Part Nine

This is an authors universe story

I do not own the rights to either the Joe's comic nor the movies this was done for fun and nothing more.

Someone challenged me to this and said It could not be done.

I would like to thank you for all your reviews. I would like to give a special thanks to: Tylblak, movielover121796,


BlindAlley05, teeganalice, njr09230, wheredidyougeteyeslikethose, Audrey Whyte, angel897, and ladyofthenight

This is the last chapter my friends. I want to thank you all for following this story and hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Any ideas for the next one let me know.

Snake Eyes

Point Of View

I was glad Nina was going out with Scarlet. The two talked here and their, and were slowly bonding. It was good to see her enjoying things and people around her. The last several days she had been sick, I was glad when she went to the doctor yesterday.

He gave her some medicine to help her stomach, and took blood. The doc had been busy the last few weeks. Some cold was going around. I had not caught it and found it odd, being Nina and I share the same bed most of the time. There is also that we kiss and snuggle as well. Not that I want the cold. I don't want it at all, it's just odd.

When Nina told me she was going to the mall, I was a bit taken back. Scarlet and the mall seam and odd combo. So there must be some reason Scarlet was going. My guess was a cretin man on my team, about what she was after only she knew.

I was not one for shopping, and their was no way I was going to a mall. Unless it was invaded, that is one place I am staying away from. I had thought about texting Nina and asking how it was, but I thought it better she have her fun. Besides it would make for great conversation tonight.

As time went on I did find it odd that I had heard nothing from Nina. Not even a we are on our way back and had lots of fun.

So when Five o'clock came and Nina was not here I knew something was wrong. I have known Scarlet a long time, and she is never late. I tried to text both Nina and Scarlet and when I got no response, I left to go tell Hawk. I was almost their when Flint came up to me.

"Their not back, something's wrong." He said. I gave a nod, and my phone.

"I know I am going to see Hawk now." He gave a nod and walked with me.

We walked into Hawk's office and he looked up from his paper work at us.

"Nina and Scarlet are not back on base, and not answering their phones." Flint said.

Hawk stood and looked at his watch. He opened the door to his office and called out to Holly.

"Holly activate Scarlet's G.P.S. chip now." He turned and looked at us. "Scarlet is never late, something is not right." He picked up his phone and gave a call for the rest of Alpha team to report to his office. Then he called the base doctor and ordered a helicopter to be ready.

The door opened and Holly stood with a laptop in hand. "Scarlet is forty miles due east of the mall. The sight is an old clinic of some kind." She said.

Roadblock and Lady Jaye walked in the door behind Holly . Looking at me then Flint.

"Alpha unit wheels up in ten, we got two of our own out their and we are going to go get them." Hawk said as he reached into his desk and pulled out his Glock. "Lets move."

At that we raced out of this office to get the gear we needed. In no time we were in the air and heading towards the signal. I only hoped both Nina and Scarlet were tougher and they both were ok. I closed my eyes, not that anyone could see. Then I said a silent prayer.

We landed the helicopter about a quarter of a mile away. We did not want to give ourselves away. We had no idea what we were walking into. Once on the ground the helicopter was ordered back into the air and to be ready for evac.

We approached the area with caution. If Cobra was here we did not want them to know we were. Once there we scouted the building from about a hundred yards away.

We could see into the front through a broken out window. Their was no light, but oil lamps lit the room. In the room were two men drinking and listening to music, both were armed. Behind one of the men slightly to the left was a door partly open. You could see shadows inside moving but not make out how many were inside. Their was no sign of Scarlet or Nina, though Scarlet's G.P.S. chip said she was in the back of the building.

Flint had used a special camera to take a picture of the men. He sent the pictures to Holly so she could run them in the data base. We used a detailed thermal scanner to scan the rest of the building.

The scan told us there were seven other people in the back of the building. Five men, Nina and Scarlet. We could tell the difference by their sizes. Their were two beds in the room. Their were two men standing in front of the beds. Their was a fifth man between the beds. The other two figures were Scarlet and Nina. According to Scarlet's G.P.S. locator she was in the left bed and lying down. Nina was in the bed next to her and she was also lying down. Holy's voice came over our comm's telling us about the two men in the front.

