As I was writing my story, I developed a history for the world and the characters. I decided to go ahead and tack it on here. Hopefully, this will tie up a few loose threads.

Chapter 16 - Epilogue

(aka Back Story)

(aka A New Beginning)

Lily was reading at her desk when she heard a noise. Glancing up she saw Amira grinning as she peeked around the edge of the door. "Amira, when did you get here?" She waved the woman into her study.

"I just got in. I couldn't find Pickwick so I thought I would let you know I was back." Amira continued into the room and sprawled in the chair Lily gestured towards.

"Pickwick had some business to take care of. He should be back for dinner. How was the service?" Lily rang for her maid and asked for refreshments when the young fairy appeared. The dark smudges under her friend's eyes alerted the Queen to Amira's fatigue. When word had come that Queen Larisa had passed, Amira had rushed to Eliasa to attend her state funeral and the formal coronation of Queen Mala.

"It was a very emotional ceremony. Larisa was loved and will be missed. Mala is going to be an exceptional Queen. The visiting ambassadors were practically eating out of her hand." Amira paused when the maid returned with the tray and took one of the cups and a couple of sandwiches. "Thanks, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to wait until dinner." She quickly ate one sandwich and drank her tea.

"We have plenty you know. You don't have to wolf it down," Lily teased.

"I'm not wolfing," she grinned. "Andy always said to eat whenever food was available. You never know when you'll need the energy."

"Hmmm. And what did Miranda say?" Lily smiled indulgently.

"You mean after she rolled her eyes? Gran said not to talk with your mouth full." Amira and Lily laughed.

Lily finished reading the dispatches as Amira ate. Finally, Amira was done and the tray removed. As Lily pushed the reports and her notes aside she glanced at Amira. "Amira, I have a favor to ask of you."

Surprised Amira sat up a little straighter. "You need a favor from me? That's different."

"Yes," Lily agreed. "I think it's pretty important."

"Okay, on one condition." Since Amira planned on asking a favor anyway, she figured she might as well bargain for it.

"Don't you want to know what the favor is first?" Lily had no problem agreeing with any of Amira's condition.

"Nope," Amira shook her head. "Do you want to know what my condition is?"

"No, I think I can trust you not to ask for anything too outrageous." Lily smiled with anticipation. "So we have a deal?"

"Sure, what's the favor?" Amira had only been gone for a couple of weeks. She wondered what happened within that time to cause Lily to ask for her help.

"I've received word that two girls in Eliasa are in need of a teacher." Lily watched Amira's reaction.

"Teacher?" Puzzled, Amira cocked her head.

"They're witches, young but witches none the less." Lily heard about the girls two days after Amira left for Eliasa. Not wanting to bother the witch during the funeral observances, she waited for her return.

"How young?" Amira remembered coming into her powers when she was about seven. Andy called her an early bloomer.

"About ten. One lives in the Prada province and the other in the Duchy of Chanel."

Amira's eyes widened. "You want me to take them on as apprentices?" The significance of Lily's request finally dawned on her.

"Yes. They've received some training but now they need specialized instruction. Instruction only another witch can provide." Lily watched Amira as she considered the idea.

Amira chewed her lip as she thought. "Goddess, I never expected to take an apprentice, let alone two. Do you really think I can handle them?"

Lily was confident Amira's abilities would be up to the task and let her know so. "I won't lie to you; it will be a lot of work. But I believe you're the right person for this job. These girls need you."

"Okay." Amira felt a shiver of excitement. She couldn't wait to meet her new apprentices. "I'll do my best."

"Thank you." Lily was happy that the issue was settled so easily. "Now what can I do for you?"

Caught up in thinking about the youngsters, Amira had to pause a moment to remember her condition. "You know that I've been studying fairy history. Before I left for the funeral, I got stuck and couldn't go any further."

"Oh?" Lily had a good idea where this was heading.

"Yes, it seems the volumes I need to continue my studies aren't in the main library. They've disappeared and no one knows where they may be." Amira spent days searching for the books. She was just about to ask Lily when they received news of Larisa's death.

