N's P.O.V.

Touko looked so adorable when she stared back at me with wide eyes.

Her expression of bliss mixed with excitement when I requested that she call me by first name nearly made me want to pin her body back onto the dresser and fuck her without restraint...


Right now the educating profession that I'd chosen so that I could become closer with her beckoned... Although it couldn't have had a worse timing...

With a heavy sigh I looked back at the beautiful naked form behind me and smiled in slight disdain.

So close.

In the end I instructed her to wait a few minutes after she redressed before leaving the room, at the risk of students who may have already entered the classroom discovering our little secret.

She accepted without hesitation of course; and so, perhaps out of playful revenge for agreeing too quickly, I slipped the thin lacey material that just so happened to be her lovely little panties into the lab coat pocket I was currently wearing.

Luckily, she hadn't even noticed; and as I exited, the sound of clothes ruffling echoed, causing me to grin in suspense...

Touko's P.O.V.

I stood there in a daze.

'He said that we were lovers?'

A smile snaked it's way upon my face.

I never imagined that a man as handsome as N would actually take an interest in me.

It had all happened so suddenly, that I still had trouble believing the events that led up to where I currently stood.

I mean... I was naked in a closet!

Speaking of which... I suddenly remembered that I needed to get dressed...

"Jeez." I muttered embarrassed.

Without wasting time, I quickly shuffled around and put everything back on.

I attempted to fix my hair as best as possible...it was a bit of a mess from N constantly running his fingers through it.

For someone so attractively composed, he certainly was handsy.

But after I finished dusting myself off; I still felt like something was missing.

Giving my appearance one last evaluation, I eventually came to a shocking realization.

"Let's see... I have my bra, shirt, skirt, stockings, and shoes..."

Then it finally clicked.

Where the hell were my panties?!

With deft hands, I hastily lifted up my skirt only to find find the most sensitive part of my skin completely exposed!

"What the hell?!" A few whispered curses escaped my mouth.

'Alright, Alright. Calm down Touko. I'm sure they're around here somewhere.' I assured myself. Taking a good glance around the small room, I also checked every area thoroughly, but I still came up empty handed.

"They're not here!"

Suddenly I remembered that in the heat of the moment, the last one to touch them was N.

"That's right! But when did he even taken them off again?' The more I thought it over, the deeper the shade of red on my cheeks became... Just imagining the memory of him as he bit the black lace between his teeth in a sexually crazed manner; made my heart flutter like a pack of Butterfree.


'But then, what did he do after that?' I wondered.

"Didn't he toss them near my things?" I mumbled worriedly.


"Wait a second... D-Did he-?!" My eyes widened. If I couldn't find them then...

"He took them!"

'I can't believe this! What exactly am I supposed to do now?!' It wasn't like I could get through the entire class lesson commando!

Not to mention the uniform skirt I wore wasn't exactly the longest either...

"Why on earth did it have to be my underwear...?" I whined.

If he were to take any other piece of clothing, this would have been a whole lot easier. At the very least I had a spare shirt and shorts for gym; and I could probably get away without wearing a bra.

I sighed deeply.

Time was running out for me, and I couldn't stay in here forever... or else I would get marked late, and I already knew that my mom would kill me if that happened...

Was it possible to avoid the slightest breeze for an entire period in the draftiest room in the entire school?

My body slumped over the dresser in front of me in despair.

Whether I liked it or not, I had to go out there, or risk my mother's wrath.

So I took a deep breath and picked up my bag before opening the door and putting on my best normal expression...

N's P.O.V

A small, nearly unnoticeable smirk formed on my face when Touko reluctantly exited the back office.

To the students ignorant on the subject and who entered the classroom after myself, it only seemed as if she was just leaving the back room due to professional matters.

That still didn't stop them from turning their attention in her direction and bombarding her with curious stares...

And since I have always been known to observe the rare select amount of humans that managed to spark my interest; I was also very aware of this adorable brunette's various expressions.

After all;

I had been on the receiving end of them not too long ago.

Although she played quite the actress when she feigned a poker face to those around her, it didn't fool me for a second.

The way she briefly averted her eyes away from my own proved that she managed to figure out the little "crime" I committed easily enough.

And if I didn't happen to be a wonderful actor myself, a chuckle would have slipped out.

The look in those blue orbs of hers signified her mild discomfort at being panty-less during bright school hours.

Ah, the suspense was indeed exhilarating.

