Hey im so sorry it has taken me incredibly long to update i just have been lacking inspiration ive had so much going on i havent really been in the writing frame of mind but i am back on my game and i hope you like it.

Kensi, deeks and callen were sat in the bullpen waiting for any new developments waiting for anything really. There was no sight of sam he seemed to disappear without a mention of where he was going.

"Hey, you good"? Deeks questioned kensi whilst handing her a coffee.

"Yeah, im fine"

Deeks half-heartedly smiled "You only say your fine when you're not fine"

Kensi just looked at her partner with a completely empty face normally she would be annoyed or agitated but not today she just seemed like she was somewhere else, and deeks normally would push her to open up to him but he was already on thin ice with her for how things were left the other night and even if she did forgive him, Callen was there.

After what seemed to feel like hours Sam finally resurfaced, walking into the bullpen with an FBI case file in his hands.

"Whats that"? callen queried.

"I spoke to an old buddy of mine he works for the FBI now, he looked into Castrel for us. Castrel Peirce, 45 years old, born in Tuscany and has one hell of a rap sheet, from robbery to assault and to the most relevant money laundering. Apparently some Fed by the name John Jackobs was looking into Castrel and turned to your dad for help".

"Why did he come to my dad"?

"Well apparently your dad goes way back with Castrel they were old buddies lived on the same street as kids so Castrel trusted him, your dad didn't know what Castrel was into until the Fed showed up at his door, he asked him to get close to him and to find where the money was, and well your dad being the patriot man he was he thought he had to help so no one else was hurt as the money was blood money".

It was so much information for Kensi to take in, how did she never know this why didn't her dad tell her, but then again her dad kept a lot of secrets from his daughter.

"So my dad gave him in"?

"Yeah once he found the money he told Jackobs where it was and Castrel was arrested, and what made it worse is Jackobs basically screwed your dad over as he arrested Castrel on the night he was with your dad making obvious it was your dad that turned on him. He swore he would kill him but…"

"But he died before Castrel got out… Leaving me behind". Kensi looked heartbroken, a look that Deeks hated seeing on her face.

"Yeah". Sam simply replied.

"Ok so what are we going to do about it just sit here and wait for him to make his next move wait for him to kill Kensi"?

"No. that's not going to happen Kenz I promise we will find him but just not tonight, go home it been a long day and you could use the rest" Callen insisted.

"No, I need to be here" Kensi protested.

"I promise we will call you if we find anything ma and sam will stay and look further into the case, get some rest, Deeks take her back to yours"

"Will do" Deeks quickly replied grabbing his bag and Kensi's so she didn't have to.

Deeks opened the door and threw the bags on the the floor by the couch. Kensi seemed completely exhausted and deeks didn't want to aggravate her but he did want to clear up the issue from last night.

"Kenz about last night..."

"Dont Deeks not now im not in the mood"

"And i get that really i do, but i have to say this for me, so much with us goes unsaid so many times i try to speak and i can't find the right words and when i finally do you either ignore them or get pissed at me but here it goes anyway... I didnt kiss you at Siderov's because i wanted to shut you up, i kissed you because i wanted to kiss you, honestly im not entirely certain as to why or what it was i just knew i wanted to, i just knew that i could let you leave not like that, i couldn't let you leave without telling you the truth but i couldn't find the words so i did what i do best i acted. and i know things haven't been the same with us since and honestly i dont know where i want it to go from the Kiss but i just wanted you to know that i dont regret it and if i had to make the same choice all over again, i wouldn't do a damn thing different".

Deeks heart was racing, his palms were sweaty and he really had no idea how she would take what he just said, but she didnt say a word she just stood there as beautiful as ever tears streaming down her face, it all finally got to her and Kensi broke down, she never falls apart she never lets her emotions out especially not in front of anyone and deeks knew that so to see her stood in front of him like that was unbelievable but deeks wasn't going to let her go through this alone, so in a quick movement he closed the gap between them pulling her into him, Deeks just held her in his arms leaning his chin on her head as she rested it into his shoulder. Kensi was not the woman that needed a man to be strong for her but with Deeks it was different she could let go because she knew he would always be there.

"Take me to bed" Kensi softly whispered.

Deeks did as kensi requested without thinking and took her to the spare room, she crawled into bed and curled up just looking softly over at deeks who just wished her good night and left for his own bed. He didn't want to leave her he just wanted to make her feel better but he knew she needed time.

Deeks was laying in bed it had been a while since he took Kensi to her bed but he couldn't sleep all he could think about was Kensi, Her laugh, her smile, her brown eyes and the way her hair feel perfectly around her face.

The floor boards creaked outside Deek's door and he could see the shadow form on the ground blocking the light from the hallway. His door gently swung open to find Kensi standing in the doorway.

"Im sorry to wake you" she gently stated.

"You didn't wake me, i couldn't sleep"

"Me, either"

"Are you ok?" There was so much concern in Deeks voice.

"No. i don't want to be alone. can...can i stay with you" Kensi had never looked so vulnerable he could tell she didn't want to leave and he honestly couldn't stand the idea of her leaving.

"Errm, sure, i mean of course you can" Deeks staggered for his words.

Kensi walked over to the bed, lifted up the cover and slid in. Deeks tried to be thoughtful and not push the boundaries so he moved further away to the other side of the bed, but Kensi completely threw him off guard. She slid up closer to him until there wasn't even an inch between them, he could feel her body heat radiating off onto him, he could feel her breathing as she nestled in closer, resting her head on his chest and bringing her arm up to rest over his body. She felt so amazing Deeks could barely breath he wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly to him.

In this moment neither one of them wanted to move. it was simply perfect.

"Good Night" Kensi softly whispered.

"Night" Deeks replied gently.

Ok so i really hope you all enjoyed this chapter once again i am so incredibly sorry it has taken me so long to update but i promise the next chapter will be up soon, i have found my inspiration back and i am really looking forward to the next chapter and i already know how i want to end it which you will hopefully love.

Like always please Review i would love to hear your opinions.