"They're not lost; they're in my private collection." Lily remembered pulling the volumes from the main library when Andy first came to Fair Tree.

Amira was relieved the volumes still existed. The librarian she was working with feared they might have been destroyed. "May I read them?"

"I'd rather you not read them just yet," Lily hedged. "But I can provide a brief summary if that would help?"

"Yeah, I'd appreciate that." Amira wondered about the secrecy but was happy to finally fill in the historical gaps. "I always loved your stories."

"Thank you. Let's move over in front of the fireplace. Those chairs are a bit more comfortable." Lily and Amira relocated to the overstuffed chairs on the other side of the room and made themselves comfy.

"The volumes you were looking for cover an early period in my reign." Lily paused to gather her thoughts. "This story is very personal."

Instantly feeling guilty, Amira leaned forward and gently touched Lily's arm. "If this is going to be too painful, you don't have to tell me anything. I'll still work with the girls."

"No, I want to tell you," she assured Amira. "Someone else needs to know this story and I had planned on telling you one day. I'm just not sure how to begin."

Amira thought of her favorite memory. "When I was little you used to start with once upon a time."

Lily grinned at her friend. "That sounds like an excellent way to start.

"Once upon a time a fairy Queen fell in love with the Captain of the guard. His name was Barlos and he was a handsome, honorable, loving man. After many years together, the Goddess blessed them with two children: a beautiful girl named Bella and a handsome boy called Ambrose. Bella favored her father in coloring and not having wings. Ambrose took after his mother. When he was young his wings were an iridescent green, but as he matured they took on a bronze hue. The family was very happy and the children grew to young adults. Bella was curious about the world beyond Fair Tree and would travel the outside land whenever she could. Ambrose wanted nothing more than to be a guard like his father so he studied strategy, weapons, and war.

"During this time men and elves were fighting in the outside world. They hadn't formally declared war, but it was getting closer and closer. People on both sides tried to talk peace and defuse the tense situations. When it appeared that they might succeed, an opposing faction decided to take advantage of the distraction. An elven wizard and a mixed army of humans and elves determined to attack Fair Tree. They weren't part of either the elven or human armies and had banded together for plunder and fortune. They wanted the war to continue so that they could continue their evil ways. The wizard believed that Fair Tree held a treasure so large, that he could rule the world if he took it.

"Somehow, the wizard was able to open a portal into Fair Tree. Luckily, the opening was spotted before it got too large and the city was alerted. Barlos and his warriors rushed to the portal and attacked the enemy army as they came through. But the numbers were on the enemy's side and the defenders were pushed back. Barlos was seriously wounded but kept fighting. More fairy warriors joined the battle and slowly were able to re-take lost ground.

"Finally, the elven wizard stepped through the portal to see how the battle was going. Barlos recognized him as the leader and attacked. The wizard's men rushed to defend him and Barlos had to fight through a wall of shields and swords. Barlos was mortally wounded but kept pushing towards the wizard. With his last breath, he killed the wizard and the portal closed.

"The humans and elves were cut off from their land and reinforcements. They tried to run but the fairy warriors were able to cut them down. Not one of the enemy army survived that day and many fairy warriors, including Barlos, made the ultimate sacrifice.

"The people of Fair Tree were devastated. The Queen could not believe that the love of her life was gone, Princess Bella could not comprehend the evil that caused her beloved father's death, and Prince Ambrose re-dedicated himself to becoming a warrior in honor of his father. The smoke of the funeral fires hung heavy over Fair Tree for a long time."

"I'm so sorry, Lily," Amira said softly.

Lily just nodded as she wiped tears from her face. Amira handed her a glass of water and waited for Lily to gather her composure. As Amira sat patiently, she considered the story so far. There was something in the tale that tickled her memory. "Lily, the sword Andy borrowed." The memory of another story surfaced. "Barlos carried that sword," she whispered in awe.