"Both men are wanted in several states for a number of crimes. Including assault, assault with a deadly weapon, rape, grand theft, and a number of petty criminal chargers. They are not know Cobra agents. They are considered to be armed and dangerous." Holy's voice came over all the comm's.

"Ok." Came Hawk's voice. "I'll punch the door, Flint you and Lady Jaye will take out our two goons in the front. Roadblock you and Snake Eyes hit that back room fast. Roadblock use a flash bang when you enter. I'll follow-up your six. Use lethal force if you have to"

"Got it." Flint said, followed by Roadblock, then Jaye I gave a simple thumbs up.

"Everyone check your gear we go in five." We all checked our gear and readied ourselves, placing silencers on our guns Hawk ordered the helicopter, and doc be ready as well.

I took a deep breath and readied myself. Hawk hit the door and Flint and Jaye rushed in taking down the men with head shots. They then checked the rest of the room for other people or traps. Roadblock hit the door and tossed the flash bang inside, we then rushed in.

Roadblock fired a head shot at one man and I fired one at another. The other three ducked and rushed for cover. The man between Nina and Scarlet wiped around he had Nina up against him. He pulled out a gun and fired at me, using Nina as cover.

We ducked for cover and I realized the man who had Nina was Mad Slasher. The fight was on. Roadblock tackled one of the men and the two hit a table, knocking off three oil lamps in the process. Hawk took one of the men down with a head shot and I went for Mad Slasher.

"Well, well. What have we here, is this your friend." He said to Nina then looked at me. "What are you supposed to be." I answered him by pulling my sword out. He laughed and pointed to me. "A ninja, I spar with one of you all the time."

Not me you don't I thought to myself. He pulled Nina closer to him running a hand across her face. She had taken a pretty good beating. She looked at me and held her head high. He pulled out a knife and waved it in front of him.

"I like knives." He said.

You want to play with knives. That's fine I thought to myself. I sheathed my sword and pulled out my trench knives, twirling them around in my hand. He snorted.

Nina looked at me and then did something I had not expected.

"I am going to enjoy watching him mop the floor with your sorry ass." She suddenly pulled forward then thrust her elbow back into his gut. It startled him and he released her. She spun around and just as I thought her, brought her knee up into his face. That was all I needed. I placed myself between him and Nina.

Lets dance I thought to myself. I waited for him to make the first move. I had great patience, I knew this man did not. I took a defensive keeping him in my sights at all time, and making sure he had no access to Nina. He tried taunting me{ like that will work}

When that did not work he lunged at me swinging his knife at my midsection. Funny I knew he would do that and I was ready. I swung one of my knives to block his hit and the other at his arm.

I caught him in his arm and he stumbled back. The hit didn't ever phase him, he lunged once more and I jumped back. He lunged at me and we locked knives above our heads. He tried to knee me, but I brought up my leg and blocked it.

We split apart and he lunged at me once more. I spun around and swung a knife at him as he went by. I slashed him across his side. This time it phased him, he stumbled and looked back at me.

"You're a dam good fighter, you should come and work for me." He said.

I don't think so I thought to myself. He tried to circle around me, but I was one step ahead of him. He rushed in towards my side hoping to catch me off guard. Like that was going to happen. I sidestepped grabbed a hold of the back of his shirt and flung him backwards, kicking his feet out from under him and he hit the floor hard. He sprung back up and tried to kick my feet out from under me. I leaped into the air and landed to his side. I roundhouse him and sent him several feet backwards.

"Snake Eyes end him we can't free Scarlet" Hawk yelled. He and Flint were trying to free Scarlet, who was still changed to the bed. The whole room was nearly engulfed. I had to end this, and free Scarlet and get Nina out. I put away my trench knives and kept my hands at my side ready.

He turned his head and looked over at Nina and smiled. "She tell you about her and me." He smiled at me. I just stared at him. "When we're done before I finish you off, I let you watch me have her once more."

He rushed at me thinking he was going to take me down, I pulled out my sword spun and thrust it straight through him. He gagged and I watched blood pour from his mouth. I twisted my blade right then left then ripped it out of him with great force. He stumbled back and hit the floor, blood pooling around him everywhere. Nina stood staring at him.

