find!" I yelled over the wind and crunching of the leaves and ground beneath us.

"We must find Gandalf the Gray!" He yelled back to me. He said nothing of what he found. Not even when we rested for the night. He would go off by himself into the forest telling me he needs to ponder on what he experienced before he can tell me. I ate what I could find, berries and other various plants. I kindly declined Radagast's offer of mushrooms, he ate any and all mushrooms he found. I only ate the ones I knew for sure to be actually for food consumption. I found some mint leaves and pocketed them. Chewing on something, anything was a bad habit for myself, but if I can chew on anything but my lips and make them bleed, I 'd chew on it. Mint leaves were a great alternative. We traveled for two days and two nights. Mid-day on the third day, we finally caught up to Gandalf, but he wasn't alone.