"Ironic isn't it?" Lily sighed. "A fairy warrior used an elven sword to defeat an elven wizard and his army. Pickwick named it Barlos' Revenge when he placed it in the treasury."

"Pickwick was there that day?" Amira and Pickwick had been friends for many years but he never talked about the distant past.

"Yes. He and Barlos were best friends. After that battle, Pickwick put down his sword and became my ambassador to the outside world."

"There's more isn't there?" Amira felt the pull of another question waiting to be asked.

"You are so like your mother," Lily said fondly.

"Thank you." Amira blushed at the compliment.

"To continue, people grieve in different ways. The Queen retreated from public life, Ambrose threw himself into training, and Bella journeyed to the outside world. In deference to the Queen, she took four guards with her as she wandered.

"During her travels she learned a great deal about humans. She saw them at their best and worst. She passed on what she learned and the names of influential people to Pickwick. He was able to negotiate trade contracts and military alliances. The recent battle proved that the fairy world could not afford to stand aloof from the human and eleven worlds. Fairies needed to know what was happening in the outside world in order to protect their land.

"Finally, Bella's journey brought her to the kingdom of Cleahith where she met Tero, the youngest son of the ruler. Tero was handsome and charming and fell in love with Bella as soon as they met. Bella tried to resist but she too fell deeply in love. She wanted to stay with Tero but fairies and humans can only have brief liaisons. Fairies live so much longer than humans and the two are not able to have children together. Bella did not know what to do. She loved Tero, but knew he needed an heir to continue his legacy. Tero loved Bella and did not want to share his life with another. He was ready to abandon his responsibilities to remain true to his love."

The Queen paused at this point. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath. After all these years, Lily's heart still ached when she remembered what happened next.

"It is not unheard of for a fairy to fall in love with a human," she said softly. "Usually the love affair lasts until the human passes on. Occasionally, the fairy will decide to give up their immortality and become human. There is a ritual that once practiced cannot be reversed. Bella decided she wanted to become human for Tero. A member of Bella's guard was sent back to Fair Tree to inform the Queen.

"The Queen was still mourning Barlos and couldn't believe that her daughter wanted to give up her heritage. All she could think was that her daughter would die like Barlos. The Queen and her escort, which included Pickwick, raced to Cleahith

"When the Queen reached her daughter, she tried to convince her to give up the madness of becoming human. For three days and nights, the two women were sequestered. Tero paced the hallway but the fairy guards would not let him enter Bella's rooms. They could hear shouting, and crying but no one could tell who was winning the argument. They only knew it was loud.

"Pickwick spent time with Tero getting to know the young man. He became impressed with Tero's devotion and honor. Tero told Pickwick he had not asked Bella to give up so much. He only wanted to love her to the end of his days.

"Finally, the Queen emerged from the rooms. Tero drew himself up with as much dignity as possible and awaited the Queen's decision. The Queen glanced at Pickwick and saw the faint nod. Turning to her guards, she advised them that the ritual would be performed the next morning and directed them to make preparations. Tero sagged against the wall as the Queen and Pickwick walked away. A few minutes later, Bella found Tero still leaning against the wall. With tears in his eyes, he engulfed Bella in a hug. She explained that her mother realized the depth of her love and would not stand in their way.

"At dawn the next morning, the Queen performed the sacred ceremony. When it was over, Bella was human. As Bella and Tero began their life together, the Queen and her entourage returned to Fair Tree.

"The Queen and Bella eventually reconciled. Bella bore eight children with Tero and the Queen became a doting grandmother. As she feared, the day came when Bella died of old age. Tero had passed a couple of years prior and Bella gained a greater appreciation for what her mother had gone through when Barlos died. The Queen was at Bella's bedside along with all of her children and grandchildren when she passed.

"The Queen returned to Fair Tree comforted by the belief that her daughter's soul would be re-born and they would meet again. The end."

Amira sat in stunned silence. She never expected the story to touch her like it did. However, being her mother's daughter, she knew there was still more to learn. "Great Goddess, Lily. I'm so sorry that you lost Bella and Barlos."

