Title: VF Choose Your Fate 1
Author: Nbsiren
Rating: PG
Pairing: Asami x Takaba
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Summary: Totally AU.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Yamane Ayano. Other characters are mine.
Author's note: *points at the bunnies* blame them!

Putting his camera bag down, Akihito looks at the slip of paper on the table. He sighs when he realizes he'll have to go back down to the lobby to pick up the package that was being held at the desk. Taking the slip with him, he goes down to the desk to get the package.

In the elevator he looks at the label and frowns when he sees an "A" in the line for whom the package is meant for.

Do they mean "A" for Asami or "A" for Akihito?

Looking at the other label, he sighs when he reads the name of the most popular mailing service.

So someone ordered something through the mailing service and didn't clarify who it was for when they gave the info for it's delivery...

Placing the package on the table, Akihito picks up his camera bag, goes to his room, and enters his darkroom to develop the photos from the shoot earlier.

Hours later, he comes out of his darkroom, stretches out the kinks, strips, tosses his clothes into the hamper and goes into his bathroom. After washing away the chemicals and smells of the darkroom, he towels off and pulls on cargo shorts and a tank top before going to the kitchen.

He starts making dinner after getting the ingredients together.

Just after placing everything onto the table, he hears the front door open and moments later Asami enters the living room.

"Welcome home, dinner just finished being put on the table."

"I'm home." After hanging up his coat, Asami goes to the bedroom, "What did you make?"

"Kare Raisu.*"

When Asami comes back out and sits down at the table, Akihito points to the package, "That was down at the desk when I got back today."

Giving the package a cursory glance, Asami goes back to his dinner.

The next morning on his way into the kitchen to make himself some breakfast, Akihito sees the package still on the table, untouched.

Picking up the package, he argues with himself on opening it up.


Akihito opens the package (use chapter drop box to go to ch2a)

Akihito leaves the package un-opened (use chapter drop box to go to ch2b)

*Kare Raisu = Curry Rice