Author's Note: Okay, so this is a fan fic that I've promised to write and finish in the summer, but things didn't go the way they planned. I had put it off for a while, and I felt like it wasn't going my way. But now that I've gotten back to it, I've decided to get the ball rolling and edit my first chapter.

So basically, this is a rewrite of season 3 of Glee (maybe S4 when I have a sequel or something), but it's mainly focused on the neglected characters. I was inspired by the "Props" episode, along with a couple other fan fics I've read by other people.

Summary: Tina suffers through another year of barely getting any spotlight in the glee club. As she's forced to face more Blaine and Rachel solos, as well as seeing her fellow glee club members getting sidelined, Tina takes a stand. All of the neglected members are gathered up to form a new glee club, which promises them to receive more importance and belonging, which is what the glee club is truly about. But will Tina's new club succeed in achieving their goals?

Story Notes: So basically, in this fan fiction, Kitty Wilde is introduced, even though she wasn't in the third season. For all those who are wondering, I had written this prior to the "Lights Out" episode when it was confirmed that Kitty had transferred into McKinley after her…um, incident. Joe Hart arrives to McKinley a bit earlier than he does on Glee, too.

Featured Pairings: Finchel (Finn/Rachel), Brittana (Brittany/Santana), Klaine (Kurt/Blaine)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Glee. All of the rights to the show go to Ryan Murphy and Co., and Twentieth Century Fox.

Many Colors
Chapter One

Rachel with New Direction Girls
But according to him
I'm beautiful, incredible
He can't get me out of his head

According to him
I'm funny and irresistible
Everything he ever wanted

Tina Cohen-Chang could only roll her eyes at what she had to take a part of in the glee club this time. She was dancing back-up with people like Quinn Fabray, Mercedes Jones, Santana Lopez, and Brittany S. Pierce as Rachel Berry, female lead of New Directions, serenaded her loving boyfriend and fiancé, Finn Hudson in the choir room with an a capella number of Orianthi's According to You. Tina wasn't surprised, though. They were clearly in love with each other, and no one doubted that.

There was still a problem, though. Rachel literally did this kind of thing every time she was in the choir room for New Directions. She's always the main one singing a solo in front of the group, and about half of her solos would be targeted towards Finn – actually, not even half; maybe, like two-thirds. The only possible times Tina got to sing, she was either back-up for other people, or she would cry or get booed by someone.

The Asian girl looked ahead as Rachel sung her ambitious heart out towards Finn, who was grinning like a toddler with three scoops of strawberry ice cream. Her small pampered hand slapped the Titans quarterback lightly against his chest, which sent a shock through his body at that moment. Tina was nowhere near smiling, though. She didn't mind Finn and Rachel being lovey-dovey with each other, actually. It's just the constant number of times it's been done in front of New Directions.

Tina turned towards her right, and noticed Santana rolling her eyes. Brittany was beside her, giggling silently as the other girls continued singing. Tina knew Santana was tired of this crap as well. Actually, a lot of the girls in New Directions had to put up with Rachel. Tina wasn't really surprised.

Rachel with New Directions Girls
Everything is opposite,
I don't feel like stopping it,
So baby tell me what I got to lose

Tina suddenly got deep in thought about something. I had a solo at Sectionals. She can very well remember that day. Rachel, of all people, couldn't perform at Sectionals since she rigged the senior class president election for Kurt Hummel, Finn's stepbrother. Tina didn't really care for it, since it was Rachel and Kurt's problem – and the fact that Tina wasn't really into politics. The fact that Rachel got suspended and couldn't perform had Tina feeling overwhelmed (not the suspension part, that is). Tina actually got the opportunity to sing, and that's all that mattered.

The unfortunate part, though, in Tina's case… That might be my last solo ever in a competition.

Tina didn't like to think negatively. She was normally a positive person, aside from her faking a stutter in her freshman year. However, New Directions had to win Nationals, and they believed that the only way they could win is if they had Rachel center stage. No one considered Tina. Or even people like Mercedes and Santana, for that matter, and Tina personally thought they had the two best voices in the group.

