Welcome to PAD"s flashish fic.

Stephenie Meyer owns these Twilight characters.

I'm just enjoying dinner at her table.

Watching You 17

Now, instead of spitting out a sip of my wine or water—as seems to be the pattern between Edward and me—I'm choking on his chicken. My subconscious perks up and looks around at that thought. "Hey", I say to her as I rein her in, "I'm having trouble breathing here." She's useless and still looking for Edward's chicken while he springs off his chair and stands at my back.

"Try to relax, Bella."

Easy for you to say.

"See if you can cough to get it out without lodging it further."

I try to cough, using my diaphragm and newly toned abs, without inhaling through my mouth while Edward lightly massages my back, trying to calm me, and I actually feel the foreign piece begin to make its way back up. A couple more good grunts on my part give way to my relief with the culprit safely in my napkin.

Well, at least one culprit is in your napkin; what are you going to do about the other one standing behind you?

I take a few sips of my water, swallow, and inhale a trial breath. It feels okay, so I breathe deeply just to make certain.

"I'm good."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, but I think I've had enough to drink for the night."

"Say no more."

Edward leans over me slightly, grabs both our glasses, and dumps our wine into the sink. He brings me a fresh glass of ice water with lemon and a straw."

"I want to try to finish my dinner. You did such a great job on it. It tasted scrumptious. You really are a great cook."

"Maybe you should stick to the softer foods. I can make something else for you if you like, or we can just forget dinner and eat dessert here. I'm sure the peaches will go down smoothly. Maybe I can make you some tea to go with it. I also really ought to put some clothes on, but first I'll get you whatever you want."

"I want you to enjoy your dinner with me just as you are." The poor guy, he's really bugging out. "Seriously, I'm fine, really. And I don't want dessert here at the table. I want you to make good your promise, so keep the clothes—or lack there of—on".

"Well, okay. Um, would you like me to warm up your plate? It has to have cooled off by now."

"Thirty seconds should be fine. Please warm up yours as well. You shouldn't have to eat yours at room temperature."

He returns with both plates after a minute and quietly sets them down before taking his seat. We both sit in silence, him assessing me, me assessing him. I hate that this situation interrupted where we were heading, so I grab his hand to lighten his burden.

"I'm fine."

"I know, but I'm not."

"What do you mean?"

"This whole evening, I rushed you into something I wanted. This wasn't fair to you, Bella." He tips his head, looking down towards his lap.

"Edward, look at me." I get up out of my chair and walk to him, standing in front of his parted legs. He looks concerned and defeated. His eyes are sad and troubled. I run my fingers over his wrinkly brow, trying to press out the creases. "You know, your worry lines remind me of stubbornness that won't release, much like a fine-tailored, clean, white dress shirt that's been balled-up and sitting on the bottom of a hamper. It needs forceful coercion, and a firm, massaging iron to get the kinks to give up. Maybe a little steam and hot water wouldn't hurt, either."

"I'm sorry, Bella. I had this vision in my head of the first time I'd invite you to come up here and have dinner, and it was nothing like this."

"It's okay, Edward. You try too hard, sometimes."

I take a sip of water and grab my fork, stabbing another piece of chicken, bound and determined to enjoy it. Savor, chew, swallow. I repeat that action with the colorful baby potatoes this time. Then the asparagus are next. I skewer a piece of chicken for Edward with his fork and begin feeding him while I'm still standing in front of him. He hums while I scratch his scalp lightly as I continue to empty both our plates and water glasses. I'm down to the last asparagus spear, which I place in my mouth. I bait Edward into biting the other end, and slowly like two determined caterpillars eating the same leaf, our mouths touch.

Edward gently grabs my waist and holds me in place while I bring his glass to his lips. He sips and swallows, leaving a drop or two trailing down over his laugh line. I set down his glass and proceed, kissing those drops away until I reach his lips. Once, twice, three times I peck at the smooth flesh—while kneading and pulling at his lips—but it's not as smooth as his tongue, which comes out to pay my tongue a visit. His is cold from the ice, as I'm sure is mine, but I don't care. I've gotten this man back, my man back, and I once again see the joy on his face and the passion in his eyes as I pull myself away to get a good look at his happily panting form.

"You shouldn't let things get to you, Edward. Life's too short sometimes to take too seriously."

He holds me at my waist and sets me down to straddle his lap, lightly grazing his fingers up and down my back. I take both my hands and scratch the back of his head. "Mmm, that feels good, Bella. I know. You're right. You're very perceptive. I do need to work on letting go. It was a big step for me tonight, allowing you to take over in the gym when we were on the weight bench. I've never done that with anyone, but you're different and special, and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

I smile and start giggling at the thought and feel a part of him I like I like that part of him, too, pressing into me further. "It actually was a lot of fun, taking over and watching you squirm."

He looks at me with a salacious smirk, "Well, then, I guess I'll have to work on letting you try things on me more often, and I'll have to learn to give way to a little more spontaneity."

"Mmhmm." I take my right hand off the back of his head and use my thumb to rub over his eyelid and beautifully long lashes, then plant a kiss with my lips. I continue to leave a trail of small pecks along his cheek, down the side of his face, over his jaw.

"Oh, Bella, that feels nice." He lets out a small groan that resonates through him.

"I want dessert."

"Where do you want it? We can have it here, in the living room . . . in the bedroom."

"I want it right . . ." I lift the bar apron and give him a stroke, ". . . here."

He lets out a low hum-groan-roar while his eyes roll back in his head as his thick, turgid shaft agrees with me. Oh, hell yeah, I'm all for ratifying this!

"I don't care where as long as I get to eat it here." Just to reiterate my point, I swipe my thumb over the top of his point, then lick the spot of cream he's given me.

"Arrggh! Bella, if you keep that up, there won't be any need for any whipped topping."

He stands up quickly with me still straddling him and carries me down the hall, passing beautiful paintings and sculptures along the way to his bedroom, one of the few rooms he didn't show me. He pushes the door open to a huge room with grand cherry furniture and a massive four-poster bed, facing a wall of windows, opening outward, overlooking the sound.

"This room's beautiful."

"It doesn't have anything on you, Bella."

I turn to face him as he places a sweet kiss on my forehead, letting me know it's about me not sex. He sets me down while pointing out where things are. "Feel free to take a shower, freshen-up, or even snoop."

He gives me an all-knowing look as I sheepishly give him my reply, "How did you know?"

"I can't give away all of my secrets. You'd get bored with me then." He pulls me in for a hug and tickles my ribs, smacking me on the ass as I try to wriggle away from his torture.

"Ow, what was that for?" The slap really hurt but sort of in a good way.

"Nosey little Bellas need to suffer the consequences of their actions. Depending on how you behave will dictate my behavior."

Oh, I like where this is going.

"Well, I suggest you hurry up and get dessert, then. You've been an equally bad boy. Turnabout is fair play. Besides, I need time to snoop."

His eyes alight in wonderment over what my remark means then darken as the realization dawns on him. "As you wish, my naughty one."

He closes the door with an ominous click. "Oh, what am I getting myself into?"


What is Bella getting herself into?

Please share your thoughts.


Thank you, Chayasara, for beta'ing, twice.

Thank you, Evil Nat, for the beautiful banner. (Blue is my favorite color.)

Please check out my new fics, "Skater Boy and Boarder Girl" and "Hard Crack." I'm also updating "Rude Awakenings" this week and am working on updates for "Boys Will Be," "Unhinged," and "Never Judge By The Cover."

Please check out works by these wonderful ladies I preread for:




Thank you for reading.