A cloud of dust erupted from the wall as a body collided with it at high speed. Dropping to his hands and knees the person hacked up a glob of blood. His blond hair covered his eyes from view, and the tattered remains of an orange jump suit clung to his malnourished and underdeveloped body. Across from his stood another person. This one wearing a gray hoodie and pants. His face was adored with strange triangular marks that seemed to fit with his slit like pupils and elongated canine teeth. Standing next to him was his exact double. Both of them seem extremely pleased with themselves, over what was happening to the blond.

Pushing himself off the ground and staggering to his feet, Uzumaki Naruto glared across to his opponent, one Inuzuka Kiba. Why, why was this happening?. Naruto knew he was better then this. His sensei may not be the most attentive teacher but…Ah who was he kidding. Naruto knew that Kakashi was blowing him off so that he could train the 'precious' Uchiha. Also ever since that encounter with Orochi-something, his chakra control had become worse then ever.

"Let's face it, at this rate I'll be lucky to even make it to Chunin" Naruto mentally sighed while keeping his outward appearance schooled to that of the over confident dead-last "Who was I kidding, I'll never be Hokage!"

"Pathetic insect, clearly you are a waste of my time!" The booming voice echoed around the confines of Naruto's mind

"What? W-who said that?" Instead of an answer, Naruto's vision turned white.

When He could see again, Naruto found himself in what appeared to be the decaying ruins of a city. Taking a good look around, he could tell that he was no longer in Konoha, hell he wasn't even in they shinobi nations any more. Whatever happened here was little short of the apocalypse. A dark, malevolent laughed floated down from above Naruto. Looking up the young ninja was shocked to see a man standing in mid air. Said man merely smirked at the boy's expression and floated down to the ground. Once down Naruto could get a good look at him, and immediately his ego took a hit when he discovered he only came up to the man's waist. To say the guy was tall, was like saying the Akimichi clan was chubby. It just wouldn't do justice.

Starting from the ground up the man was wearing, what appeared to be, gold boots which had a strange green gem in them. He was wearing white pants covered by a wine coloured robe held on by a gold belt with the same strange gem like in his shoes. His chest was bare, as were his arms, except for two golden wrist bands and a necklace, each designed like his belt and boots with the gem in the centre. Moving up to his head…well Naruto wasn't very good at describing people, but from one look he knew that this guy could get any mature woman to have a nose bleed. The most Naruto could get was that he had dull black eyes and dark black hair.

"Sort of reminds me of Sasuke-teme!" Naruto's train of thought was cut off by the large hand that covered his mouth and lifted him off the ground.

"First. Never compare me to that weakling. I am far greater then he or his clan would ever hope to be" The giant man dropped Naruto to the ground "Now to business. You are no doubt wondering who I am and where you are?" Seeing the boy nod, he continued "This is you're mind, however this is not what it originally looked like."

Turning his back to Naruto and pointing to one of the buildings. Naruto watched as a strange green light gathered in the guy's hand before flying towards the building, which was quickly destroyed. When it hit the ground, the surrounding area began to shimmer and change, It took on the appearance of a massive sewer with ankle high water. The giant allowed Naruto a moment to get to grips with what he had just heard before motioning for him to follow him.. Not wanting to piss off the obviously powerful man, Naruto followed without question.

The two walked in complete silence for what seemed like hours. Yet the more they walked, the more Naruto was sure that he could hear growling. As they continued to walk, the blond noticed that the tunnel was actually widening. A bright light caught Naruto by surprise, blinding him to what was ahead. When he regain his sight Naruto was shocked to see two huge barred doors held closed by a simple paper seal. Noticing that his guide had stopped, our blond hero approached the cage only to jump back seconds later when a large paw came crashing down in the place that he once was.

"Hahahaha so this is my container? Such a worthless creature!" The massive form of Kyuubi no Yoko stared down at it's container and laughed before turning to view his other guest "And who is this pathetic monk….." The rest of the demon's tirade by an energy blast that blow the top half of it's head clear from it's body.