Plus, the New Directions had another…secret weapon of some sorts: Blaine Anderson. Tina glanced at him for a moment, and watched him move his upper body to the music. Tina thought that Blaine was an okay guy, but he had every solo back when he was in Dalton Academy. Ever since he transferred into McKinley, he seemed to be getting a lot of solos, too.

Yep, this seems to be my last competition solo… Tina thought, unfortunately.

Rachel with New Directions Girls
He's into me for everything I'm not
According to you

The girls of New Directions watched as Rachel did one of her adorable little-girl turns and hopped onto Finn's lap, poking slightly at his chest. Finn held onto her so she wouldn't fall off the side or anything, and everyone else in the room applauded her. Even newbie Sugar Motta was standing somewhere in the second row, fist pumping like a Yankees fan. She was told by Rachel that she couldn't perform back-up because she would distract the audience. Tina thought that was just plain petty of her.

"Job well done, Rachel," Tina heard the glee club director, Will Schuester speak from off the side by the piano, which earned him one of Rachel Berry's signature grins. "Now, guys, I have an announcement."

Tina, Santana, Mercedes, Quinn, and Brittany all took an empty seat in the audience chairs, and everyone quieted down to listen to the Spanish teacher's announcement. "I want to say that I'm proud of all of you for your hard work during Sectionals! It really paid off, and now we're on our way to Regionals."

Everyone in the room clapped good-naturedly, especially Tina, whose smile seemed to be wider than everyone else's.

Well…almost everyone was clapping and smiling.

Tina noticed the expression on Rachel's face, and she was not amused at all. Her arms were crossed in front of her face, and she had that little pout she made when things didn't go her way. Finn, though, rubbed her arms for comfort. How charming.

In the corner of Tina's right eye, Quinn had her hand raised politely and patiently. Mr. Schuester chose her to speak. "Quinn, you wanted to say something?"

Quinn dropped her hand, and faced everyone in her chair with a sweet grin on her face. "With a bit of convincing, I got the Troubletones to return to New Directions, and I promised that they could sing a song at each competition, if that's okay."

Brittany was sitting on the other side of Rachel and Finn, clapping and cheering adorably, with Santana literally clutching onto her arms and hugging her. They seem happy, Tina noticed, which made her disappointed a bit. Yep, this sounded like Tina's last chance in ever getting a solo in a competition.

"That sounds like a generous deal, Quinn," Mr. Schue told the petite blonde. "I thank you for your appreciation."

Quinn smiled at him sweetly, and turned her head slightly to Santana and Brittany, giving them a wink. Tina smirked as she observed the Unholy Trinity's interactions.

"Yeah, thanks a lot, Q." Mercedes called from where she sat beside Sam Evans. He had given her that I think you're awesome kind of look. I think Sam is crushing on her, Tina thought. It seemed pretty obvious.

"I personally welcome the Troubletones back into New Directions, and I'm positive that we'll be even stronger by Regionals," Rachel announced. "I propose a practice number in the auditorium to get a feel of what we sound like together again. Who's with me?"

Mr. Schue clapped his hands together at Rachel's suggestion. "Great idea, Rachel." Tina rolled her eyes. Of course, he would agree to anything Rachel says. Teacher's pet. "Anyone know what song we could sing together?"

All at once, the members of New Directions started shouting out different song suggestions.

"We should do Shakira's Hips Don't Lie," Sugar randomly called out from her seat.

"I request anything from The Sound of Music!" Kurt called, having Blaine to reach next to him and grab his shoulders, signaling him to take a seat.

Tina had so many ideas of what they should sing as a celebratory number. Usually when she's not dealing with school or the glee club, she would go to YouTube or ITunes just to find some songs to dance to. She had one stuck in her mind, and was willing to take a part in it.

"How about Fun's We Are Young?" Tina suggested. However, with everyone calling out stuff in the room, she couldn't be heard.

It wasn't until Rachel spoke up that made Tina's jaw drop. "We should do Fun's We Are Young!" she called to Mr. Schue with her hand high in the air, acting as if she didn't hear Tina at all.