Not only did it cause my chest to tighten from not being able to go further with this little ploy of mine... It also sent hot tingles down my spine just thinking about how the rest of today's events would play out.

It was sure to be an amusing day for the both of us.

Unfortunately, my time right now was limited. So I'd need to wrap up the matter quickly.

"I'm sorry Mr. Harmonia. I didn't find it, and I checked everywhere. It's not in there." She replied giving me a sharp look.

Oh my; with an expression like that, it only made me want to tease her even more.

In retort I fixed my spectacles and smiled. "That's alright Miss. Touko. I most likely left the documents inside the teacher's lounge. I'll retrieve them later."

The rest of the students visibly slackened, convinced that nothing was amiss and continued to whisper amongst themselves.

However the way Touko tried to cover up her embarrassment as she slowly made way to her empty desk mattered much more to me than any of the other occupants in the room...

'Such beautiful long legs...' The way her skirt fluttered ever so lightly with every step she took, practically made my skin crawl with anticipation.

'If only she knew what she did to me...'

As she situated herself inside her seat, I couldn't help but notice the inner turmoil written across her facial features when it came to the issue of crossing her legs... Instead she settled for sitting in a position so that no one would be able to notice the little problem underneath the short material of her skirt.

The way she sat up and stiffened in order to keep up her guard was so cute. I only wished I could admire it a bit longer...

"As I've stated earlier, I will be taking a leave of absence early this period. A substitute teacher will take my place for the remainder of the class..."

An undeniable smirk curled at the corners of my lips when Touko's eyes widened drastically.

From what I could tell, she hadn't been expecting something like that. In fact, I was absolutely certain that her original plan was to wait for the bell, and after the other students took their leave, she would then approach me and demand for the return of the special item I had taken.

Knowing this caused my grin to widen.

It was almost too easy...

If possible, I would love nothing more than to observe Touko's reactions to the various scenarios that were piling inside of my mind at an ever expanding rate.

But for now, I'd managed to narrow it down to the plan in which I had begun formulating since the start of our little love affair.

Just imagining it caused my pants to tighten...

"I will be back by the end of the day for last period, if anyone has any questions on the homework assignment, please see me then." My attention focused on a still gaping Touko.

"And Miss. Touko?"

The sound of her name being called returned her gaze towards myself.

"Y-yes sir?" She asked; clenching her fists when the children around her began laughing when she stuttered.

'Ahh. My heart can't take it...~'

"You might want to stay after school, so that I can explain the homework lesson you missed while looking for my documents. "


"I'll take my leave now. Mr. Scott, I leave them in your care." I bowed to the man in front of me before packing up my supplies and making way to the exit.

"Alright students..." Mr. Scott started his lesson as I peered at Touko from the corner of my eyes.

'As I suspected... She's looking this way.'

Right when I turned to leave, I couldn't help but smirk trumphantly, earning myself a beautiful blush from the flustered girl in return.

Touko's P.O.V

"What an asshole." I huffed under my breath.

I didn't know how on earth I'd make it through the rest of the day...

After this period ended I had to meet up with Bianca to go to gym class. So there was something to look forward to... 'Great, juuust great.'

But that at least gave me an opportunity to change into less revealing clothes...

I re-tugged at the bottom of my skirt and puled it down, so that it covered more skin. Even sitting down, I felt extremely uncomfortable...

But then; what would I do afterwards?

It was required for students to wear our uniforms once we finished physical education, unless a mishap somehow popped up. Such as noticeable spilling or tearing of the skirt or shirt.

And unless I purposely spilled food on myself, I had been met with a dead end. Besides, it was only the first class, meaning lunch was at least two to three hours away...

'Why oh why, couldn't I have brought shorts instead of pants? If I'd done that then I could've just worn the damn things underneath my skirt!'

Which meant the only option was to brave the rest of the day without undergarments...



The rest of the period went by faster than yesterday, probably out of spite towards me.

So when that dreaded bell rang I made sure to walk as slowly as possible.

After I made it to my locker, I softly rested my forehead against the cold metal.

"Could this get any worse?" I grumbled bitterly.

"Ohhh Toukoooo!"

'The world must hate me today.'

An all too familiar voice boomed down the end of the hallway.

Sure enough, the bubbly blonde was running up to tackle me at full speed; as per usual.

But if she actually succeeded, then my plans would already be shot!

"No, not this time!"

I quickly bolted down the opposite stair case, and held down the back of my skirt as I ran. It didn't matter what room I ended up in, as long as Bianca could no longer spot me.