I spun around and made for the bed. I used my blade to break the chain and free Scarlet. Flint Scoped up Scarlet and I rushed for Nina. She was still in the same spot. She turned to me and went to take a step and dropped to the ground. I had barely time to catch her, I scoped her up into my arms as she closed her eyes.

We made a break towards the right of the room where their was a side door. Roadblock took it down and we went down a long hallway towards the back exit, over seventy percent of the building was now on fire. We made it out the back and the helicopter was in the parking lot waiting.

We jumped in and moments later we were in the air. Doc went right to work looking over Scarlet then Nina.

"Took you guys long enough. Hope you gave those asses what they had coming." Scarlet said she looked right at me as she said the last part.

I looked down at Nina and she was out cold, doc knelt down taking a look at her. He looked worried and that bothered me. Hawk noticed his look and called out to him.

"Doc she ok." Doc looked at Nina and then to Hawk.

"I need to get her back on base. I will speak to you after I talk to her. I can't talk to you till after I speak to her." That bothered me a great deal. Why did he want to talk to Nina alone.

He treated Nina's cuts and had to give her several stitches. She had a huge bruise on her left side. She stirred as doc touched her side. She opened her eyes and stared up at me. She turned her head and looked towards doc. She then turned and looked back at me.

"I knew you would come for me." She said as she smiled at me. "My side hurts." She said closing her eyes after a moment she opened them and looked towards doc. "Tell him." She said, then she closed her eyes once more.

Tell me what I thought, what did I need to know.

"What's wrong" I typed out then gave doc my phone. Doc took my phone and I was surprised as he used it to talk back to me.

"She's pregnant." He typed to me. Looking around hoping no one saw the text but me.

"She took a bad beating." I wrote back. "What about the baby?" I asked.

"I won't know more till I get her back to base, and give her an ultrasound. Lets just hope the baby and she are ok." I gave a nod and took Nina's hand in mine.

Twelve Hours Later

I sat by Nina's bed watching her sleep. She had two broken ribs, several deep cuts on her face and several other small cuts and bruise in other places. After a full scan we found out the baby was ok. That was truly a miracle from God above, only he could deliver such things. Nina had woken once, but could not stay awake very long. Doc said she was in shock and she just needed time.

Scarlet had taken a pretty bad beating herself. She had four broken ribs and had to have eight stitches to her face. Five for one cut, three for the other. She had gone back to her room with Flint hours ago.

Doc had ordered Nina to stay till she woke completely and was no longer in shock. After that he wanted her on bed rest till her ribs healed. That was already taken care of. Once she was ok, I was heading to the mountains with her. I told Hawk I needed to take her and he knew better than to say no.

I took a deep breath and stood to stretch my legs, walking around the room.

"Snake Eyes." Nina called. I turned around and looked over at her. She smiled at me and looked around. "I love you." She said to me. I sat next to her and pulled out my phone.

"I love you too Nina. I know, doc told me the baby is ok, but your on bed rest till further notice." She smiled at me.

" This isn't how I wanted to tell you." She said to me followed by "Your going to make a great father."

"Your going to make a great mother Nina. You have no idea how happy I am now." She smiled.

"Can I sit up?" I gave a nod and helped her up.

"When doc says its ok you and I are leaving for the cabin." She gave a nod. "Let me go get him he wanted to know when you were awake." I gave her hand a squeeze and left the room to get doc.

Moments later we returned and I stood next to the bed as doc gave her a look over.

"How do you feel?" He asked her.


"I expected that." He said as he stood crossing his arms over his chest.

"When can I go?" She asked

"When ever Snake Eyes wants to take you, he has to sign you out and be responsible for you till your ribs heal." She looked at me. I gave doc my phone.

"How about now." I wrote giving doc the phone and then her. Doc gave a nod and she smiled.

"Lets get the paper work done Snake Eyes and then you can take her." I gave a nod and then left to sign the papers.

It took no time and soon we were slowly walking back to my quarters. Once in my Quarters I drew a bath for Nina and then helped her bathe. Once done I helped her dress and then placed her in bed. I sat next to her and she took my hand in hers.

