As Harry woke up, his stomach rolled and he rushed to the bathroom. He once again emptied his stomach into the toilet. It was becoming a common occurrence and it was starting to get annoying. He sighed heavily at the nasty mixture in the toilet. He flushed it before standing shakily and washing his hands. He stared at the haggard face in the mirror and tears welled up in his eyes. Stop it! Stop it please! Please don't do this now! He pleaded with himself.

"You ok?" Draco voice called softly from the door.

Harry rubbed at his eyes and turned to look at the angelic boy.

"I'm fine," he lied, smiling brightly.

"You sure?" Draco questioned.

"I'm sure," he answered.

Draco gave him a soft smile and then retreated. Harry glared at his reflection, angry that he'd lied to Draco. Anxiety had begun to settle in his stomach once again. He could feel it curling itself around his insides and squeeze them.

And what was causing such fear and anxiety in such a brave Gryffindor? He would easily answer that it was his heart that caused the anxiety. But really, it was his silliness that caused it. It had truly started one day, as he was drawing and Draco was reading. Suddenly, Draco had looked up and asked if he wanted to go shopping for more clothes for school. Harry answered yes, but his heart screamed no. He hadn't thought about school. School seemed to be some distant story of something he used to know. Now he was hit with the realization that school was right around the corner.

He'd practically dissolved into a panic attack right there, but he fought against it. He told himself it'd be ok, everything would be ok. He loved Draco and he was pretty sure that Draco liked him a lot at the very least. He told himself that Draco and he would deal with any problems that going to school caused. Himself didn't believe it though. He was convinced that Draco would break away from him once they returned to school.

He also vaguely wondered if Hermione and Ron would continue being his friend once they found out. He'd sent them both a letter (apparently post offices were a thing in the wizarding world as well). He'd briefly said that he was doing ok, was no longer at the Dursley's, and he would see them on the train. He also said not to bother asking him questions, as he would explain when he saw them. He'd received an owl from both of them. Ron had just said he was glad to hear he was alright and would see him on the train. However, Hermione's letter was frantic, filled with questions and shakily written. Harry didn't bother to respond.

It hadn't taken long for anxiety and depression to set in. he was sure that Draco would leave as soon as the reality of the world was present once again. While they were here, at the Leaky Cauldron, everything was perfect. They could kiss any time they wanted to and cuddle together while they slept. Harry could spend hours drawing or painting Draco's face as he read. Harry could be the puddle of adoration that he was and it wouldn't matter one bit. But when they went back to school, there were people they knew, prejudices, and the mere fact that they were in Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Harry's heart hurt as he thought of what could happen, no what would happen when they got to Platform 9 and ¾. He cried when Draco wasn't watching and puked every morning. At nights he'd lay awake for hours, memorizing Draco's sleeping face. He'd watch as the boy dreamed, his eyes moving behind his eyelids and wish and pray that he could just die rather than lose his beloved. He knew he was being dramatic, but he didn't care.

Draco watched as Harry exited the bathroom and went to pick up his glasses. Harry walked over to him and smiled, but Draco saw that it didn't reach his eyes. He wondered if Harry really thought he was dumb enough to not see how depressed he was. Harry curled up on his armchair, resting his head on the arm as he always did. Draco hated the blank look that Harry had as he stared into space.

Draco knew he should do something, but he had no idea what. How does one comfort someone when they don't know the problem? It seemed to have started the day they'd gone shopping for clothes. Harry seemed incredibly agitated that day. He snapped at Draco more and would go into trances, staring off until Draco brought him back to Earth. That night, Harry hadn't gone to sleep right away. The next morning he didn't eat any breakfast and looked pale and sick. Draco could only conclude that it had something to do with going back to school.

He wondered if Harry had a harder time at school than he'd realized. He always assumed that Harry had a wonderful time at school. He had his two best friends and he was often seen smiling and laughing. Maybe there was something that Draco didn't know about. Maybe someone at school hurts him…his eyes found Harry as he thought this. The boy looked as though his heart could stop beating at any moment. Draco's own heart wrenched at the sight of the depressed boy and he felt like crying. He didn't know what to do or say to make Harry happy again. He did know that when he seemed sad, Harry was even more depressed. So he resolved to always appear happy, even though his heart ached at the sight of his miserable lover.