I want to tell Tamaki, really, I do. The rest of the house knows; the owners and staff alike. But he can't know that I'm not here simply because I want to 'see the rest of my family'. He can't know my past, what I have lost and what I have been forced to endure, for surely he would cry. I hate it when people cry. Especially when it's my fault that this all happened.


Edlyn awoke with a start, the alarm clock buzzing annoyingly on her bedside table. The room was still dark, the small amount of light from outside casting shadows not only around her ginormous room, but also making her golden hair and full metal prosthetics shine. With a groan, she sat up and crawled over her large bed to turn the cursed thing off. It would be another early morning to hide her past, another day of lying to her only 'close' family member. Giving a very feline like stretch, she got off her bed and headed to her conjoined bathroom. Turning the knob to the bath, she gathered the stuff she needed for after she was done bathing while the water poured noisily. Honey colored eyes looked at all the bath salt titles, and with a scowl, she chose the one with the only simple name; Lavender. She poured them into the half-full tub, - that was the problem with giant tubs, they took forever to fill- it giving the water a very light tinting of dull purple.

Grabbing the bottom of the large t-shirt that she used as a nighty, she pulled it up and over her head, throwing it carelessly on the floor. Turning the knob, -after it had finally finished filling- she slowly climbed in, shivering as the warm water surrounded her still sleep sensitive body. She gave a deep sigh as she sank fully, leaning against the back that had special padding so she wouldn't slip down and under the water. Ed wasn't quite sure how long she soaked, but by the time she got out her single foot and hand was wrinkly. She dried herself off, throwing the towel again somewhere on the floor. After braiding her hair, it was time to cover the automail. The skin colored covers blended at the seams, and once she added the make-up you couldn't even tell it was there.

After a few more minutes of her daily routine, she was dressed in a baggy long sleeved button up shirt and a loose pair of blue jeans. The blonde was lying on her stomach on her bed, reading a book while her legs swung around above her, humming a little song. That's how her cousin Tamaki found her.

Smiling gently, he crossed the room and sat on the edge of her bed. "Good morning sunshine, how are you feeling this morning?" she looked up at him, returning the smile albeit a little guiltily. The morning before she had lied and said she had had a bad headache, and that it was quite common for her to get them. In reality, she had woken with awful phantom pains where her right arm and left leg should be.

"I'm fine, no headache this morning; which is a good thing considering I have to study for the enrollment into Ouran." She said while showing him the cover of her book, which was actually his. Ed gave a devious smirk when his brows furrowed in confusion.

"How did you get that? It was in my bag when I was at school the other day!" he said, sounding sincerely shocked. Ed gave a shrug as she rolled onto her back, holding the math book above her head.

"You were in the living room talking to Kyo- something or other. It wasn't hard to sneak into your room and steal a book. Really, you should lock the door." Ed said nonchalantly, examining her nails. Tamaki was going to protest that he shouldn't have to lock his door in his own house, but instead he just gave a sigh, shaking his head with a small smile. Standing up and gaining Ed's attention, he crossed his arms and made a clucking noise with his tongue.

"Well I just came up here to tell you that it's time for breakfast, so come down whenever you're ready to eat." he said. The shorter of the two perked up instantly at the mention of food, she setting her- uh, his- book down. Jumping off the bed, she grabbed his arm and begun to drag him towards her door.

"Why didn't you just start with that? I am starving! Come on, get a move on!"

Ed almost fell on her face as she rushed into the dining room. There were people, people she didn't know. They looked to be around the same age as her, besides a blonde boy who was actually shorter than her. She stared at them. They stared back. Time to label it an official awkward silence, the only person seeming not to be effected being Tamaki as he smiled happily.

"Welcome both friends and family! It is time to do introductions of the soon to be Ouran student and the host club!" he cried out overdramatically, putting his hands to his heart.

Ed grit her teeth in annoyance, this was worse than the alarm clock! She would rather be woken by that thing every hour than to meet strangers without being told the plans. Pulling back her arm, she slugged her cousin in the arm; hard. The twins in the room gave small snickers as the short blonde went into a rant. "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, COULD YOU TELL ME THINGS INSTEAD OF COMING UP WITH STUPID PLANS? WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS?" she fumed, mainly disliking the fact that they were dressed all fancy like while she was in her comfy 'in the house' clothes. With a growl, she stormed out of the dining room, ignoring the roaring laughter of the teens and the whimpers of Tamaki.

"But I thought it was a good idea to surprise you guys!"

"Who was that anyway, Senpai?"

End Prologue: by CheetahLover101

Next chapter by Silver Quil.