"I am hungry." She said

"Me too." I said. "I grab a shower and then go get us something in the lounge, why don't you take a nap till then.

"Ok." She said. "But only if I can have a kiss first." It was my turn to smile. I leaned down and placed my lips against hers. I deepened our kiss and soon we were lost in our passion for each other. Slowly I pulled away and stood making my way for the bathroom.

Nina's Point

Of View

As I watched him go it was hard. All I wanted was for him to be next to me holding me close. I faced my fear so easily because of him. I knew Snake Eyes would come for me and I knew he would kill that man. I closed my eyes and slowly took a deep breath, it hurt to do so.

I was not tired, but I would rest. It was about ten minuets late when I felt a soft touch on my face. I opened my eyes to see Snake Eyes sitting next to me. He had on black sweat pants and a black t-shirt.

"Anything special I should look for." He ask as he gave me his phone.

"I would like some sprite, it settles my stomach."

"What about something to eat?" He asked

"If they have bagels a plain one would be nice."

"Ok I find you something and then I be back. Will get stuff tougher later and be on our way late morning." I smiled and gave a nod, he leaned down and kissed me.

It was about a half hour later that he returned. He had the bagel which had cream cheese on it and strawberry jam. He had the sprite as well along with a turkey sandwich and chips. We sat and ate the food, then Snake Eyes got all the stuff we needed ready.

Several hours later we were in Hawk's office and signing out to leave. Hawk asked no question, not that he would. I was on leave till me ribs healed. Then I would work till the baby was due. I was two months pregnant, Snake Eyes and I had both laughed at that. That night in his cabin, is when we figured I got pregnant.

Snake Eyes was happy about the baby, and I knew I would be well cared for. Soon we were in the air and on our way to the cabin. This time we took a range rover to the cabin. It was a hard ride for me, especially because of the blind fold and jolting made me sick. It took a little longer then he had wanted but we got their after the sun had set. He took me in and started a fire and then got our stuff.

After he put the stuff away and cooked a late dinner we snuggled by the fire.

"Dinner sitting well." He asked as he handed me his phone.

"Yes." I said "I usually feel my worst from morning till late in the day."

"That should pass soon enough." He said and placed his had on my face. I closed my eyes and I felt his hands slide under me and he lifted me off the ground. He carried me into the bedroom and soon we were sound asleep.

Several Days Later

I opened my eyes and laughed, the smell of food had filled the air. Snake Eyes had got up almost an hour ago and had made breakfast. I sat up and slowly got out of be. I paused as me feet were about to hit the floor and laughed as I looked down. He had placed socks on my feet. I shook my head and slowly stood and made my way to the bathroom, then to the kitchen.

Snake Eyes had the side door open and he was standing in the door way looking at something. As I started towards his he placed a finger on his lips as he looked at me and smiled.

Their just outside the door was a mother dear and her baby. Snake Eyes was tossing them bread, he gave me a piece and I tossed it towards them. We stood there and watched them until they darted off into the woods. I smiled as he closed the door then turned and looked at him

"Tell me you don't feed the bears that way."

"No." I stay away from the animal I know might eat me." He wrote out for me.

"Yah right like a bear could take you down." He shook with a silent laughter and then passed me some dry toast and scrambled eggs.

After we ate we went for a small walk outside. We said nothing just snuggled close. We walked for maybe a half an hour then turned back for the cabin. We were about to go in when he paused and took my hand in his. He got down on one knee and slid a ring on my finger. He looked up at me and I could not help the tears the fell.

He did not need to ask me I knew by his actions what he wanted.

"Yes." I said with a smile. He stood and then pulled me close and kissed me. We stood there for some time kissing each other and then slowly made our way into the cabin. We snuggled by the fire and I laid my head on his shoulder. He pulled me close and I closed my eyes.

Four men once had nearly ruined my life. Their actions had placed a fear in me I never knew could exist, but one man changed everything. He chose to love me, protect me, and give me what I thought I would never have. I once thought my life was over, but now I know it's just beginning.

Snake Eyes freed me from the darkness I was living in and brought me back to the light. I would never fear again, not with him by side. Their was no need to, he was my guide. A guide through my darkness, and as long as he was with me I would never lose my way.