Fear evident on his face, Naruto looked up to see a satisfied smirk on the giant's face after defeating the great fox demon in one hit. However what hope Naruto had of the fox being dead was destroyed when he saw it's head beginning to repair itself.

"I am no monkey who weakling cur" The strange man being to radiate a powerful aura, before exploding with energy. When the man became visible again he had changed. His hair now stood on end and was the same brilliant blond as Naruto's. His eyes had changed from a dull black to glowing azure "I am Broly the legendary super saiyan" Turning his piercing gaze back to Naruto, the now named Broly continued "And I am you're ancestor!"

Naruto stood there shocked. He looked at the headless demon, back to Broly then back to the demon. "Eh…Broly-sama…eh I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but" Naruto froze when Broly turned his entire body towards him. The legendary Saiyan in question found Naruto's fear amusing "b-but you d-don't l-l-look like t-the type of p-person to…eh…h-have any k-kind of r-re-relations-ship with a w-w-woman, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" The blond quickly brought his hands up in a feeble attempt at a defence. However instead of feeling pain, Naruto could hear laughter. Slowly and cautiously he lowered his arms and saw that the giant of a man was laughing.

Broly was so much annoyed at his descendents question as he was at the boy's cowardice. How could this…boy…be a saiyan, it made no sense. He was weak, slow, had no skill and was short. However that just meant that he was a blank slate on which Broly could create the ultimate warrior, the thought of it cause him to laugh. "Hahahaha you are quite right, boy!. I have no need for such attachments like a female" Broly walked over to the sewer wall and rested his back against it. "But that doesn't mean I didn't partake of the slave women my father had in his palace" This information caused Naruto to blush slightly "Ah so you are a man after all. And here I thought that memory of you and that weakling kissing was serious!"

"WHAT! Hey you bastard, I would rather rip my own balls off then kiss that…that…WORTHLESS INSECT!" Naruto quickly clamped his hands over his mouth in shook at what he said. Broly however just smirked "It seems my presence here is already starting to awaken you're saiyan blood, so listen well. One of the women I bed was fortunate enough to escape the destruction of New Vegeta and made it to this world, not knowing that she carried my child. When I died my soul was sent to hell for all the evil I commented, or something like that. Several decades later I escaped, however without a body I was hardly better off. It wasn't look before I was drawn to this world by the saiyan power my descendents possessed. However what I found was little more then remnants of my power, watered down thought the years but not lost"

"What do you mean not lost?" Naruto quickly shut up after a glare from Broly "Instead of being lost all the saiyan power condensed more and more in each generation. All the way down to you're mother!. It is she who had the highest concentration of my power in her genes, so when you were conceived all that power overwhelmed you're human dna making you a full saiyan." Naruto couldn't believe what he was hearing. He wasn't even human, he was a saiyan whatever that was

"Wait if I'm a full saiyan then…why don't I look like one?" Broly was caught off guard by this question as he too had been wondering that. The answer however came from the third party in Naruto's mind. The Kyuubi had finally recovered from the trauma brought on by losing it's head and had been listening intently to what was going on. "The reason as to why you do not look like a saiyan has to do with one of the seals the Yondaime Hokage used to imprison me!." The fox was laying down with it's front paws crossed and the right set of claws tapping the floor like a person drumming their fingers "I find it interesting that he would do that since, if he hadn't, you could have easily defended yourself against those foolish humans who believed you to be me!. Very interesting indeed"

The Kyuubi soon zoned out of the conversation as he became enveloped in his own little world. Broly, however, found that the fox was on the right track. "If what the demon says is true then we very well might have a problem, as the crafts of this world hold no interest to me" Once again the answer came from the demon "That seal's only purpose was to ensure I slept once sealed away so it is no longer required. I could easily over power it and release you're true powers" Broly seemed satisfied with this out come but Naruto doubted the fox "Hang on fox! If you do this what's in it for you. Cause there's no way I'm letting you out!"

