A/N: This is the sequel to 'Of Secrets and Truth'. You would have to read that story first to have this make any sense.

That said, I want to forewarn that there fic is darker and has adult situations, such as language, sexual scenes, no-consensual/rape, bondage and character death.

Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or any of their characters from CW. I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story. Any and all real persons and situations are purely coincidental.

Chapter One


Dean looked down at the paper. He couldn't believe it, but Charlie had more news.

"So…I dug a bit more. Into her husband Don. Military, POW for a while. Looking over his medical file, he had low sperm count. Basically…"

"He was infertile. Sam is the father." Cas logically concluded.

Charlie nodded. "From what I can gather from everything, they're living separate. Married legally still, no change on that front. She's living in Kermit, Texas. Due date is in a couple of weeks Dean."

"Son of a bitch" he said again. He gave Charlie the letter that Sam sent. She read it over, and once she was done, held one hand to her mouth in shock. She handed it to Crowley, who stood behind her. He read it over, and she shook his head before handing it to Linda, who read it aloud.

"He have to send a message up to the Moose. He has to know."

"Ya think Crowley!" Dean shouted, causing everyone to step back, except for Cas, who put his hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear. "Dean, you're going to be an uncle." Holy shit. He was going to be an uncle. An uncle. To a kid. That his kid brother is going to have. Who's in Heaven.

Cas moved away and began walking to head back outside, "I am going to call on my brothers, I suggest you get ready for a drive Dean."

"Where to Cas?" Dean asked dumbly.

"To Texas obviously."

Sam was helped up by Bobby, who led him to the couch to sit. Once he was seated, Bobby poured them both a glass of whiskey. It was like any other hunt on any other day back on Earth, but Sam knew this was Heaven. A Heaven that he was supposed to help rebuild, as directed by a missing prophet who turned out to be God.

"So Sam, I'm guessing that explosion had something to do with you?" Bobby asked, standing over him arms crossed.

"Explosion?" All he recalled after he ganked Metatron was the Garden falling to pieces before he fell into limbo. Bobby nodded.

"Oh, how long have I been gone?"

"No way to tell here, time…time doesn't exist here Sam. Its memories Sam, live them endlessly, cycling over and over. Most times, I don't know what's up from down." Sam looked around. This looked like the Bobby's house he always knew. Stacked to the wall with books, smelling of old pages and whisky. Bobby continued, "once you were out that door, everyone kinda…faded away, I don't know. I was…remembering a movie night with you boys when you plunked down."

"Oh…I see." He recalled his own journey with Dean through Heaven, the Axis Mundi and meeting Joshua for the first time, the bitterness of the message he delivered. Then thinking about it, he had a question about it. "Bobby, when…when you're reliving your memories, do you…are you aware that they are memories?"

Bobby wrinkled his forehead and looked down in thought. "Never really thought about, it's…it's like I'm living it all over again. To be honest, I don't know when I move to one or another. Remember Ash coming, you too…but it only broke up the endless reruns. Why you ask?"

Sam thought for a moment on how to frame the answer. "Well, I meet God. He wants me to…um, remake Heaven."

"He did what now?" Bobby unbelieving asked.

"Yeah…after I took out Metatron, the entire place…fell apart. Then God came, and get this, it's Chuck."

"The writer?"

Sam nodded, "he wants me to be a bridge between the angels and human souls here." Sam paused, understanding his task, "and I think I know where to begin."

Bobby walked over to his desk and poured more whisky into his glass and then sat down. "That's a tall order Sam, but what's broken in Heaven besides the angels?"

"I don't think it was supposed to be this way Bobby. Stuck in our memories on repeat, never leaving, never…growing. Did it ever occur to you Bobby, to find Karen? I know I was happy to see mom." He recalled his mother, so beautiful and accepting. "How many people on Earth hope to see loved ones again, or to find true peace in Heaven? I know I did. But if it's all memories, even happy ones, then it's a lie. When I die, and if I get up here, I want to talk to my mom, meet my grandparents, hell, I want to debate Socrates, talk with JFK, see what's happening on Earth, try to understand, to find…peace."

They sat in silence, Sam realizing he held the answer, Bobby accepting he was right. "Sam, you got a point. I got some real happy memoires, but not enough for all eternity, not with the life I lead down there. Sam, if you can fix this, do it."

"Thing is, I have no idea where to start."

Cas spoke to Raziel on the phone, appraising him of the situation. Still no word on finding Sam, as all of the Heavens were in flux, and with so few angels actually choosing to return, or able to return, it was a slow going process. However, if they were able to find him, they would relay the news. Even if they did though, they still had no clue on bring back to home. Perhaps God would send him back after his task is complete?

Heading back down, he went to his and Deans quarters, where Dean was packing their duffel bag. Cas sat at the desk as Dean packed. "How do you want to play this Dean?"

"Don't know man. I mean, I'm happy as hell, but, shit, this couldn't have come at a worst time. Sam's MIA in Heaven and he's about to have a kid he knows nothing about. And Amelia? She's not going to believe a word we say Cas. Sam didn't tell her the truth about what's out there. Hell, I don't know if she even knows about me." Dean said as he shoved the last piece of clothing in there harder than he should have.

He understood a bit better now, that most modern humans refused to believe in the supernatural. Cas thought it was ironic, since for most of humanities history, they believed everything was supernatural. Dean had a point though, pregnant women tend to be overly emotional and with being so close to delivering, it was not ideal to break Sam current status to her. However, she did at the very least have the right to know. Otherwise, why spend all that time looking for Sam? Getting up, he took a couple of the pictures down from the wall.

"What are you doing Cas?" Dean asked while he was checking the weapons.

"If she doesn't know who you are, then we need to bring proof. I believe photographic evidence may lead her to believe us more readily." When Dean and Sam were on a hunt a couple months beforehand during the renovation, he spent a great deal of time looking for pictures of the Winchesters. Being on the road and constantly on the run from the law meant very few were to be had. But pulling in some favors and diligent research, he found some. Most of were more recent, but he found the box that the boys recovered from their old home nearly a decade before in John's lockup. It was still his open secret, but he brought many of the personal effects back. The night Dean came back and after they recuperated, Dean saw them he nearly cried…which lead to another round of sex.

Sighing at the memory, he carefully took the priceless photos out and placed them in his messenger bag. Turing around, he saw Dean was right behind him, looking at the ones still hanging. He caught Dean doing this often, especially the past week, but he understood. Kissing him lightly on the cheek, he went out to the library.

"So Cas, I have it all mapped out. I forwarded all the info I can find to your tablet. You guys sure you don't want me to come."

He shook his head at Charlie, "no, though it is appreciated. This is something that Dean can only do, and where he goes, I go."

Charlie smiled warmly, "you're too cute when you do that?"

He smiled back, "can't help it." She giggled, his grasp on talking 'normal' and not being literally has improved vastly since becoming human.

Crowley walked up next to him. "Cassie, Naomi and I have to head back to the work. Keep me updated if the giant come back down the beanstalk."

"Of course."

"Cas! Let's go!" Dean hollered from the staircase. Waving goodbye to everyone, he went to follow Dean to the Impala.