A.N.: Hello everyone sorry for the late posting, life has been crazy hectic and filled with personal problems and schooling to better myself. I hope to keep updating but here's a short start to the story... Positive feedback would be great, if you're here to bash my story then look elsewhere because I won't respond. If anyone has questions you can send me a PM anytime.

Twilight Fan Fiction

The Prophecy

Chapter 4: Realization

Bella had been pacing a hole in the floor in the study. She didn't know what to make of her emotions.

Barbara had always been a good friend to her. Someone who listened to her needs and her wants.

As Bella paced the floor she stuffed her hands into her pockets and took in an unnecessary breath as her mates knocked on the door.

Tanya came in first closely followed by Kate and Irina.

Both stood there and stared at them intensely. "Now what?"

"You go after her and you make yourself happy. Especially if she's the one who can fill you right now. Because I can't imagine life without you." Irina said as she struggled with every word.

Bella could see the struggle within each of their eyes and fully understood she needed to be there for her mates. So she took a breath and understood that she had no other choice but to feed on the one who belonged to her father. How was she supposed to do this though? She obviously had feelings toward Barbara.

"I don't know, I just need some time to think about this." Bella kissed them all sweetly and kissed their stomachs tenderly. "I'm going to go for a walk. I will be back."

Kate smiled, "ok, just make sure you come back soon. Remember, Carlisle is going to check our babies soon."

Bella smiled and kissed her once more before flitting out of the house and running through the woods.

Kate, Irina and Tanya all smiled at one another and flitted to the living room to discuss more baby items that needed to be purchased and future wedding plans for Charlie.

As Bella ran through the forest she took a deep breath and picked up a familiar scent. As it grew stronger Barbara came into view and Bella stopped a few yards away from her.

Barbara was sitting on a boulder looking out to the sky thinking about the emotions running through her. She hadn't felt anything toward Bella when she was human so what was this feeling that was so intense now.

Barbara heard a twig snap behind her and just as she turned to look over her shoulder she came to face to face with the woman clouding her thoughts.

"Hi." Bella said as she took a deep breath.

"Hello, Bella. Are you alright? Did Charlie send you?" Barbara asked as she stood from her place on the boulder and moved to stand a few feet from Bella.

"No, I was just coming out to clear my head."

"Can I help you with what's troubling you?" Barbara knew that her own thoughts were wildly based on Bella but decided to put them aside if Bella needed her help.

She understood that Bella had been through a lot and the pressure of the Volturi was only making things worse.

"Actually, I was thinking about earlier and I just wanted to say-"

"I love your father Bella. I truly and deeply do." Barbara burst out.

Bella flinched from the outburst and took a step back.

Barbara hadn't meant to sound so hurtful but it just came out that way. "Bella, I-"

"No, I understand. I have to go."

Before Barbara could stop her Bella was gone. She ran after her and tried to keep up but Bella was incredibly fast and was long gone.

Taking a deep breath she simply began to make her way home to Charlie.

Within minutes, she was back home. Opening the cabin door she saw the girls sitting in front of the fire looking through baby catalogs.

As their eyes met hers Barbara flitted up the stairs and into the guest room she was staying in with Charlie.

Charlie stood up quickly as he saw Barbara burst into their room. "What's wrong? Are you alright?"

Barbara ran into his arms and held him to her body. She began to sob and feel guilt for the emotions she was feeling.

"Barbara, you're beginning to scare me." Charlie spoke softly to her as he held her tightly.

Turning her head to his she kissed him sweetly and spoke just below a whisper, "I love you, so much."

"I love you too, sweetheart." Charlie sighed as he sat them together on the bed. As he pulled away slightly but still kept her in his arms he lifted her chin and kissed her sweetly once more. "Darling, what's wrong?"

Barbara sat close to him and let it all go. She told him about what happened with Bella and how she felt afterwards. She told him that she as sorry and that she didn't understand her feelings but she knew with all her heart that she loved him eternally.

Charlie sighed and pulled her into his lap, "I love you, with all that I am. I know that you are confused but it will be alright. As soon as Bella gets back we will talk this through."

"Charlie... I may have yelled at Bella while I was talking some air in the woods."

Charlie sighed and kissed Barbara on the top of her head. "Well then, I guess we have a lot to discuss then don't we."