Brittany turned to Rachel ultimately and smiled in agreement. "I love that song!" she replied. "That sounds just like me when I'm singing in the shower at seven in the morning."

Okay, Brittany had some things going on with her life…supposedly.

"Brilliant," Mr. Schue spoke up, quieting everyone else down. "It's been decided. We'll do Fun's We Are Young." Everyone started cheering in Rachel's direction, which put Tina down.

"Now, solo parts." Tina immediately perked back up. She was the one who originally mentioned the song idea, and was disappointed in Rachel stealing it from her. Regardless, though, she could still sing a solo, if she wanted.

Tina raised her hand, attempting to get Mr. Schue's attention. Unfortunately, he was busy gazing around the room at people who seemed just as eager as Tina was for a solo part in a song. Finally, it was clear that he had made a decision.

"Rachel and Finn, you two will get solos," Mr. Schue announced, which made Rachel eagerly hug the crap out of his fiancé. "Since we're using the song to rekindle the membership in the glee club, Santana and Mercedes will get solos as well." Mercedes, sitting a row behind Santana, tapped her on the shoulder and gave her a high five. "Sam, you get a solo as well. And how about Quinn, since you brought the Troubletones back for us?"

Tina could feel herself sinking in her chair in further disappointment. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't get herself to sing another solo. She had been trying since day one. Ever since Tina sung Tonight from West Side Story and feeling self-conscious about the way she sung compared to Rachel, she had given up her solo to the reigning road-to-Broadway hopeful.

And Tina had regret it ever since.

"Okay, guys," the Spanish teacher clapped his hands together. "Let's go on down to the auditorium, and try it out, shall we?"

At that moment, everyone had gathered their stuff, and followed Mr. Schue – along with a suddenly energetic Rachel Berry – out of the choir room, and towards the auditorium doors. Tina was somewhere in the back of the line of kids, walking down the hall with Santana and Brittany. She didn't expect for that to happen. Tina never really conversed with them.

"Someone crap in your coffee, Nina Cohen-Chang?" the Latina Cheerio spoke up first as she was observing her nails.

Tina inwardly sighed and tried faking her best smile. She really didn't appreciate it when people misspelled and mispronounced her name. Plus, she was having a bad day dealing with not getting a solo for the celebratory performance in the auditorium.

Tina turned her head towards the two Cheerios beside her. Then again, Santana and Brittany didn't like the unfair treatment in the glee club, either – well, that was mostly Santana; Brittany just wanted to chime in because she was Santana's girlfriend.

"Don't you find it…well, irritating that we don't get a lot of solos in the glee club as Rachel does?" Tina asked Santana rather timidly. "I mean, she's a good singer, but –"

Santana didn't even allow her to continue. "Rachel Berry, as claimed by the rest of the glee club, is better than good, Tina. She's the best singer out of all of us." The tone in her voice didn't sound convincing.

Tina simply shrugged. "Well, yeah, but –"

"And Quinn and Schuester offered to have us sing solos in competitions now," Santana continued, grabbing onto Brittany's arm. "So what is there to worry about?"

With a slight shrug and a swing of her cheerleader ponytail, Brittana walked further down the hall with the rest of the group, leaving Tina to stand there alone. What about me not getting to sing at all? Tina thought unfortunately.

Too bad people can't read thoughts; Santana would've heard it by now.

Everyone had placed their belongings in the audience chairs, and sat on the stage as the band members started playing the music. Rachel, as usual, led the song and strolled her way past Quinn and Sam towards her boyfriend.

Give me a second, I,
I need to get my story straight
My friends are in the bathroom
Getting higher than the Empire State
My lover, he's waiting for me
Just across the bar
My seat's been taken by some sunglasses
Asking 'bout a scar and

I know I gave it to you months ago
I know you're tryin' to forget
But between the drinks and subtle things
The holes in my apologies
You know,
I'm trying hard to take it back

So if by the time
The bar closes

Sam and Quinn
And you feel like falling down
I'll carry you home

Despite the fact that Tina was feeling disappointed about not singing a solo, she was actually proud to be in a group of people, who at first used to be a bunch of losers combined with a few jocks and some cheerleaders. Tina was still a part of a family, and nothing could change that.

