I'm back, again, and I still don't own Percy Jackson but here is chapter five. Hey sorry about the issue with chapter four repeating, had this chapter under a different name and apparently I got confused.

Four days. I'd been in Camp Half-Blood for four days. I felt the snugness of my orange t-shirt hug my twelve year old scrawny frame like a weight upon my shoulders, but that was nothing compared to the burning I felt on my right shoulder blade every time I thought of the mark. But I couldn't think about all my issues. It was Friday, capture the flag night. I had to show Percy my support. After all Clarisse would be after him. Unfortunately I couldn't show him my support by being there. No, Chrion had told me because of my black outs I couldn't participate in capture the flag. I had to stay in the Hermes cabin.

"Good luck Percy." I told him even though I knew he didn't need it. Percy frowned.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Percy asked feeling my forehead. He was worried about me. Then again caring for his friends was Percy's fatal flaw.

"Yeah, Chrion's just concerned that Eris will talk to me during capture the flag and I'll pass out on someone's sword." I answered. "So again I say good luck." And with that I shooed Percy off to the forest. Chrion walked up beside me.

"I'm sorry you cannot participate. Maybe when your conversations with Eris become less frequent." Chrion suggested.

"Don't worry 'bout it teach. I've never been very athletic to begin with." I said waving his concerns away. I would be fine. I always was, I was the type of girl who could bounce back from anything. Chrion headed into the forest while I walked back to the Hermes cabin. With everyone off playing capture the flag the camp felt empty, like a ghost town. Is this what the year-rounder's felt?

I dropped to my knees, just outside the Hermes cabin, as pain seared through my shoulder. The mark, the mark of my curse Eris had said. She said stick close to Percy. An insurance policy she claimed. My eyes narrowed and if looks could kill Eris would be a puddle of gooey goddess wherever she stood. With a sigh I pushed myself to my feet and headed towards the forest. Passing out and getting myself stabbed sounded a heck of a lot better than feeling pain just because I was far from Percy. The pain lessened to stinging pinpricks as I entered the forest.

"Isabelle what are you doing here?" someone asked me. It was a guy with wavy blonde hair like a skater and big blue eyes. He wore armor, an orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, jeans, and converse. Under his arm was a helmet with a blue plume. Strapped to his back was a quiver of arrows and a bow.

"I'm sorry do I know you?" I asked. It could have just been the pain making my brain fuzzy, but I didn't remember this guy.

"Not really, I'm Charlie Henz. We talked when you were taking archery lessons at the same time I was." The kid answered.

"Oh…. Well it's Izzy to friends. So call me Izzy." I told him shoving my hands into my pockets. I still felt rather antsy, but it was better now that I was in the forest. Charlie nodded.

"Right, so Izzy what are you doing in the forest? I thought Chrion told you to sit in the Hermes cabin." He continued. I'd totally forgotten about his question.

"Well I was headed back to the cabin, but then I figured out one of the conditions on my stupid cures. So I'm pretty sure Chrion will be lient (sp) with me." I answered shifting from one foot to the other. I had to get to Percy.

"Curse?" Charlie questioned with a raised eyebrow. Crap! Yet another slip up. Maybe that's why Eris picked me. Because I had the loosest tongue out of all the lost daughters of whomever my mother was.

"Nothing, hey do you know where Percy is?" I asked looking around nervously. Suddenly I felt very awkward around Charlie. Something was wrong, very wrong. In unison Charlie and I backed away from one another and readied our weapons in smooth motions. Charlie pulled his bow off his back and notched an arrow. I gripped the charm of my necklace, the chain disappearing. The charm smoothed out and elongated. It became the shaft of a scythe. Not the typical weapons of demigods, but it would do.

"What are you?" Charlie demanded as we began circling one another.

"Demigod. Same as you." I said surprised at how familiar and not awkward the scythe felt in my hands. Charlie's blonde eyebrows went up.

