Chapter 2

The Butler is a dog

I woke up to the sun shining into my room with a clear mind and memory. Then suddenly everything came rushing to me.

My mission

My failure

And…..that man.

I sat up in the bed looking down on the white cotton sheets as I felt my hair fall over my shoulders a flash of gold catching my eyes. I rose out the bed walking to the mirror inside the room I was in.

It was a small room with brick walls. The light entered the room from where the bed was against the wall that had a huge window. The bathroom on the left, a bookshelf on the right and the door facing directly before the bed. On the right beside the bathroom was a cabinet while on the left beside the bookshelf was a walk in closet then a dresser with a huge mirror. The room had a ceiling fan and the brick on the wall were covered with a smooth pinkish red paint that made the room have an abstract red. There was a chair on the right of the bed and a table on the left with a lamp on it. Everything in the room was white or cream except the wall. It created a smoothing effect on the entire decoration of the room not to mention the red pillows which synchronized perfectly with the design.

I stared at myself in the mirror and observed the roll of white bandage that was wrapped around my neck. I never removed it instead I made it remain. I walked to the closet opening it to find myself with a closet of cloths.

Five maid uniforms. Two black outfits. Two red suits, one white suit and three sleepwear.

I had nearly eight pair of shoes and a brush and comb and other accessories on my dresser. As I continued inspecting the room I located on the bookshelf various books about how to cook, clean, tidy and serve. They were mainly books about proper housekeeping and how to be a maid.

Now that I think about it. This made an awful lot of sense regarding the fact that that spineless demon had told me I would be working for the Phantomhive household.

What was he…..foolish?

Must have been

Until hell freezes and turns to ice I still would never work for that brat. I walked back to the dresser dressing myself not that I had conformed to the clothing but rather to the idea it would have been best I escaped this place with clothes on my back rather than being naked.

I pushed the door open walking out of the room going down the stairs that I felt would have led me to a back door or something. I never knew where I was going neither did I know where I was but my top priority was escaping.

It was after about an hour I realized I was completely lost and had no idea f where I was. How many times have I mounted stairs, how many times have I descended them. Then came into a hall that showed the outside and finally I realized that I previously scouting the entire basement! Was this place that big? Now that I was above ground I had no intention of loitering around.

Who cared about back doors, or sneaking out?

I broke the damn window stepping out into the open air, running over the lawn and into the nearby woods. I might not have been a good escaper but I was certainly a good runner.

It was as I ran pass the trees and woodland that I realized how what I did was truly stupid.

Recalling on how that demon appeared out of nowhere last night jumping from that building I presume that since he resided in that mansion he would surely see my 'break window accident' and trail me to here jumping out from somewhere

I really should have searched for a door.

I slowed down catching my breath when I rested my hand on a tree.

Trees…don't move…

I looked at my hand and realized my hand was resting on a snake sliming its way up the tree. I was slightly startled and removed my hand off the snake faster than lightening as I stepped back bumping into something. My swift movement caused my hands to be scared by a small protruding twig causing a small crape with the blood to seep out.

I turned around slowly holding my breath usually in moments like this the person would bump into the person hunting them right?

I turned around to face a mahogany tree I couldn't help but smiling. For a second I thought it would have been that butler

"Thought it was me madam"

"Yes how did you know"

"I'm certainly not as hard as a tree"

"That's true no man-"

I froze

I turned and looked at the butler who looked at me and gave me a closed eye smile as I stumbled stepped back.

Ignore all of that.

I ran as fast as I could. I needed to find some sort of defense some sort of gun- wait- I couldn't find a gun here?!

I tripped over this damn gown falling on my front as I rose up only to feel the butler helping me up treating me like a clumsy child

"And where are you going?"

"I don't need to answer you!" I stepped back going in attack mode I would not be overpowered twice.

He looked at me oddly. "You do need to return to the mansion at once we have duties to be completed and errands to be done"

"You certainly aren't speaking to me you foul mouth mongrel" I said upset clenching my fist causing the cut to burn.

He stepped closer grabbing my wrist I tried to get away but was useless in my efforts.

"Without a gun you're as equal as a mere woman…you will not escape my sight, not when you are under my control"

My eyes widened at his words there he goes again with his sexist language.