"Thank you. I can still see hints of Barlos in Ambrose, especially when he smiles and laughs. Bella's children spread throughout the land and I see hints of her now and then." Lily sighed as she remembered her loved ones.

Amira tilted her head as she thought. "I never heard of Cleahith. Where was it located?"

"The kingdom was conquered many times and absorbed into other kingdoms," Lily explained. "It was located across the Dolce Mountains from Eliasa."

Surprised, Amira sat straight up. One of the secrets was revealed. "The settlers of Eliasa came from old Cleahith. Your grandchildren became my ancestors," she said excitedly.

"It was more like my great-grandchildren's great-grandchildren. But yes, the people of Eliasa were descended from Tero and Bella." Lily smiled slyly.

"There's more isn't there?" Amira guessed.

"A bit. Do you know what you get when you cross a mortal fairy with a human?" Lily leaned closer to Amira. She knew this would tickle her friend.

"No." Amira held her breath.

"You get witches and warlocks," Lily whispered then grinned as she sat back.

"Magic. Bella brought magic to the bloodline?" Amira laughed in surprise.

"Yes. Fairy magic is different from human magic. In the old days, human magic was not very strong or even useful. Even though Bella became human, she passed a special kind of magic to her children. Over the generations, the magic evolved into something different again."

Amira practically bounced in her seat. "That's fantastic. I don't know what to say. Can I call you Grandma?" She could hardly believe the connection.

"You do and I'll throw something at you." Laughing, Lily wagged her finger at Amira.

"Ha! Okay, I'll stick with Lily." Amira stared at Lily and could see from the twinkle in her eye there was still something else. She thought about what she learned so far: how a war led Bella to travel, how magic came to the land, and how Eliasa's people were descended from Bella. She realized Lily had made a passing remark about a soul being reborn. The same remarks were made when Andy and Gran died. "Was Bella re-born?"

"I wondered when you would get there." Lily beamed proudly. "Yes, she was. Do you want to hazard a guess?"

Amira remembered standing in the catacombs at the foot of Andy and Miranda's vault. Her eyebrows shot up as she realized the connection. "Andy was the re-incarnated soul of Bella," she whispered.

"Yes. Andy's soul was Bella." Lily remembered her darling daughter in both incarnations. Even though she knew she would see Bella/Andy again, her heart ached from both losses. Lily wondered what the next incarnation would bring.

"Lily, Gran once told me that she had always loved Andy. She suspected she might have been Amelia." Amira's eyes went wide. "Was she?"

"Very good." Impressed, Lily nodded. "I always wondered if Miranda knew. Yes, she was the re-incarnated soul of Amelia."

Delighted with the knowledge, Amira couldn't help asking, "Who was she before that? Do you know?"

Lily smiled softly. "She was many people. One of her previous lives was Randal the first ruler of Eliasa."

Amira thought of something her grandmother said. "She had always loved Andy," Amira muttered. "Had she also been Tero?"

Lily paused and stared at the fireplace for a moment. "Yes, Tero had been chasing Bella for many lifetimes. I thought Andy and Randal would get together. But she was still a young witch and Randal realized that Andy had so much to learn about her talents. He loved her but did not pursue her. Amelia didn't want Andy to retire from the world, so she sent her away. Finally, Miranda was born with almost enough magic to become a witch like Andy. When she and Andy bonded, Miranda's powers burst forth like flowers in the sun. I believe they were finally together like the Goddess intended."

Amira was charmed by the love story. "Lily, the story of those two souls is so romantic. Bards should be singing about Bella and Tero." Besides her mother and aunt, Andy and Miranda had been two of most influential people in her life. Not a day went by that she did not think of them and miss their presence.

"I'll leave the story telling to you. You wanted a history lesson today. Are you curious about whom you were in a previous life?" Since the funeral all those years ago, Lily had expected Amira to ask. She told Pickwick that if she did, Amira would hear the truth.

