Hello everyone! Just a quick note from me. This story may contain slash! :) The next 5 chapters have been written, I am in the process of typing the up at the moment. out!

Chapter 1

Kaname was walking towards the moon dormitory. The pureblood was tired. It was three o'clock in the afternoon which was incredibly late even for the head of the moon dorm. It was two weeks since Zero had first bitten him. Since then they had both realised they felt something more for each other. Kaname knew that his class mates would not mind, they would only be surprised it was Zero. Adio was the first to find out Kaname was letting Zero drink his blood.


Kaname could feel the bloody rose gun pressing into the side of his head. Zero was glaring at him; his eyes red with the thirst they both knew was consuming him. Kaname said nothing, merely relaxing against the tiled wall in Zeros bathroom. He could feel blood slipping down the back of his neck. He had hit his head on the broken floor. Zero stiffened, he could smell the blood.

In a flash Zero was on him, snarling, gripping his shoulder with one hand, the gun now pressed against Kaname's chest. Kaname kept still. Zero, although not a large threat, did have a weapon that could badly injure him. Kaname decided to let Zero take the lead. He lent his head back, trying not to wince as his injury pressed against the wall. Zero was breathing heavily. Although Kaname couldn't see Zeros face he knew the level D vampire was staring at his neck. He could feel Zeros breath on his chest. He knew this was Zero's first time drinking actual blood, this would hurt. Same for him, he had never allowed anyone to drink his blood either. He arched his neck away from Zero, trying to give him better access.

Zero was seeing red; he was angry, thirsty, hating Kaname for making him do this. But… he was glad, in some small way that Kaname was helping him. He breathed in Kaname's scent; he smelt like pine needles and clean laundry. Abruptly the red welled up and all Zero knew was that his thirst was being quenched.

Chapter 2

Kaname jerked as he felt Zero drive his fangs into his neck. The blond had no experience; he didn't know how to make it easier for those he fed on. Pain racked his body, Zero was gripping the other side of his neck, he squeezed, and then Kaname couldn't breathe.

Kaname could feel the blood leaving his body. Zero pulled back slightly before re-biting Kaname, the brunette vampire groaned in pain, the blood loss combined with lack of oxygen meant he was loosing consciousness. His vision turned black at the edges and he slumped fully against the wall. Zero was now totally in control and this scared Kaname. He couldn't push Zero off him now. He was too weak. Then a scent hit Kaname; there was another vampire in Zero's rooms.