"I am not your property and you do not own me!"I retorted- that was it- I have had it with his ways and the way he speaks to me.

"Release me at once you and your foul language and actions."

"And if I say no"

"You can't I am not your servant or anything like that"


I paused….the way he said that oh make chills run down my spine. I looked into his eyes and his stare changed. If I hadn't regained composure I was sure I'd be lost into the endless orbs of his red colored eyes. I swallowed and felt his hand go to the hem of my dress suddenly pulling it down.

Wh-what is he doing?!

I looked down to see my dress and blouse ripped apart and my entire bosom visible as my breast sat in the bra and we were both staring down on them.

What both of us stared at most though was the mark on my breast. It was a pentagon and it shone in a blue color. I blushed and looked at him suddenly his eyes were blazing pink and his pupils narrowed into slits

"R-Release me" I said softly the sternness abandoning my voice. Something was pulling me in and it made me feel weak.

He leaned over and licked the mark his tongue slithering over my skin I got even redder than before and felt my knees shake. I pushed him off using my hand to push him away that's when I realize the scar on my hand was healing. It was healing? The cut got smaller almost as if the skin was replenishing itself.

He leaned back up the air blowing over my wet skin causing me to feel cold.

"There we go. Imagine you scar yourself causing it to bleed. Your blood filled the entire area"

"Wh-Why did-"

"Back to the mansion we go~" He said with a smile sweeping me into his arms and began running

I wasn't stupid neither was I dumb and I certainly know how to calucatale distance and time but it certainly took me 15 minutes from the mansion to where we were in the forest yet from where we were back to the mansion it only took him 3 seconds.

We were at the front door and he opened it and I stepped in buttoning the shirt. I heard something crash and I immediately went into defense mode

"Worry not that is merely the sound of our clumsy maid breaking something"


"Yes" He said closing the door behind us, "Which reminds me I have to complete some errands and clean that mess she just made too" He said sighing frustratingly yet not over bothered. I raised my eyebrow and resumed my composure.

"Follow me" he said walking ahead of me.

I followed him. It's not that I was giving in but he I sure realized ditching this place wasn't easy. I was led to the room of his master.

He opened the door and I saw the little brat sitting in the chair.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Please….have a seat"

I walked ahead to the chair sitting down as his butler went to his side smiling.

"The suit on you looks quite fitting"

"So does the beard on your face that hasn't begun growing yet"

His eyebrow twitched

"Welcome to the Phantomhive household. My name is Ciel Phantomhive"

"Nice to meet you Ciel"

He lightly blushed and looked at me. "You speak to me calling me Mr. Phantomhive respectfully. Also, have you know manners that you speak to you should tell someone their names once you've told them yours"

"Oh….I do not share my name with people who do not deserve to know it"

He looked up at the butler and I watched him stare at me touching his chest. Why would he touch his left breast- I looked down at mines a blushed

Is he threatening me?

Is he saying that if I don't comply he-he'll do that again?!

I grind my teeth as my eyebrow twitched

"I go by the code name Lady L"

"Lady L" Ciel stuttered. He blinked and recomposed himself. "From today onwards you will be working at the Phantomhive household"

"W-Work?! I already have a job"

"That- We already know" Sebastian said a folder suddenly in his hand (where did that come from it wasn't there a second ago).

He rested it on the table before his master.

You seem to be some assassin however we can't seem to identify your organization" Ciel said looking up at the butler

"My apologies sir but she's….basically…traceless"

I looked at him and smiled

"How about your butler?"

"You mean Sebastian"

Wait…..his name is- Se-Sebastian.

"Pwahahahaha" I turned away laughing the jingles out of my body. "At first I thought he was a mut but he even has the name of a family dog?!haha" I continued laughing but was interrupted when I felt a dark aura eroding from the butler

This is actually the second time I'm calling him a mut before his face and he's gotten really upset. Does he have a hatred of dogs or something?!

I stopped laughing and rose out the chair, wiping the smirk off my face as I glared at him from the corner of my eyes the hatred pouring out once more at the insolent brat in the chair.