"You know," Amira said thoughtfully, "I'm not. Pickwick said to live my life looking forward, not back. I think that's some of the best advice I've ever gotten. I appreciate how my past has shaped me, but I determine my way forward. So thank you, but no thank you."

"Very well. When do you think you'll go after your new apprentices?" Relieved, Lily was proud of Amira's maturity.

"Give me a day to rest and gather supplies. I'll head out the day after tomorrow. Would it be okay if I bring them back here? I'll need someplace safe to start their training." Amira was already thinking back to her own training and how she would approach the girls. She hoped they weren't as much trouble as she had been. Unfortunately, she remembered Andy saying that one day karma would bite her in the ass.

"Of course, I'll have rooms ready when you get back." Lily didn't need to tell Amira that the rooms were already prepared and waiting.

"Thanks. I need to get some things together. I'll see you at dinner." Amira hopped up and headed for the door.

"Okay, see you later." Lily watched her friend leave. Amira moved with an energy that wasn't there when she first came through the door.

Amira passed Pickwick on the way out of the study. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek as she went by.

"Where is she hurrying off too?" He gestured over his shoulder as he moved towards the recently vacated chair.

"She needs to pack so that she can pick up her new apprentices," Lily said proudly.

Pickwick settled comfortably into the chair and put his feet up on a stool. "Ahh. Good. So how was your day?"

"Good. I told Amira the story of Bella and Tero." Lily was glad the story was finally told. It was fitting that Amira should know.

"How did that go?" Frowning Pickwick waited. Even though it happened long ago, he knew Lily still felt the pain of losing her first born. Lily's relationship with Andy helped, but Andy was not Bella. When Andy passed, some of the pain returned.

"She was able to connect most of the dots. She figured out the Andy/Bella connection. Evidently, Miranda felt she had been Amelia. I added Randal and Tero to the list. Amira was smitten by the love story of the two wandering souls."

"Did Amira ask about herself?" Pickwick rubbed his chin, dreading the answer.

Lily shook her head. "Surprisingly, no. She remembered what you told her before and decided to pass."

"Well, I am surprised." Pickwick was also relieved but he had to ask. "What about you? Are you disappointed?"

Reaching over, Lily took Pickwick's hand. "Pickwick, my time with Barlos was long ago. My time with you is now."

"I know," Pickwick said quietly. "But I always thought one day you would go back to him." Pickwick felt as if a great weight had been lifted from his soul. Many years ago, he vowed he would not keep Lily from returning to Barlos' arms. He loved Lily with all his heart and wanted whatever was best for her.

"Sweetheart, Amira has Barlos' soul but she is not Barlos." Lily squeezed Pickwick's hand. "Besides Amira has a thing for one of my guards."

"Who? I haven't seen her with anyone?" Pickwick wondered how he missed that. He spent a fair bit of time with Amira.

"They've been very discrete. Next time you see Trisha, check out her neck. Amira likes to mark." Lily smirked when she remembered running into the two of them in a back hallway.

"Well, I guess that settles that." Pickwick relaxed, satisfied with how things had turned out.

"Yes it does," Lily agreed. "Amira will be bringing the girls here to begin their lessons."

Pickwick gave Lily a suspicious look. "Did you say anything to her about them?"

Lily shook her head. "No, but Amira's a bright girl. I'm sure she'll figure it out once she sees the two of them together." Lily could hardly wait.

Pickwick frowned. "Do you think she'll have any trouble dealing with them?" Pickwick remembered a few incidents early in Andy and Amira's training.

"I'm sure they'll get into their share of trouble." Lily expected her kingdom was in for a rocky ride. "However, I believe it will be because they are two very young witches not because of who they use to be."

"Well, it's going to be interesting." Pickwick sighed.

"It will be that," Lily agreed.

Pickwick relaxed and considered the future. After a few minutes he groaned. "Crap. We're going to be overrun with rabbits aren't we?" Pickwick smirked as he glanced at his lover.

Lily just laughed.

The End (for real this time)