The House With No Windows

Chapter 1

Day 1 (Beginning of the Jellybean Challenge)

Peter Ellington (Room 1):

I've woken up in this room, my inventory stripped from me. Where am I? Is this a dream? Was I kidnapped? Do they want my money, my house, my family? I don't know, there's a bed, a mini fridge, a shower, a toilet, a sink, a little light, and a jelly bean bush. Whoever's kidnapped me intends for me to stay for a while. The quality of the objects are horrid. If they wanted to kidnap me they could at least give me a tasteful living space. The poor objects do not sit well with the blindingly white walls and floors. And why are there no windows in this house? No natural light what so ever. Well, I guess for me that's good but the average Sim needs a little sunshine. I hope that whatever this is, it'll be over soon, whatever it is that they want, they can have it.

Moshe Draper (Room 2):

A door has appeared in my room. Finally, this practical joke is over. This is worse than when the guys pranked me with that fake patient on April Fools. That was a good one, but it was time I could've spent saving actual lives. Anyway, I'm leaving, I'm probably already late for work.

Glenn Herrington (Room 3):

Turns out, there're seven other "residents" in this little house. Guess misery loves company. Unfortunately, it's a complete sausage fest. No chicks what so ever. If some Sims put us all together, they could've at least mixed up the gender pool a bit. Might of made some good porn out of it. You know what I think this is? A reality TV show. I've already started looking for hidden cameras. Of course they're well hidden, but I handle crazy paparazzi for my clients all the time. So, the other seven Sims are all right, even if they're not standard reality TV fare, there's a British vampire, a doctor obsessed with work, a boring businessman, a strongly religious alchemist, a sculptor, a fairy, and would you believe it, the famous Cemre Staton himself. He use to be one of my clients until he became larger than life, quit the professional sports industry and started hitting the clubs. Perhaps this reality TV show is the good publicity that Staton needs.

Shannon Geiger (Room 4):

This is cool! I'm trapped in a house with seven other Sims. Sure it was kind of scary at first, I mean who wouldn't be freaked out from waking up in a different place than where you went to sleep? But now that we're all here, what's going to happen to us? We have food, so we're not going to starve to death. Whoever put us here wants to do something with us, they didn't just put us here for nothing after all.

Cemre Staton (Room 5):

Well, according to my old agent from when I played sports, we're in a reality TV show. Sounds great, but why am I the only actual celebrity here? It doesn't make sense that they'd throw me in with a bunch of unknowns. They should be running up against Sims their own size. Unless this is one of those "Real World" type reality shows and they're looking for a wide variety of different Sims. That would actually make a lot of sense. Although I wouldn't have picked the businessman, Shannon, personally. No matter how varied you want a cast, you can never have a dull character because there should never be a dull moment. But knowing these reality shows, there'll be eliminations, and I bet Shannon will be the first to go.

Wade Hamm (Room 6):

Hmm, I wonder what I'll have for dinner tonight.

Rhett Morrissey (Room 7):

Why white? I understand the simplicity, but couldn't you go for some more personality? If my Build/Buy mode wasn't currently locked, I'd change my room to a nice beige, maybe make the carpets something colorful. That's definitely the architect in me talking. Also, I don't mind sharing a living space with seven other Sims, kind of brings me back to my college days. Ah, the wonders my Fine Arts Degree has done for me. Anyways, these seven other Sims are an, interesting bunch. I recognized Cemre Staton right away, who didn't? Admittedly, I read the gossip column in the newspaper, so his face immediately jumped out at me. Striking Sim, I guess all celebrities need to be attractive to some point. Also, Moshe Draper is my doctor. Guess that's what happens when you live in a town. If memory serves, I've seen all of these guys at least once around town, except maybe that Zachery guy, he doesn't look very familiar. It would be funny if one of them knew me before my transformation, if they even remember me, boy they'll be in for a shock.

Zachary Allard (Room 8):

Why me? Whoever decided to play this sick joke shouldn't have even considered me. When I find out who they are, and I will, they'll wish they'd never been coded into this filthy game. Oh, I'm sorry, what am I talking about? This is all just a game, and not just the house we're all stuck in. I'm talking about the world itself. I know, I've seen it. I'm on to you, all of you! Watching us here, suffering, you disgust me! I know these kind of games, believe me, I've orchestrated one myself. That was when I was, when I had, my, my…my Controller! I had all of the power in the world! Do you know what it feels like, when you're whole life you've been cheating life and death itself, getting all the perks without the tradeoffs? And then, right out of your hands, that power is stolen from you?! And all of a sudden, you've got a clock, ticking, right above your head? And, and, you feel, bad. You just get bad feelings, out of no where! And you can't get rid of them, no matter how hard you try! I swear, once I get out of here, and I will get out of here, I will find Wright and get that Controller back!