Chapter 1

Hello! Welcome to Little Girl With Speed!

This story will be undergoing an overhaul, please be patient as I work through the old chapters and clean them up. Please review!


"Better luck next time!" Flash waved at Captain Boomerang after a long battle in Central City. The villain glanced back with a disgusted curl in his lip. He allowed himself to be dragged roughly away by Central City's finest.

Flash turned his back and closed his eyes, allowing a slow exhale of breath before giving himself a mental once-over. From the ache in his ribs he guessed that he may have bruised one or two when he was unceremoniously thrown into a building. Stretching, he figured the pain would pass in a day or two and began heading toward the nearest zeta tube.

He steeled himself for a tedious hour of paperwork and filing the day's events. Before he could reach the end of the block, he froze. Something felt off. Suddenly, he notied the officers behind him talking agitatedly into their communicators and looking around warily. He took a step towards them to find out what was amiss when a small blur streaked past him, only a few feet to his right.

Flash was momentarily shocked, there were no other speedsters nearby and he certainly would have been warned if the league was aware of anything. With a feeling a trepidation, he pushed off hard from where he was standing and gave chase.

The girl felt tears literally fly off of her face as she ran, fear enhancing every sensation as the ground under her feet changed from gravel to sand to concrete. Her legs were pumping of their own accord and the wind pulled the girl's hair in every which way.

She closed her eyes and thought, 'Cool it. It's okay.'

When her eyes opened to the world again, she had to swerve and narrowly missed a tall brick building.

She glanced up and quickly read:

Welcome to Central City. Home of the Flash!

'The Flash!' she thought with hope, 'He can run really fast too, right?' A bubble of anxiety rose up in her belly, these powers came to her suddenly and she felt overwhelmed by the utter lack of control.

She raced past buildings and mothers and children. She practically flew past trees and alleyways. In the distance, she could hear the low sounds of cars and the grumble of armoured vehicles. Soon, she could make out the reflections of blue and red, splashing against the tall, metallic buildings.

Not far off, she spotted the red-clad figure she was hoping to find. It was all she could do to veer towards the hero, and cry, "Help me."

A moment later she felt him behind her in pursuit.

Edited 6/19/19