Disclaimer: I do not own the Walking Dead or the Wizarding World in general.
AN: I offer this as an apology for my recent absence.
Willow Heather Lynn
The Third Dixon
Tammy Lynn and Will Dixon had been blessed with three beautiful children, and between the two they had ensured that all three would be screwed from the start. Their first-born Merle was born two months after their wedding in 1968 and would spend the majority of his childhood in and out of juvie. Their middle child Daryl was born ten years later and was for the most part an excellent big brother and well-behaved child, that is until the incident. And then there was their youngest Willow Heather Lynn born under the light of a full moon on December 21 1980 as Tammy Lynn had laid passed out on the back porch of their house.
Boxing Day 1983
Tammy Dixon passed out with a lit cigarette. With Merle in Juvie and Will out drinking with his buddies, and Daryl out playing with his friends there was no one to stop the fire the fallen cigarette started. Willow had been sleeping in her crib when she woke up coughing. She climbed out of her crib and moved closer to the window, she couldn't reach it so she curled up in a ball and willed the fire to leave her alone.
As Daryl made his way back he smelled smoke, and as he picked up speed he saw that it was coming from his house. His first and only thought was of Willow. When he arrived in the driveway he saw that the front of the house was engulfed he ran around to the side that would be Willow's room. He picked up a brick and broke the window and then climbed through, he saw close to where he dropped that Willow was curled into a ball with a smoke free bubble of air around her somehow. He shook his head and picked her up then left back through the window.
As the five-year old stood there holding his sleeping sister and watching the firemen put out what was left of the house Will decided to show up. Daryl heard the lead man tell his father that his mother was dead, and that they would know more after the investigation. He held his sister closer as the cool air caught a lock of her hair.