- One year later -

"The number you dialed is unattended. The number you dialed is una-"

Enjolras swipes the disconnect button on his phone, sighing. Eponine must be busy. After all, it's afternoon in Paris and that means attending pastry school for her. It's just too bad that they keep missing each other and have ended up playing phone tag in the past few days.

He shakes his head and focuses on the present. He and his fellow degree candidates of the Harvard Law School Class of 2018 are marching towards the Tercentenary Theatre, where the University Ceremony is taking place. He wouldn't have made a fuss about attending graduation but his parents flew in from Paris just to celebrate his graduation. How he wishes Eponine is here too. He shoves his phone back in his pocket and smooths down his black gown, only for his phone to start ringing.

He smiles and answers excitedly, "Ep! Hi, are you busy? We're almost at the University Ceremony."

"Hello, lover," a voice decidedly not his girlfriend's flirts in reply.

He rolls his eyes. "Courfeyrac, no."

"You always ruin my fun, Chief."

"Don't you have work?"

"It's lunch time! Well, it's a late lunch for me at least. And Combeferre is with me."

His other best friend's voice fills his ears, "Hello, Enjolras. Congratulations on your graduation!"

"Thanks, what are you two up to?"

"Oh, we just met for lunch so we could call you up. How's the ceremony so far?" Combeferre asks.

"We're currently on our way to the commencement ceremony, so I've yet to die of boredom from speeches."

"Now you know how we feel when you rant!" Courfeyrac chimes.

"Hey! That's it, I'm hanging up on you two," Enjolras replies, smiling at their teasing.

"Hmp, that's how you treat your best friends now, huh?"

"You're such a drama queen. Anyway, I really do need to go. Ceremony's about to start."

"Don't trip on your way up the stage-!"

Combeferre cuts him off, "Ignore him, you'll be fine. Bye!"

He says his farewells and hangs up just as the student marshall signals for them to begin filling up their assigned seats. He looks around, trying to see if he can spot his parents among the thousands of graduates and guests filling the square. A futile effort, he knows, just like the wistful wish in his heart for Éponine to be here to celebrate this moment with him.

"Oh, If wishes were horses," he mutters under his breath.

He tries to listen to the speeches, he really does, but for the most part he is counting the minutes until this day is over and tomorrow comes. Tomorrow, he leaves Massachusetts for Paris. Tomorrow, he flies back home, back to Éponine.

Éponine. He hasn't seen her since winter break, not including their midnight Skype calls and almost daily chats. He remembers the way she sends memes to make him laugh, little words of encouragement when he feels like he is buried under so much work, and Snapchats of her day that makes him ache for her presence even more.

As great as technology is, nothing beats seeing his girlfriend in person.

(He remembers that too, the last day he had spent in Paris by her side. The less said about their last night together, or the way they had practically made out in the airport for their kiss goodbye, the better.

But it really was a great kiss.)

He daydreams about Éponine throughout the commencement ceremony, and dazedly follows his classmates when they are ushered to their diploma ceremony. He tries to concentrate more as his fellow graduates stand up to receive their hard-earned diploma. He claps when the friends he's made are called, smiles when one of them, the one that reminds him of Courfeyrac, energetically shakes the dean's hand.

Soon, his section is called and they line up to the right side of the stage. He looks back at the guests and sees his parents grinning and waving at him.

"Julien Gabriel Enjolras," one of the law professors call out.

"Whoo!" someone hollers from the back.

He is startled by the scream, but regains his composure and walks up. Is it just his wishful thinking that it sounded like Éponine?

The dean laughs and shakes his hand. "Looks like you have a fan, Mr. Enjolras. Congratulations on your graduation," she says.

"Thank you," he replies. His ears don't stop burning as he walks down and returns to his seat.

The ceremony lasts for another hour. When the last name is called and the dean announces that the diploma ceremony is over, Enjolras immediately approaches his parents.

"Congratulations, son!" his father proudly exclaims as they envelop him into a hug.

"Oh, we are so proud of you, mon chou!" his mother kissed both his cheeks. He grimaces and is about to complain about the nickname when someone starts teasing him.

"Mon chou? That is the most adorable thing I've ever heard him being called, Madam Enjolras."

He freezes at the words. He knows that laughter-filled voice. Enjolras turns and gasps.


He grins at the sight of Éponine, holding a small carton box and smiling proudly at him. He lets go off his parents to approach her, and brushes her fringe away when she meets him halfway. "Oh my goodness, Éponine! What are you doing here?"

"I missed you so much and I really wanted to be here for your graduation. The Amis also wanted to be here but they thought one representative was good enough. They helped with the ticket and everything," she explains as they embrace.

He smiles at that. "I'll make sure to call them later and thank them."

"We have awesome friends. Oh, and before I forget! Congratulations!" Éponine reveals her graduation gift: a red velvet cupcake with a jauntily placed mortarboard on its cream cheese frosting.

Enjolras laughs.