Bella was walking slowly back to the cabin. She had stopped along the way to look up at the night sky. She had been gone for several hours and knew her mates would be worried.

The cabin came into view and Bella saw Tanya run out and meet her in the driveway.

"Where have you been? We have been trying to call you. You missed the appointment with Carlisle." Tanya spoke worriedly as Kate pushed past Bella and into her car.

Kate sped off down the road and left her standing there. Tanya's voice invaded her thoughts. "She's very angry with you. She thought you would be here to see the babies."

"I'm sorry, I just lost track of the time and-"

"Bella, I understand." Tanya touched her cheek gently as she kissed her lips sweetly. "You better get inside. Irina has been going crazy without you here and she has been crying for an hour."

Bella sighed and ran in the house. As she ran up the stairs she stopped in front of their bedroom door as she heard Irina's sobs.

Bella took a deep breath and turned the knob slowly and entered the room.

Irina was sat on the bed with tissues in her hand. As she heard the door open she looked up and saw Bella making her cry even more.

Bella flitted to her and held her close.

Irina nuzzled her face into her neck and wrapped her arms around Bella's neck.

As Bella held her she whispered into her ear, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I wasn't here."

"Y-you m-missed it-t! How c-could you d-do that?!" Irina pulled away suddenly. She had been so worried that something might have happened. With everything that was going on around them she didn't know what to think. Irina stood from the bed and moved to stand by the window looking out at the forest that surrounded them.

Bella flitted behind her and wrapped her hands around her waist. She bent down and kissed behind Irina's ear and sighed. "I'm sorry, my love. I truly am. I was just lost in thought and I know that's no excuse but I will never fail you like that again."

Irina sniffed and wiped her face with the tissue. Turning in Bella's arms she looked into her eyes, "you had better be right."

Irina pushed away and flitted back downstairs.

Bella stood where Irina had just been and inhaled deeply she could still smell her sweet scent. She knew had failed her, she had failed them all. Not only was she not here for them when they needed her but she had been kept away by constant thoughts of someone else, Barbara.

As the thoughts swarmed her mind a knock came at the door. "Come in."

Charlie walked into the room and closed the door. "Hey Bells."

Bella looked up at her father as he entered. "Hey, Dad. What's going on?"

"I could ask you the same thing. You have been really distracted today."

"Dad, I just-" Suddenly there was a crash in the kitchen that got everyone in the house's attention.

As Bella ran from the room, Charlie was on her heels. Once they reached the kitchen Bella saw her worst nightmare unfolding.

"Hello, Bella." Aro said menacingly as he held Irina tightly to his chest with a hand firmly around her neck.

Bella saw the glass on the floor and realized that Irina must have dropped one of glass plates that Charlie and Barbara wanted to have in the wedding.

"Let. My. Mate. Go. Now!" Bella growled as she saw the cracking of Irina's neck.

Aro chuckled and continued to hold Irina's neck firmly. He clicked his tongue at Bella. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Now Bella is that any way to treat a guest to your loving home."

"You are no guest here, Aro and you know that!" Eleazar spoke up as he moved in front of Bella trying to ease her stress. "Now, if you would kindly release Irina, she has done nothing wrong."

Aro let her go and pushed her toward Bella. Bella quickly pulled her to her and examined her neck closely.

"Hello, old friend. How are you?"

"You and I both know how I feel about you visiting my family and myself. Now, if you would please leave my home until we organize a proper meeting."

"Very well, Eleazar. Very well." He turned to leave and stopped to look back at Bella, "I hope to see you soon, Bella. Very soon."

Bella and Eleazar exchanged looks and she nodded her head in Jasper's direction. "We need to get back on top of training! Now!"

Jasper nodded, "Alice! Emmett! Outside, now! We have some work to do!" He smirked and led them out to the yard. Before he shut the door he looked at Bella with compassion. "You may join us when you have gotten Irina settled. The last thing needed is your mind to be distracted from the training at hand."

Bella pulled Irina closer to her and saw that her neck was fine but that didn't quite the rage growing inside of her. She knew that something had to be done but now that she was faced with the Volturi her body began to shake in anger, anticipation and most of all fear. Not fear of the Volturi but fear of what could happen to her mates if she didn't do what was necessary and feed from Barbara.