"What are you doing here?" He growled. It was my turn for my eyebrows to go up.

"What do you mean what am I doing here?" Charlie wasn't making any sense.

"You're curse by Ares aren't you?" He snapped.

"No I'm cursed by Eris what does it matter?" I grumbled.

"What's your curse?" He snapped.

"I have to stay within a certain distance of Percy Jackson or I'll be thrown into great pain." I answered as the two of us stopped circling. Charlie lowered his weapon. "Why do you want to know my curse?" I demanded not lowering my weapon. Charlie looked away as if he was upset with himself for temporally losing it.

"I was sent to see the oracle a few years ago. She told me a prophecy that predicted I would die at the hands of a cursed demigod. A demigod cursed by great chaos and wars." Charlie replied. I rolled my eyes. My hand loosened on the scythe which promptly turned back into my necklace.

"Sorry kid. I don't know what to tell you, but I ain't the one who's going to kill you. I don't plan on killing anyone, but monsters." I told him slipping the chain of my necklace over my head and turned away from him. There was a whistling sound behind me before an arrow hit me through the opposite shoulder of the mark. The momentum of the hit spun me around so I could see Charlie his eyes burning brightly red. A monster? How? I fell forward once again unconscious. I was really getting real tired of this. I hadn't even left Camp Half-Blood yet and already I had passed out three times. Once with the minotaur, once because of Eris, and now because of Charlie, or whoever the hell he really was.

The next morning I once again awoke in the infirmary, this time with Chrion staring down at me. I couldn't help, but flinch. "Chrion I can explain." I told him. I knew he wouldn't yell, but that didn't stop him from being disappointed.

"Please do." Chrion said. My hands fisted in the blanket that had been placed on me.

"It was Eris. When she brought me over she cursed me. I have to stay within a certain range of Percy or all I feel is pain. I was headed for cabin eleven like you told me to, but then I got out of range. I panicked and headed for the forest." I explained.

"And what exactly happened with the arrow through your shoulder?" Percy demanded his arms crossed. He was standing behind Chrion at the door. I recounted my story of meeting Charlie. I was still confused about all that. It didn't make any sense.

"Charlie Henz?" Chrion muttered. He shook his head. "I never sent him to see the oracle. And besides that Isabelle Charlie has been dead for a few years." I should have known Charlie never went to the oracle, but what was all this about him being dead?

"Yes well I would love to stay and chat but I think it's time for me and Percy to go." I said swinging my legs off the bed. Percy started looking sick.

"Izzy, there's something you should know." He said looking anywhere, but me.

"If it's about you being the son of Posiden I know and I don't give a flying rodent. You're still Percy." I said standing. Percy gaped at me.

"How do you know that?" Percy demanded. I shrugged. Yes letting Percy know I knew who his father was a big slip up, but I felt like I needed to reassure him.

"Maybe it had something to do with you controlling the plumbing in the girls' bathroom when Clarisse tried to give you a swirling." I said. It wasn't really me trying to cover up, but it was at the same time. I just… I couldn't let Percy find out about the books just yet. He was going to be mad at me for keeping such a big thing from him, but I hoped that in the end he could forgive me. I turned to Chrion. "Hey Chrion because of my curse can I move in with Percy?" I asked.

"Curse? What curse?" Percy demanded. Guess he wasn't there long enough to hear what the curse was.

"I found out last night that if I leave a certain range of you I get thrown into excruciating pain." I answered with a shrug as if it was no big deal. Chrion sighed.

"Very well, but once you are claimed you shall move to your parent's cabin." He informed me.

"Unless of course my mother doesn't have a cabin." I announced. Chrion sighed again.

"Yes, unless your mother doesn't have a cabin." He agreed. I grinned brightly.

"Thanks Chrion. Come on Percy we got to move my stuff to cabin three." I chirped grabbing Percy's hand and pulling him out of the infirmary, though in hindsight if I was going to bunk anywhere, it should have been the infirmary.