"I have no intention of working for you-"

"Too late. I have already marked you"

I remembered the mark on my chest

"Listen….I don't know what this mark is but you and your odd butler have something quite odd about you guys….especially your butler"

"I am merely one hell of a butler"

I stared at the child with the eye patch and it had been itching me for a while now. I walked towards Sebastian observing the not that kept the eye patch on his ear. When I was close enough and was about to touch it I was stopped by the butler

"I kindly ask that you do not touch that"

I looked at him and spun in the opposite directing causing my hand to loosen however I used that as a distraction since he paid attention to regain his grip and at this advantage I reached for the pen with the other hand and aimed at the child's head.

Sebastian's eyes widened. The pen went into the concrete wall and at the brute force I sailed it at through the air it penetrated about quarter of its body into the surface.

I grinned.

I watched the surprised expression on Ciel's face as he stared at me taken back. Sebastian tuned and looked at me. He seemed pissed and so what I don't care. It's not like I hurt the child.

The eye patch swayed from side to side caught at the tip of the pen that was now buried in the wall. A few strands of Ciel's hair fell onto his clothes and I stared at his eyes with a pentagram in it.

As I thought.

Sebastian suddenly released my hand and walked over to his master fixing the eye patch as he pulled it out the wall then tied it back over his master's eye.

"She's dangerous….like an untamed animal" I heard Ciel say to him

"She only needs to be trained" Sebastian said looking around to me and into my eyes as I glared back at him.

"You're not normal" I said to him.

"You don't have to say it" He said with a smile as he bowed. "My name is Sebastian Michealis I am one hell of a butler…normal….isn't one of the traits I possess"

"You pedophilic insolent man- I swear behind this closed door you bend that child over and-"

"Sebastian- Take her to her room!"

"Yes my lord"

The butler walked to me taking my hand as he carried me or rather pulled me out of the room. I thought it would have ended there but I was pulled all the way down to the stairs until I reached the kitchen where I was flung harshly against the wall.

"I have no disrespect for women but you have certainly earned my anger"

I brushed off the pain pulling my hair behind my ears looking at him with a dirty smile, "You don't say~"

"You will be punished"

"Oh…and how do you intend to do that-"

Suddenly the kitchen door opened and a made entered the hall where we were standing in she wore glasses had shiny red hair and looked quite…clumsy

"Eeeek- We have a visitor…I- I had no idea-a-a-a woah" Suddenly the plates came plummeting our way as she lost her footing over what seemed like air.

Sebastian acted fast deciding it was better for the safety of the maid rather than the broken dishes while I on the other hand caught them in my hand.

It was a short pause as Sebastian stared at me oddly

"Quick reflex?" I said with a clumsy laugh

My eyes went down to see what the maid had tripped over and it fact it was water- no- dog slime.

A white hair man who was completely naked stepped into the hall from where the maid came out from. The plates immediately fell out my hand and I stepped back. My eyes automatically went to his-aumm- errr- sex…

I stared…..

"Lady L"

I pulled my gaze away from him looking at Sebastian.

"I-I-I wasn't looking O/O" I lied as pushed the remaining unbroken plates into his hands walking away. Why was even blushing I was an assassin not some teenage. I began walking it was getting dark and I hadn't found my way yet.

"Lady L"

I turned around and saw the butler"

"Ohh it's the mut- what was his name again-…Sebastian" I said looking at him the only light that filled the hall was the moon shinning down through the glass windows.

He smiled…"These are the papers hat shows the areas in the house and this is the list of duties you have tomorrow"

"Duties….you honestly think I'm your maid don't you"

"You are"

"I am not your maid and I will not work here"

"But you can't leave…wherever you go I will find you, wherever you hide I will seek you. You cannot escape me"

I raised an eyebrow, "Here's my plan pedigree. I work as your maid…however…I will assassinate your master and complete my mission return to my base and continue my life"

He smiled…."how can you be so positive…I have told you I am one hell of a butler, assassin"

"I know….I know that you are. If you don't mind I'll return to my room"

"Good night Lady L"

I turned around and looked at him smiling.

"Tôi sẽ ăn bạn cho đến chết vinh quang của bạn"

I walked away leaving him there standing

Sebastian stood there still frozen on the spot in shock with widened eyes. It was a long time he hadn't been threatened.

I will eat you to your glorious death she says…..

What worried him wasn't the fact that he was threatened

But the fact that she just spoke…. demon language

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