I am sorry guys for the late update! I hope you'll like this one! Love you all!

Mistakes are mine. OUAT not.

follow me on twitter it's called: loudestdork

tumblr: devilinred

Regina woke up feeling rejuvenated. If that was the effect of the special night or she was well rested, she wasn't sure. All she knew was inside her system was a bubbling happiness had been trying to get out.

She feels elated. That is until her hand hovered towards the side of the bed Emma stayed. She met cold sheets instead of warm body that she remembered near her. She thought that the girl was showering next door, that was until she felt something different under her palm.

A small piece of paper.

A note.

That's what's left and vivid memories of two weeks.

Regina didn't understand why it is happening. Why it feels like everything was a joke. It's like she gave a big piece of her and it was taken abruptly leaving her picking up the bits of what was left. She can't seem to think of a reason why the woman she grown to care deeply… love even, decided to just leave her with just a note saying two cruel words.

I'm sorry

At first, she thought that it was just a note saying that she's sorry because she wasn't on the bed when Regina woke up or that she went for a run and that she was sorry for not waking her up. Regina thought of the little possibilities that if she waited, Emma will come back with a couple of pastries and coffee on her hand.

Regina stayed on the bed contemplating what to do. She tried finding something that will be able to make her believe that Emma would come back soon. That this is one of those tricks that Emma had been pulling off and that will come out any moment laughing at her.

She waited but there was no blonde entering the door. It was then she realized that she wasn't coming back.

She wanted to laugh, barf, or vomit. She didn't know.

Why did everything she touched leave her? Why can't they just stay with her?


And now, Miss Swan.

What did she do to deserve such thing? All she did was to open her heart to possibilities.

Possibilities that the what ifs and maybes that had been running in her mind will be a reality and not just a wishful thinking.

What she didn't notice was the tears that have been falling on her face. All she was thinking about was the blonde and how she brought happiness to her in a span of two weeks.

It was some bittersweet memories. Memories that she still has no idea what to do with. She wanted to forget it but at the same time, it was those memories that made her feel that she was Regina.

Just Regina.

But what was left of being just Regina was heartache and pain once again.

She was alone. It seemed as if the world decided to crack in half and she had been the victim, the stupid victim that fell into that shit hole of never ending pain.

She searched through their shared drawers hoping that Emma leaving wasn't real that there were traces of something that would make her wrong from all of the assumptions that she has.

She found another envelop on the drawer of Emma's clothes. At first, she thought it was those cheesy notes where she needs to go somewhere and met Emma or that she needs to go an adventure to find her.

She was wrong.

All she found on that piece of paper.

Another part of an apology that she didn't even need. It didn't even explained why the blonde left her in a cold room with the remnants of what they had done.

What Regina thought was something worth keeping. Was it just a onetime thing? Did she use her just to forget everything? Did she even care for her deeply the way Regina did? Or it is just a way of thanking Regina in giving her food and shelter for two weeks?


Maybe the blonde didn't see what she thought she was seeing. Maybe it was the plan all along. Drag a person across town, make them believe that you have the right to claim their trust and crush it after doing so.

Regina didn't want to believe the words she was thinking. She felt like she knew Emma. The sweet Emma who made her feel safe despite teasing her endlessly. The Emma who told her life stories that she wasn't aware of. The Emma who made her feel free, that she could be whomever she wanted to be.

However, reading the note made her think otherwise.


By the time you are reading this, I already left Paris. I had a good time spending with you. I am deeply sorry for the messed I caused you; I didn't plan all of this to happened.

I'm sorry.


She didnn't know what to do.

So, she chose anger.

She wanted to scream. She wanted to find the woman and curse her. Make her regret looking for her and leaving her. Was this all a joke to her? Were her words untrue? Making her believe that she saw her three years ago when all of it was indeed a lie. How could she believe a woman she barely know when she said she wouldn't break her.

Maybe she was just too naive to believe something like that. The child in her played and had fun with the thought that someone wouldn't break her for once and it made her vulnerable. It made her so vulnerable that in a span of a night her happiness shattered into millions of pieces. Heart breaking pieces that all she wanted to do was to curl up into a fetal position and cry her heart out.

Regina wanted to kick herself literally for being so stupid in giving her trust again knowing that she was in the process of mending her trust.

How could she be so fucking stupid?

She didn't know.

Regina willed herself to move and packed her things. She would leave this place.

She will never return to this god forsaken place that brought her nothing but pain and heartache.

Slowly, she wiped her tears and went to get her suitcase that was lying under the bed.

She threw the garments haphazardly not thinking about the wrinkles that those clothes will get once she unpack them later. She needed to get out of this place as fast as she could.

she was cleaning the drawers with her valuables when she noticed a photograph. The memories were still vivid and were clearly running in her mind.

It was the picture that they took in the Eiffel. It was when she asked Emma if she wouldn't break her.

They took the picture and Regina thought that it was a reassurance that Emma would indeed won't break her.

But she still did.

Regina contemplated bringing the picture or she would let it flow into the ocean or burn it. But a nagging feeling told her that she should keep the picture. A reminder that she wouldn't do something stupid like trusting a stranger.

She put the photo on her wallet before exiting the room filled with memories of happiness and heartaches.

And for the first time in her life, she thought that: 'Paris will never be a good idea.'

Ten months had passed and Regina had been busy working with her staff in a project in a youth center. They did it for a charity that had been helping the kids who didn't have parents and wanted a family. The youth center was build couple of years and had been successful in doing their vision.

Regina had a couple of minutes break to return to the group when she came across a crib. It was as if there was a pull that she can't escape.

What she saw melted her heart. There was a tiny little baby looking at her with curiosity.

"He's a month old." A woman whispered peering at the child.

Regina stared at the baby and at the woman.

"Is she yours?" she asked.

"No. He was left here in the center a month ago." The woman replied solemnly. "I'm Belle."

"Regina." She answered and shook the other woman's hand.

Regina stared at the baby. She can't comprehend how someone would left their child alone. The center was a safe place but it was cruel to leave a child in a place unknown to his surroundings.

"I would leave you to him for a while." Belle said before strutting away towards the other end of the center.

"Hello baby." Regina cooed.

It was silly, Regina thought as she played with the kid's belly. The kid wouldn't answer her.

The little boy reached out aimlessly without knowing what he was reaching for. Regina held her forefinger to the little boy, and to her amazement, he grabbed it.

There was something in this moment that made her think that if she couldn't find love, then maybe, maybe she could feel it somewhere else.

There was a connection between the kid and her, it was solidified when Regina tried to extract her finger from the boys grasp the little kid cried.

She was panicking because she never dealt with a crying baby before. She picked up the kid and held him closed to her; the kid won't stop crying.

Regina accidentally muttered the first name that came to her mind.

"Henry," And it was like magic the kid stopped crying.

"You want that don't you?" She asked and her heart melted when her question was granted with a smile.

Right then and there, she decided that she wouldn't leave the baby alone again. She'll keep him and will never let anything harm him.

It was like the gods were working that time that they saw the opportunity to let two people who suffered from being left behind meet and start something new.

She was hugging the little boy so closely to her whilst humming a lullaby with her eyes closed, that she didn't noticed that another pair of green eyes were looking at her.

And just like a pull, Regina opened her eyes when felt someone was watching her and when she looked directly to the place where green eyes were staring, she met nothing.

it's been a while.. and I am really sorry.. but i love you all though! have a good day or nigh and sorry for the shitty writing.