Hey guys! Sorry for making you wait for this update too... I'm such a loser, sorry, I'm a counselor at a summer camp and I'm supposed to be working at a thing for a band fundraiser so I won't have much time to write in the next week :p excuses, I know... Anyway, I finally think I know where I'm going/what I'm doing with this story, took me long enough, but hey, better late than never!

So yeah, this chapter is guest starring Nick Fury so...beware the cussing, he's just a cussingish kind of guy

Oh, guess what! I made a new friend! I'm so cool! He's a senior (wow) we're besties now. Also, next couple of chapters will have possible torture and cursing in them, this story is getting more serious quicky.

One more thing, sorry for all the switching between places in this chapter, I have no idea what happened

Disclaimer: I own nothing Je nais se pas

Steve was snapped out of his trance by a cell phone ringing, he snapped open his flip phone and heard

"Hey, Capt. we have a problem"

"What kind of a problem?" Steve stopped in the middle of running, back straight and alert

"TSAD is missing"

"Missing?" He could hear shuffling in the background

"Yes, and most of his stuff" Tony sounded annoyed, and possibly a bit scared. "Dammit! Do you think it was Taskmaster?" Steve got that Tony thought the Agent had been kidnapped, but logically, it didn't make sense.

"Tony, let's be reasonable, how could Taskmaster have gotten past all the security measures, maybe he just took a break, went on a little trip or something."

"Sure, sure, but what do we do now? Just wait for him to come back?" Tony didn't sound convinced, he almost sounded concerned.

"That's all we can do, I don't know how you could track him, but you can try. I'll be back in ten minutes." Steve shut his flip phone and started jogging back towards Stark Tower.

Alex tried to jerk his arm out of the cops grip as soon as he was out of the captains sight, but to no avail, he held on tight.

"You're not going anywhere kid, let's see if we can find any way to teach you some respect." Alex sighed

"Oh no, what are you going to do, make me ride on the handle bars of your bike? I'm so scared." The cop didn't respond, just gave Alex a little shove keeping a firm grip on him. Looking around, Alex noticed he was surrounded by a large group of pedestrians, too many witnesses if he were to disappear. So he just calmly waited as he was shoved along the sidewalk.

When Steve arrived back at the tower, he was met with the intimidating glare of Nick Fury. The one-eyed man gestured for Steve to sit with the rest of the team, crowded onto the couches in the living area.

"Okay, now that you're all here, care to explain what the hell is going on?" Fury sent each of them a look

"We think someone might've taken the new guy" Stark swirled his drink in his glass, the clinking of the ice punctuating the resounding silence.

"Agent Rider?" The team's eyes went wide at the name. "You guys are idiots if you really think he was taken" the vein in Fury's forehead wasn't looking too good, Tony eyed it with worry, afraid his head might explode.

"So, you don't think that Agent Rider was taken?" Steve gave Tony a knowing look.

"No, I don't, I know for a fact that he wasn't kidnapped! He ran away, damn agent!" The Avengers looked startled at the news. Why would he run away? And why would Fury not sound surprised.

"Care to elaborate on the situation?" Fury looked like he was tempted to say no, instead he just sighed deeply and sunk down into a chair opposite of them.

"First off, I'm surprised he stayed this long, that kid has had a troubled past-"

"Wait, what do you mean kid?" Clint interrupted.

"He's only sixteen," An outburst of noises erupted from the team. "Shut your mouth for a damn second and I'll elaborate." Fury sighed, rubbing his temples. "We knew he was going to try to escape, hell, I'm surprised he stuck around this long. The real question is, why didn't you do anything about it?"

Everyone made noises of protests

"What do you mean? What were we supposed to do, how would we know he was going to make a break for it?"

"You should've watched the damn video I sent you! That's how" Tony sat back down

"We never got a video" Fury started cursing under his breath, something about damn agents and faulty technology.

"Well all we can do is try to find him"

"Wait, what about his back story, you owe us an explanation." Fury took a seat across from the Avengers and sighed

"I don't owe you anything." The team gave him expecting looks "it all started when he was fourteen…"

Alex grimaced as the arm around his bicep suddenly tightened.

"Hey, Mr. Police Officer Sir, mind letting up a bit?" The officer grunted, and tightened his grip. It was getting really uncomfortable now "I set, let go!" Alex tried to shake the hand off, but the cop was a lot stronger than he looked. Looking around, the teen noticed he was in a public area, had it not been for that, he would've been long gone, even so, he was still considering just ditching.

Alex was shoved roughly from behind, almost causing him to stumble, he glanced back at the black gloved hand curled around his upper arm. He could've sworn the gloves had been white earlier, must've been a trick of the light. The duo took a sharp turn, shoving them into an alley.

"Shouldn't have done that, buckaroo," Alex smirked as he closed his eyes, ready to get the heck out of there. But the familiar coldness of the shadows wasn't appearing on command. He leaned back trying to sink into the shadows, and even surrounded by them, the rush of power wouldn't come.

"Having problems, Rider?" Alex's blood went cold at the mention of his name as he struggled in vain to escape.

"That's some messed up shit, right there" Clint said as Nick Fury finished explaining Alex's life is vague, yet gruesome, details. Fury grimaced and nodded. Steve was looking a bit pale and for once, Tony was at a loss for words.

"Spies never have good lives, that's a given fact" Natasha nodded, not meeting any one's eyes

"We can't wait any longer, let's go find the kid, and when we find him, I refuse to force him to join the team" Tony spat. The team agreed "but wait, we don't even know what he looks like" Natasha held up the notepad that she had been sketching on for the past hour. On it was a picture of a blond headed kid with haunted, shallow eyes that held secrets and humor. If possible, Steve went even paler.

"I've seen him"

There ya have it :/ not particularly pleased but hey, it's a filler chapter, what'cha gonna do?

Aye, btw, if you don't already watch Supernatural, do it...now (I blame it as at least half the reason I have no time to write)

pun time! Plateaus are the highest form of flattery :3