After finding the first open door, I entered it without a second thought and slammed it closed behind me. My heart pounded as she continued to run pass the room without noticing me.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips.

"Um... May I help you?"

The new voice startled me, until I turned around to see that I had escaped into the nurse's office.

"Ah? Oh um, no thanks. Sorry for intruding."

I awkwardly bowed before taking my leave (after one more glance out the tiny window to see if Bia was really gone). "...This is already tougher than it should be."


"Is there something wrong, Miss. Touko?"

'T-That voice!'

A shiver ran down my spine as I looked up to see the same exact culprit who started this mess in the first place!

"Could it be that you're feeling sick? I wonder what it is that's ailing you...?" He asked chuckling.

Against all odds, I managed to cover up most of my embarrassment before giving him a sharp look... Now was the only chance I had to confront him.

I checked to see that the hallways were empty since second period started. When I didn't see any lingering students wandering around I threw out my hand demanding the return of my underwear. "Just give them back!"

"Hm? Give back what?" He feigned innocence, rendering me speechless.

'He's a total Sadist...!'

Before I could even react, I noticed that he'd already started leaving.


"Be careful Touko...we're still in public. If you make a scene here, then you'll only cause suspicion. Unless that is; you don't mind being caught in an affair with your teacher?"

I stopped, frozen in my tracks...


Being too distracted by the idea of our little secret getting out so soon, I didn't even bother to try hearing what he had whispered.

"I'll see you at the end of the day, until then" He waved.


The rest of the school hours had been almost unbelievably hectic.

I felt like I'd spent most of my time inside the infirmary pretending to have a stomach ache once N left me Deerling eyed in the hall...

Before that, I reluctantly went to gym class and ended up having to make an excuse as to why I avoided Bianca and her death embrace earlier.

On the upside, it gave me the chance to relax for a small amount of time since I was able to change clothes.

But once it ended, I unfortunately had to change back into the death skirt.

Cheren had been more curious as to why I missed practically the entire day when I was feeling perfectly fine not too long ago; even suggesting the possibility that I was faking it out of laziness... Typical.

"I'm going to kill him." I grumbled to myself once the last bell finally rang.

Jumping up from the bed onto my feet, I slowly entered the open office where the nurse greeted me with a small smile.

"Feeling better dear?"

"Yes, a lot better. Thanks again." I replied waving goodbye.

'Well I did it... I made it through the whole day without a dress malfunction.'

I sighed loudly as I held the sides of my skirt tightly, making sure nothing would ruin my good streak, and currently found myself making way back to N's classroom; fuming mad.

How could anyone pull such a risky stunt?!


A part of me couldn't help but still feel happy.

Regardless of what he did today, he'd also said that we were officially lovers.

Thoughts of being with that tall seductive man sent chills down my spine.

Although I wondered what he could've meant when he mentioned that we were a lot alike?

Of course that still wouldn't stop me from kicking his ass.

With slight malice I opened the door to his room; ready to give him a piece of my mind.

But instead...

I found myself frozen in place.

Somehow in all my rage, I had forgotten how truly gorgeous he is.

He sat leaning comfortably onto the front desk; right hand resting against the surface edge, his long left leg crossed over the right as he silently sipped from his coffee mug like he didn't have a single care in the world... His glasses were once again placed low down on his nose allowing him to peer out above them in the sexy way he'd done earlier...


Without shifting his gaze he called out to me.

"Ah, Miss. Touko; please come in. Would you mind locking the door behind you?" He asked.

I blushed, vaguely aware of what was about to happen.

"Uh, yeah."

Doing what N instructed I closed it quietly and turned around to see that he was still in the same position.

I slowly walked closer to him and stopped a few feet away, staring at the floor...which didn't seem to make the situation any less awkward.

My drive to scold him quickly dissipated in the few seconds that ticked by.

'Stay strong Touko!'

Finally I just yelled the first thing that popped into my head.

"What the hell did you take my panties for?! Give them back!"


With those words, he finally looked at me, his gaze remaining perfectly calm. "You're yelling at your teacher again. I could write you up for that."

Taken aback I faltered a bit...he was right after all.

"That still doesn't give you the right to steal my underwear..."

"Hm?" He hummed setting down his mug and scooting closer; which instantly made me grow anxious.

