Pitch was standing on top of a frozen lake facing off ageist the the guardians." YOU CAN'T GET RID OF ME! THERE WILL ALWAYS BE FEAR!" "SO WHAT IF AT LEAST ONE CHILD STILL BELIEVES WE WILL BE HERE TO FIGHT FEAR!"
A whinny was hard and Pitch looked to the on coming nightmare." REALLY THAN WHAT IS THAT DOING HERE?" The nightmare landed in-front of Pitch in a panic. Something wasn't right. Then he realized it. "Ebony?" the mare nodded.
Panic grew inside of Pitch" WHAT'S HAPPENED?,WHERE'S JENNIFER?"Ebony telegraphically told her master. " DAMN IT!" He said as he mounted Ebony and road off like a bat out of hell! Leaving behind five very confused guardians." What the hell was that all about?" Jack asked " And who is this sheila Jennifer?" Bunnymound said scratching the back of his head. North spoke up " Let us find out!" But before any of them could take a step. The Man in the Moon and told them to wait.
Jennifer was fighting back as hard as she could. She had manged to claw at Joe's face with her nails But he quickly stopped that by pinning her hands above her head. She tried kicking but with him straddling her she couldn't really move her legs. Her fear at this point was over baring and she let out an ear piercing the one single word that tore out of her throat was "PITCH!" He heard her yell and Pitch pushed Ebony to go faster.
As them came closer Pitch's eyes widened with shock and anger boiled inside him at what he saw. There was Jennifer,his white rose, the little girl that had always believed him even as an adult but never feared him. The girl he secretly watched over was lain helplessly on the ground with a man on top of her holding a knife to her throat.
Pitch led Ebony to knock right into Joe,knocking him off of Jennifer. Joe scrambled to his feet holding out the small knife." Who's there!" A dark laugh filled the air. " I do so hate man like you." Stated a deep dark voice that seemed to come from every where. Shadows of Pitch on Ebony danced around him. " SHOW YOUR SELF MOTHER FUCKER!"Joe shouted into the darkness.
" My, My, such language and in front of a lady." Joe scoffed " What lady, you mean that little bitch over there.?" All went quite. ( NO HE DIDN'T, HE DID NOT JUST CALL MY WHITE ROSE A BITCH!) Pitch thought bitterly watching Joe from the shadows. He nudged Ebony forward. The sound of hooves echoed and slowly out of the shadows came the nightmare king riding on his nightmare.
With anger and fire burning in his eyes and a look that said I'M GOING TO KILL YOU !As Joe took in the sight fear griped did not go unnoticed Pitch smiled. It was evil and wicked,Joe dropped the knife and started to run. Pitch let him get a few feet before going after him. But in stead of trampling him Pitch reared off a bit and dove into the shadows.
Joe stopped to catch his breath. Seeing no one chasing him.( Was it all just in my mind?) Joe thought as he stood there. Pitch watched him from the shadows waiting for the right moment to strike. A few more minuets passed and Joe began to relax. ( That's right.) Pitch played out what he would do in his mind. " now!" Pitch rose out of Joe's shadow that was behind him. Joe took a step back and bumped into some thing hard.
Joe slowly turned and was met with the fiery orbs of an angry boogieman. Pitch's wicked grin never left his face " Boo!" Pitch whispered and Joe peed him self. And let out a scream when Pitch drew his scythe. Pitch swung it up high in the air then brought it down to strike Joe. But let it disinterested back into nothing before it hit Joe. And watched with satisfaction as Joe fainted. Before He walked away Pitch gave Joe one hell of a nightmare to make sure Joe would never try anything like that again.
Jennifer was now sitting up tiring to cover her self with what was left of her nuzzling tiring to dry her tears. Pitch came up to them. " Are you alright?" " Yes" came the weak reply. Pitch kneeled down next to her taking off his robe and raping it around lifted her up bridle style and started walking with Ebony by his side.
The guardians had heard all the screaming and wanted to go see what was going on but MIM kept them where they were. Soon they heard the hooves of Pitches nightmare. And soon after they could see them walking twords them. AS Pitch got closer the guardians mouths dropped open. There was the nightmare king walking next to his nightmare robe-less and carrying a girl raped in said robe.
Tooth couldn't help the blush that came from looking at Pitch's exposed upper body being the boogieman, HE WAS FUCKING TONED! " what the bloody hell happened mate?" asked Bunny " And who the hell is she?" Jack piped up. Tooth flew over " Is she all right?" Pitch nodded and sat down on the frozen lake with Jennifer still bundled in his arms. Still holding her close to him he said " That's what I'd like to know." As genital as he could he asked " What happened Jennifer?"
Needless to say the way Pitch was acting with her shocked them all. Out of all things he was being as gentle as he could not tiring to scare told him everything about how she had met Joe and how he stalked her. Pitch was kicking himself for not checking in on her and thankful he had given her that nightmare in a bottle. He held her close and stroked her hair whispering soothing words to her when she started to cry again. by now the guardians were really getting weird-ed out. Never have they ever seen Pitch like this.
Very thing was quite till Jack spoke up " So how do you two know each other? and how can you see us?" Pitch glared at Frost but when Jennifer shifted he looked down at her. " I have always believed in all of you, and as for Pitch." She looked to him and with a nod she told the story on how they met. Needless to say the guardians were speechless. Never in a thousand years would they have thought Pitch would do something like that. Much less keep an eye on her. Now Pitch had just one more question for her. One that had bugged him for a long time now.
" Jennifer if i may ask, Why do you always keep rejecting any man that wishes to be with you?" Her face turned red " Well, that's because someone already has stolen my heart when i was a child." This thew Poor Pitch for a loop.( I had been with her since that day. I've never seen her even crush on anyone. Who could she mean by-) He stopped his thoughts and looked down at her. Starring directly into her eyes. All he found was the truth he was looking for. And all in shock he pointed to him self and mouthed me. She smiled and looked away nodding yes.
Pitch was thrown back. No one loves the boogieman. Jennifer gathered her courage and planted a small kiss on Pitch's lips. He touched his lips. She looked away blushing even more. A smile slowly made it's way to Pitch's face. He looked down at her. Taking his index figure lifting her chin so she was looking at him. His eyes help something she couldn't quite make out. as soon as she opened her mouth to ask but he caught her in a fiery kiss. which she quickly melted into .
So there stood a half naked Pitch kissing a beautiful girl in the middle of a frozen lake with five stunned guardians and one smiling Man in the Moon.