"Clever boy. To answer you're worries I do not want out, since I very much doubt I would get far with him around!" The fox jabbed one of his tails in Broly direction, who replied with a smirk that said 'damn right you wouldn't' "What I do want is for you to use you're new power to crush those who stand in you're path, after all you are my vessel and as such you should be more powerful then any other being"

Naruto was about to voice his opinion when he was quickly cut off by Broly. "We accept you're terms Demon" "What! Why the hell are you agreeing with the…" Lifted off the ground and forcefully pushed into the wall, Naruto found it hard to breath as Broly slowly began to crush his windpipe. (On a unrelated matter a pipe system deep within Naruto's mind was slowly being crushed by an unseen force…wait that is a related matter) "you will shut up and listen well, boy. I agreed to the demon's offer because it is the only way you will gain that power and I refuse to allow my line to end with you. Am I understood?" Broly placed more pressure on Naruto's neck when he asked the question "Y-yes!" As soon as the word was spoken, he backside hit the wet floor after Broly released him. "Good. Now it is time for you to return to you're body, and do not lose to that runt you call Kiba!"

"Kit, what is about to happen will hurt worse then anything you have ever felt before, so don't go dieing on us now!" The fox's warning faded into the background as Naruto slowly returned to his body.

"Wait what's going to happen to…." A sudden flash of light and everything around Naruto went dark.

Blink. Blink.

Naruto looked around to find himself once again facing Kiba's arrogant face. "w-was that all…a dream?"

"Think again boy!" Naruto's eye's widened for a fraction of a second, long enough for all the high ranking Ninja in the room to notice "This is going to hurt"

"Wha…!" suddenly pain exploded in Naruto head. Grabbing his head and stumbling forward a step, Naruto tried to figure out what was going on. But every time he tried to get a thought in his head erupted with more pain. Looking on, many of the leaf Ninja were shocked at what was happening to Naruto. The other's however were just wondering what was happening, although one particular red head looked on with interest and fear.

"Mother…this one…frightens me!" "Be calm, cub. Watch and you may learn something interesting about him!" "Yes mother!"

When Naruto first grabbed his head, all the leaf Jonin looked towards the Hokage to see what they are to do next. But before the aged Kage could decide what course of action to take, a wave of power washed over everyone. Turning all attention back to Naruto, they could see that he had stopped holding his head and screaming. Now he just appeared to be staring up at the ceiling, But this calm didn't last. Naruto's face changed from one of calm to one of frustration, and then to anger. He began to scream again as a green mantle of energy formed around his body. While this was happening, the ground around him began to shake violently. Kiba stumbled backwards away from Naruto only to trip and fall on his arse. And he wasn't the only one, many of the unprepared Genin had grabbed onto the railing in front of them to stop from falling over. Other's had the sense to use their chakra to hold on but it was doing little good. Bits of the floor were pulled up into the air by the sheer pressure of Naruto's power, however that wasn't what the Hokage was looking at.

He was staring at the seal that appeared on Naruto's forehead, which appeared to be glowing an odd purple colour. Naruto's roaring was replaced by a insane laughter as the lights dimmed and strange lighting like bolts formed from the power he was generating. Then, it all stopped. The laughter, the lighting and the power, it all just stopped. But the merely meant that the worst was yet to come. Green light suddenly shot up from his eyes and mouth as he roared at the top of his lungs. Then without warning the seal broke and Naruto's body exploded and was cocooned by a green light, that expanded outwards destroying the ground beneath it.

