A/N: Here's a third chapter. It's random and a bit short. I'm not sure if there will be more, but if there is you all will be the first to know. (All mistakes are mine.)

Quinn made her way into the visiting lounge and sat down at one of the raggedy tables by the door. She laid her head on her hand and took in the lounge. It wasn't friendly nor homely and she couldn't imagine what the prison inside looked like. She also couldn't imagine how someone like Piper was keeping her sanity inside of it. Though in Quinn's mind, there was already a fine line between sanity and bat shit crazy with Piper.

Her eyes lit up once her sister's familiar face came into her view and she stood up to greet her. She had once before visited her sister here and was still weirded out by the jumpsuit.

They both sat down in awkward silence for a moment trying to get used to each other's faces. Quinn waited for Piper to speak first, but she couldn't help herself, "You look like shit."

Piper folded her arms and furrowed her brows, "It's not like I'm in prison or anything."

"That's not a valid excuse. What does mom say? A lady should always look her best even at her worst."

"Mom's never been to prison."

Quinn nodded and leaned forward, "So... How are you?"

Piper shrugged.

"Quick and random question. Am I allowed to hate Larry now?" Quinn smiled.

Piper sighed, feeling disgusted by the topic being brought up yet again, "Seriously, Quinn?"

"I never liked Larry," Quinn decided not to notice her sister's annoyance, "He's kind of rude at times. Plus, like, his nose is sort unnerving when you look at it at a certain angle."

"Not everyone is privileged enough to get a nose job, Quinn," Piper huffed.

Quinn smiled, "Jeez, either you're cycling or prison has made you even bitchier."

"Did you seriously come all the way here to bitch at me," Piper said, throughly entertained by Quinn's behavior and a bit concerned, "You only get like this when something's up. So spill it. What's wrong?"

"What? Nothing," Quinn said defensively, "I came here for you, let's talk about you."

"Okay, yes, let's talk about me," Piper said sarcastically, "Well, I'm still in prison."

"Goddammit, Piper," Quinn folded her arms and sat back against her chair, "Santana drove me here."

"Oh!" Piper looked around, "She didn't want to see me?"

"She did but they stopped her up there. Apparently she really does have razor blades hidden in her ponytail," Quinn shook her head, "I never thought she was serious."

"You've never noticed?"

"I mean, I've touched her hair before."

"Maybe she thought she'd need them today?"

"Do you think she brings them to school?"

Piper swallowed down the giggle in her throat, "That was a refreshing topic, I must say."

They sat again in silence, this one a bit more comfortable than the last before Piper remembered, "You asked her out?!"


"I assumed since she drove you here, you guys must be going out or something."

"Or maybe she drove me here because she's one of my best friends. Get a grip, Piper."

Piper threw up her hands, "You're being a horrible sister right now!"

"How so?"

"You're suppose to do adventurous things then come back here and tell me all about them so I can live vicariously through you," she counted on her fingers, "but one you don't do anything and two you barely come to visit me. You're no better than Frannie."

Quinn gave her a dirty look, "I'm no Frannie."

"Could have fooled me."

"If it makes you feel better I told her how I felt."

Piper smiled, "It does. Now tell me what happened."

"She laughed at me."


"Then she didn't talk to me for a week."


"Now she is, but nether of us has mentioned it."

Piper pouted,"Oh, Quinnie."

"Don't fucking call me that."

"Look Quinn," Piper leaned closer because she was planning to lay down the truth to her pathetic baby sister, "I've learned a lot from being here. And one thing I've learned is to not be a pussy, because when you don't say something or do what you wanted to do you're going to let that shit fly past you and you'll regret."

Quinn placed hand on her forehead and slouched in her chair, "I can't talk to jail Piper. You're a legit mess."

"I'm just keeping it real," Piper tried.

"You're a mess," Quinn repeated, "Plus why would I want dating advice from you. You dated Ugly Larry."

"Ugly Larry?" Piper laughed, "That ones not even clever."

"Whatever. You get it," Quinn smiled, "So, Pipes, you anybody's prison bitch yet?"

Piper shook her head in disbelief, "You've been hanging out with Santana too much."

"I wish."

They were signaled that time was up and they both stood up.

"Please tell Santana how you feel again," Piper pleaded before she left.

"Only if you promise me that you'll wash your hair," Quinn smirked at her.

"Okay, don't be a bitch."