"Stay back! I'm still mad at you Mr. Har-I mean N!" Ignoring my pleas, he continued to move towards me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me snug against his torso... I could feel him rest his nose in my hair before deeply inhaling my scent; making me shudder. "I see you still haven't gotten used to calling me by my first name." He grinned mischievously before nudging my body onto the cold surface, and I struggled to adjust myself.

"We can't do this again! Not here! A-And I have to go home with my brother today!" I stammered.

His grey-blue eyes carefully scanned over my form; the lustful aura he gave off caused my blush to darken.

"Alright, I'll let you go home for the day... But..."

I could practically hear my heartbeat ringing through my ears as I waited for him to finish his sentence.

The unexpected feeling of his palm pushing up the fabric of my skirt caught me off guard as I reflexively tried to clench my thighs together, without success...

"W-What are you-Mmm!" I released a strangled moan when he began rubbing my sensitive clit between his thumb and index finger.

"But, I have to be the one to redress your private parts down here." He whispered hotly.

"Nnn... Ahh!" I moaned louder.

All air was escaping me; and no matter how hard I tried to catch it, nothing would come back.

"S-Stop it! Haah..." I cried out and tightly gripped onto his shoulders.

'T-They're so broad...'

He smiled deviously. "Then...is that a yes?"

My eyes widened drastically when I suddenly felt his middle finger penetrate my folds; "Oh god, N...N!" My grip became almost painfully tight while he slowly pumped his digit in and out of my searing entrance.

Breathless pants were all that I could muster as he continued his sweet torture.


His gingerly pinched my swollen nub with fervor and buried his nose into the crook of my neck.


Waves of indescribable pleasure spread throughout my body.

"Mm, could it be you actually want to stay after all?"

My body convulsed uncontrollably at the over stimulation. It felt so good that I didn't want it to end...


It took all of the remaining strength I had left to answer him. "Alright, y-you.. win...!"

I opened my eyes and tiredly looked up at his face... His pleased expression practically radiated from my answer.

He removed his hand away from my now soaked core. My heavy breathing never let up when he grabbed the bare skin of my thighs, holding them firmly in place.

His eyes darkened as he observed his glistening covered fingers.

And my cheeks flushed further when I saw that he started licking the sticky fluid off of his hand.

"Don't do that, it's dirty!" I shouted.

He ignored me and continued; making sure he took his time...almost as if he were savoring every last drop.

My whole body felt like it was being set on fire. "I-I, um er..." I mumbled embarrassed.

Through half lidded eyes his gaze met mine, before his lips curled into a triumphant grin.

"Such a lovely taste~"


'If this keeps up, I'll die of a heart attack!'


Reaching out his arm he pulled me up into a sitting position and pressed his lips against my temple, placing a small kiss to the tender area.

"Remember, I'm the only one who can do the work." I nodded reluctantly.

Next, he dug into the pocket of his discarded lab coat and pulled out the familiar lacey fabric.

"You had them in your pockets the whole time?!"

He chuckled; clearly amused with himself. "Of course. Where else would I put them? I couldn't afford to lose these and risk having another man enjoy what belongs to me."

'Damn him!'

"Now...shall we?" He asked stretching them out to full view.

Lifting my legs up one by one he put my feet through them first. The feeling of his fingers caressing my calves nearly made me pull away from him. And when he finally got to my thighs his grip tightened on the soft flesh, dragging against it as slowly as possible.

I had to admit;

I really was enjoying the sensation of his hands sliding over my skin. So much, that a small gasp escaped before I could stop it.

He glimpsed at me in response, keeping his gaze firm and then returned his attention downwards.

My skirt was once again lifted, and N took a last moment to admire the exposed swollen area between my inner thighs. His palms brushed against my bare rear causing me to jump in surprise.

"There." He smirked standing up.

I sat there utterly mortified.

Why on earth did he want to do something like that for?

Averting my vision to anywhere but the man in front of me, I found myself finding his half full coffee mug.

"You can have the rest if you like." He assured.


After what had just happened, my throat did feel dry. That being said, it wasn't the real reason I wanted to drink it...

An indirect kiss.

"Could it be you want to drink it because I did?"

This time I mustered up the courage to look at him. Was he a freaking mind reader or something?

"No! That's not it!" I lied.

The sound of his chuckling caused me to blush in anger. "It's not funny!"

That unfortunately didn't stop him, and in the end I just pouted and chugged the cup's contents.

"What the? It's really good."