The light soon faded allowing everyone to see what happened. The crater from the explosion was roughly about ten feet across and three feet deep. There was a figure crouching down in the centre of the crater. Black hair, about shoulder length, that spiked in random patches, well muscular bare chest (which had all the ladies drooling), tattered orange shorts (once tattered orange pants), monkey-like tail and torn boots was all that could be described about the figure at the moment. After a few seconds the person moved. Slowly raising up to his full height of five foot five, he towered over Kiba, who at a mere four foot nine, was clearly at a disadvantage. A cruel smirk appeared on his face as he watched everyone's confusion, cold blue eyes scanned the room.

"Hm clearly you are more pathetic then I first thought you were, if you don't even know who I am dog breath!" Kiba and everyone's eyes widened in shock. It couldn't possible…be…

"Naruto?" Hearing the name just caused the guy to laugh

"Got it in one, not bad Kiba not bad" Naruto mock applauded Kiba "To bad you still have to die!"

Laughter. That's right, Inuzuka Kiba was laughing, laughing at the prospect of his own death. Naruto wondered if the boy had finally cracked. So did a lot of people actually.

"So finally going to stop pretending, Kyuubi!" Silence. Most of the Jonin and the Hokage narrowed their eye's and glared at the boy for saying that name. The Genin looked confused, except for team 8. Naruto however just scratched his chin and looked at Kiba with a sort of sideways glance like he didn't have a care in the world.

"Oh you know about that do you?" The former blond took on a thinking pose with chin tap included "Who was it that told you hmm? You're mother? No she never had anything against me. You sister perhaps? Nope, no can't be her. Mizuki? That's possible but then everyone in our class would know" During this time Kiba was getting angrier and angrier. This, this demon was making fun of him and he didn't like that. Not after what that think did to his father. "Maybe it was the village elders, those mummies have had it out for me for years. No they don't have the spine"

"Enough!" Roared Kiba, breaking Naruto out of his listing "If you must know, Demon. It was Kurenai-Sensei" In his ignorance Kiba missed the smirk that threatened to engulf Naruto's face or his teacher's look of terror "She told us about you and how Naruto never existed. About how you devoured his soul and took over his body. You shouldn't even be here, you should have been killed the day you were sealed!"

"Are you done!" That simple sentence caused Kiba to pause "Because if you are, I would like to get around to killing you for breaking an S-rank law. Hell I even got a chance to stretch out my muscles while you were barking. Oh and let's not forget that you just got you're entire team in trouble for that little outburst!"

"Wait…What!" Kiba was shocked. This isn't what Kurenai-sensei had told him would happen. She said he would get an easy victory if he said that "What, she didn't tell you that speaking about the sealing is forbidden. Wow some sensei she is, she just got you all killed"

"Shut up and DIE! GATSUUGA!" Both Kiba and Akamaru dove towards Naruto, spinning like drills. However their intended target didn't move a muscle, he just stood there not caring. When the two drills were within arms reach of him, Naruto thrust his arms forward and caught both of them like it was nothing. And with the mainmast of effort tossed them back across the room. Kiba managed to stabilise himself by hooking his claws into the floor, Akamaru was not so lucky. He crashed full force into the wall, dispelling the Jujin Bunshin.

Seeing his friend and partner hurt in such a way only infuriated Kiba more, but when he spun around to threaten Naruto he was met with a clothesline to the throat that took him off his feet. This was followed up by a punch to the back of his skull that forced him to the floor. But even this didn't prevent more pain as Kiba soon learned when Naruto's entire mass was driven down on his back.

The member of the rookie nine, who were watching as Naruto jumped up and down on Kiba's spine, were in total shock. Never before had they witnessed something so barbaric and yet they couldn't look away.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Haruno Sakura the pink haired member of team seven looked at her sensei "What happened to Naruto and why did Kiba mention the Kyuubi?"

Kakashi, actually, closed his book and looked Sakura directly in the eyes before answering her questions. "I'm afraid I'm not allowed tell you anything about why Kiba mentioned the Kyuubi" Sending a glare in Kurenai's direction "However it is clear that someone has forgotten that and in doing so but an entire team of Genin at risk" Kurenai pretended not to of heard him "And as to what has happened to Naruto…Well I'm not really sure, but I have a good idea as to what it is!"

