
Nico frowned down at his watch, tapping it, as if he could make it go faster. A few months had passed since the Luna incident; now Nico was standing, holding two large bags of popcorn, and two large drinks, with Percy and Annabeth who were talking in front of the movie theater Annabeth munching on her popcorn.

"Nico if you're going to stand there just staring at your watch you could have done that at home." Percy frowned.

Nico looked up at him. "Oh sorry." He grabbed a handful of the popcorn from his hand, and munched on it. "There, happy?"

Annabeth frowned at him. "Why did you buy popcorn, if you're not even going to watch the movie?"

"Oh right, we didn't tell you what was going on did we?" Percy asked. Annabeth looked at him confused.

Suddenly Nico's clock struck 4:00 "times up! Got to go." Nico ran past his cousin, giving him a wave before jumping into the shadows.

Annabeth blinked twice. "Where's he going to?" Annabeth asked.

Percy laughed, putting an arm around her shoulder. "He's just hurrying so he's not late for his date." Percy grinned, leading Annabeth into the theater.

Nico ran through the shadows, to the underworld. He landed in Persephone's garden, looking around. He placed the popcorn and drinks on the picnic table, making sure everything had been set up.

After Luna had eaten the scone, things had gotten a little weird. Hades didn't bother Nico about killing Harry anymore, which Nico was thankful for. Hades had actually taken a shine to Luna's, what did he call it? 'Unusual' personality. Luna had been given the same deal as Persephone, for six months in the spring she would be allowed to go back to the upper world, and then return again at fall. Hades also let her go back on special occasions, Halloween, Christmas, Winter Solstice, ext.

Nico had trouble figuring out what to tell Hogwarts, since Luna wasn't going to go back there anymore. He told them that Luna was fine and safe, and that the hole in the ground had been just some large animals in the ground. Luna had been so scared by it though; she had transferred back to her old school with Nico. Nico was pretty sure that most of the people didn't really buy his story, but they didn't really have any better explanation, so they went along with it.

In her time on the surface, Luna spent a lot of it with her dad, and at camp half-blood, since they were the only ones who could really comprehend her condition, as Annabeth called it.

When she was in the Underworld, she would usually stay with Persephone, who had taken a shine to Luna, and welcomed the extra company, even though she didn't understand what she was saying half the time. That worried Nico, his girlfriend and his step mother getting along? Wasn't that usually some sign of the apocalypse? Nico also left Rex to stay with Luna in the underworld. Sure it meant that Nico was alone more, but he could deal with it.

Nico straitened up, seeing everything was in place. He left the center of the garden to look for Luna. He found her near the edge of the garden, helping Persephone plant some roses. Rex was standing next to them, sniffing the plants curiously. Rex saw Nico before the others, and ran to him happily, licking his hands, and searching his pockets for any treats. Luna grinned, standing up from her work, before skipping up to Nico, and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Hey Nico! Look! Me and Persephone are planting roses! And this time I'll put up traps, so the nargles don't kill them." Nico nodded at her with a smile.

Persephone got up, whipping off her hands. She huffed at Nico with distain. "Some boyfriend you are, making your girlfriend wait. What kind of gentleman makes their girlfriend wait for them?"

Nico frowned, looking down at his watch. "But I timed it perfectly!" he stated, tapping it again.

Persephone sighed in exasperation, turning to Luna. "Luna dear, please just let me set you up with one of the spirits here. Sure they're dead, but there are some pretty charming ghosts down here."

"I'll be sure to tell father that you've been flirting with the ghosts again." Nico mumbled. Persephone glared at him.

Luna smiled, taking Nico's hand. "No thanks! I don't think that anyone else would go Nargle hunting with me."

Nico laughed, leading Luna into the center of the garden. Luna's eyes widened in excitement. He had a large projector screen and old fashioned projector set up, with two chairs facing them, the popcorn that he had gotten on a picnic table next to the chairs. Luna looked up at Nico, her eyes sparkling. "So what are we watching?"

Nico smiled, putting a hand behind his head. "Well, you told me you liked the show Doctor Who, so I found one of the old episodes with the Beetles."

Luna frowned. "But that episode was destroyed in a fire! How'd you get it?"

Nico grinned. "I have my ways." Nico waved to the chair, and Luna sat down eagerly, munching on the popcorn. Nico sat down next to her, his own drink in hand, as the movie started rolling.