I'd always figured that a teacher would take their coffee black, without any use of cream or sugar; but this was unexpectedly sweet. Not to mention there was a good amount of creamer inside.

N seemed to have picked up on my surprise quickly. "I don't like just black coffee yet. I'm still only 20 years old you know." He smiled, and for the first time in a while since I'd met him, he looked normal.

Noticing this, I couldn't help but giggle at the obvious denial in his explanation.

"You have a beautiful laugh, Touko."

'Ah, he called me by my regular name.'

A mix of happiness and embarrassment filled my chest as I set the mug down and stood up.

"I have to meet up with my brother now. I'll um...see you tomorrow N..."

"Wait." He hastily gripped my wrist, pulling me into his arms and pressed his mouth onto mine...

Instead of releasing me after the initial contact, the intensity of the kiss grew. He forced my body closer and dug his hand into my ponytail before inserting his tongue into my warm cavern.

Losing my senses I shyly began to rub my own tongue against his, starting a small fight for dominance... I groaned softly as he changed angles again and again, further deepening our kiss.

My hand flew to his chest to help steady myself.

It wasn't for about another minute or so did we pull away from each other; but I was the only one complete out of breath.

"Mm... Don't forget to do your homework~" He hummed licking his lips before gathering his things and leaving the room laughing.


I stood there silently touching my lips, still recovering from the sensual atmosphere.

But then I realized something.

"Huh? Wait a minute..."

'He never told me what I have to do for the homework!'


N's P.O.V

Leaving the premises today felt absolutely liberating.

Instructing miscellaneous students for 3 hours felt like an unwanted chore compared to teasing my darling little Touko.

Ah, come to think of it...

"Apparently, I've developed quite a sadistic streak." I mused cupping my chin deep in concentration; only to chuckle in delight. "But the look on her face was a wonderful sight indeed."

What a shame having to end it midway...

The thought of taking her first time never ceased to stop running through my mind.

In fact, it was the only thing I'd imagine doing all day.

"Even I never expected her to wear such grown up undergarments. That was an interesting little twist."

Suddenly, earlier events of second period flashed through my head.

From when the bell that interrupted our little affair rang to after I had left to handle more personal matters.

"That's right! She doesn't have a single clue does she?"

What transpired during the substitute lesson brought me great pleasure.

Not only did I get to see Touko in a stressful situation, but...

I also used her panties to masturbate.




Unbeknownst to her, there had been a secret hidden agenda as to why I enacted my little ploy... "Mm, just bringing up the subject makes me want to track her down and tease her to my heart's content."

My heart rate picked up a few ticks, causing me to shudder wildly.

'It seems I won't be able to hold back much longer after all.'

In the end it seemed that I managed to reach climax without dirtying the small piece of clothing...well at least not in a physical sense.

And the fact that she's wearing them right now...

Panting heavily I clapped a hand over my mouth to still my growing excitement. "Hm, I suppose I'll have to keep that little detail to myself~"

I was sure to have wet dreams tonight.


Unfortunately my time to dwell on the subject was cut short once I reached my destination.

"Welcome back brother." Anthea greeted calmly.

"Yes, welcome back..." Concordia added.

I continued to walk past my elder siblings before entering the now rebuilt ex-team Plasma castle, but not without addressing the curious glimmer in their eyes.

"If you want to know how it went, just ask."

Sighing with relief, Concordia was the obvious one to pipe up first. "Then... How did it go? Was she there like you said she'd be?"

"Of course." I smiled, saying nothing more afterwards.



An awkward silence filled the abandoned halls as we made way to the only room I could stomach standing in.


"You did something perverted to her, didn't you?"

Shockingly, it was Anthea who stated this...and mixed with her blank expression and blunt wording, I nearly tripped over my own footing, before somehow managing to catch myself.

They sighed in unison when they realized that meant a yes.

"Your uncool side is coming out, brother." My deadpan sister added.

"Like I've said... We've created a monster."

Umm, yeahhh.

SO ANYWAY, how's everyone's day today?

Heh, heh...

Nope. Still awkward.

Uh, but I at least didn't slack off for six months again! Only one this time!

Also, there are a few things about this chapter.

First, it was originally a regular part in the fiction, but has now been changed to a side story (and the longest one that I'll post since I want to keep them 2,000 words or less).

Second, I added many details, but I also took a few old ones away. Only the select few that were irrelevant though, so there's that.

But bruh! My imagination is pretty vivid wouldn't you say?

I am so disappointed in myself XD

Oh well.