"Oh quiet fooling yourself Kakashi, it's clear that it's the demons influence" Yelled Kurenai, her anger and hate clearly visible in every word "I know you were the fourth's student but you can't turn a blind eye to…" "Enough Kurenai, last time I check that wasn't a fox tail he had. So unless you have some really prove, kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Kakashi shouted back with equal anger.

Fortunately or unfortunately, whichever way you want to look at it, any further arguments were stopped when the sound of Kiba yelling in pain drew everyone's attention back to the match.

The Inuzuka's body dropped limply to the floor after receiving the single worst beating of his life. He knew that he had multiple broken bones, rupture organs and massive blood lose. All this at the hands of the one time dead last.

"Is that it? This all the fight you've got! Pathetic" Naruto spat on the ground angrily as he walked up to the limp form of Inuzuka Kiba. A swift yet powerful kick to the ribs took the young dog user off the floor and up into the air, were a reverse spinning heel kick sent him on a one way trip to the far wall. "*Sigh* But then you are the runt of the litter so maybe hoping for a good fight was to much?"

"*Cough*I…I'm not…done yet…D-demon!" Every nerve ending in his body was screaming for him to stop, but Kiba didn't listen and pushed himself back onto his feet. Reaching into his weapons pouch and took out a small red pill, which he wasted no time in eating. Kiba's features became more feral "This…fight…is…OVER! GATSUUGA!"

Suddenly, the surrounding area was illuminated by a dark green hue, but it faded away as Naruto created an energy bomb in his hand. "This fight is over…WHEN YOU LAY DOWN AT MY FEET!" Naruto thrust his arm forward, the energy bomb staying in his hand. Kiba was unaware of this fact and drove his drill like attach straight into the path of the bomb. Kurenai noticed and tried to warn her student. "KIBA-KUN STOP!"

"You're to late! DIE INUZUKA!" The chakra infused into Kiba's spin connected with Naruto's energy bomb causing it to exploded. (The resulting explosion was so impressive, we covered it from four angles. Above, the side, behind Naruto and finally behind Kiba just before the explosion). A large cloud of dust covered the battlefield yet the sounds of battle could still be heard, well actually Kiba getting beaten to death could still be heard. Then, a person darted out of the cloud and stopped a short distance away from it. Bent over and breathing heavily Kiba desperately tried to remain standing. From their positions on the cat walk, the other Ninja could clearly see that Kiba's hand were in horrible condition from being the first things to come in contact with that strange jutsu of Naruto's.

"Still alive?" Hearing the voice, Kiba looked towards the cloud of dust in terror "Then I'm just going to have to put you down for good!" Rushing out of the cloud at top speed, fist cocked back and ready to strike. Naruto closed the distance between the two in little time and was prepared to take Kiba's head off when he was stopped dead in his tracks by the Hokage, who had caught the Saiyan's fist with his hand. When he spoke, those that knew his history could tell that this was the original Sandaime Hokage that was speaking. "You will stand down, Uzumaki-san. This match is over and if you continue as you are, then I will have no choice but to disqualify you!"

No one moved. Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uzumaki Naruto stood there, staring at each other as if daring the other to make the first move. Luckily this confrontation ended without incident. "Fine old man, I'll let him live" Shrugging his shoulders in a way that meant it wasn't really a big deal, Naruto turned and walked towards the step to the cat walk. "Oh and you don't have to bother dealing with team 8 and them knowing about the fox!" This surprised not only Sarutobi but also team 8 as well "Oh and why is that Naruto?" "I know I'm not the Kyuubi, but I'm not exactly human any more!" To prove this point the tail, which had gone largely unnoticed up until now, made a sort of waving motion to the old Kage before wrapping itself around Naruto's waist.