Finn with New Directions
We are young

Just when Tina was gazing at the present New Directions members in front of her, she turned her head to find Mercedes, Santana, Sugar, and Brittany standing to the side and watching the scene in front of them. Tina never really had a connection with either one of them, but in a way, she missed them.

Finn and Rachel with New Directions
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun (Mercedes: Whoa!)

Once Mercedes caught everyone's attention with her harmonizing, everyone turned heads and were welcoming the Troubletones over to them.

Santana and Mercedes with New Directions
We are young (New Directions: We are young)
So let's set the world on fire (New Directions: Fire!)
We can burn brighter (New Directions: Brighter!)
Than the sun

As a sweet gesture, Quinn decided to move from where she sat, and serenade the Troubletones with her solo part in the song. Everybody else just harmonized and watched as Quinn friendly grabbed Mercedes's hands and dance her towards the stage.

Quinn with New Directions harmonizing
Carry me home tonight
Just carry me home tonight
Carry me home tonight
Just carry me home tonight

Once Quinn returned to the stage with Mercedes, Artie and Rory walked over to greet the remaining girls. Brittany cheerfully jumped into Rory's arms, giving him a tight, sweet hug; and Sugar had hopped onto Artie's lap, giving Artie a shoulder hug as he wheeled her towards center stage.

The last to join was Santana.

Quinn with New Directions
Carry me home tonight (Santana with New Directions: The angels never arrived, but I can hear the choir)
Just carry me home tonight (Santana with New Directions: So someone come and carry me home)

Tina will admit that Santana had been pretty unfair to New Directions lately, especially about Sectionals. Tina couldn't tell whether it was because she was angry about Finn outing her, or getting the opportunity to sing and attempt to win due to Rachel being suspended.

Lucky for Santana, regardless of whatever she was thinking during that little phase in the school year, Rachel was willing to forgive her and be friends with her again. Tina noticed this when she caught the short brunette walking over to grab Santana's hand.

We are young

Santana smiled at Rachel's offer to come back to the original glee club, and took her hand, allowing Rachel to lead her over to Finn. Once the girls were over there, Finn grabbed Santana into a massive bear hug.

Rachel with Finn
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun

We are young!

Santana with New Directions
Tonight (Mercedes: Yeah!)
We are young (New Directions: We are young!)

Santana and Mercedes with New Directions
So let's set the world on fire (New Directions: Fire!)
We can burn brighter (New Directions: Brighter!)
Than the sun

Everyone seemed happier this way than they were before. Earlier, the group seemed broken in half when the Troubletones were lost. Now it felt better than it ever did before. It was…something special.

Finn and Rachel
So if by the time
The bar closes
And you feel like falling down
I'll carry
You home

The number ended peacefully, and commotion was brought up again when Mr. Schue met with everyone onstage. Everyone applauded and cheered, eventually leading into a group hug.

Somewhere in the middle of the pack, Tina felt snug with everyone bunched up together. This moment with her New Directions members couldn't be any better.

Author's Note: Hey, everyone. This is the first chapter to Many Colors, and I hope you all enjoyed it. Oh, and BTDubs, I found out about my nomination for best Joe fic + Joe writer. This now motivates me to keep writing. I really want to continue TMHTL. Actually, I have to. But I've been really busy this summer, IDK why. Sorry for the delay.

Also, in bad news: I may have to delete two of my fan fictions. One of them being Chronicle Guardian (Joe fan fiction), and Popular (Quinn and Kitty fan fiction). See, CG has, like, 31 pages per chapter, and I don't have the time to type all of that. And with Popular…well, I just had too many high hopes with that one. I'll try to work things out. But for right now, I'm not really sure what I'm doing.

Anyways, stay tuned for more updates on my fan fiction. Peace and love, guys!

Featured Songs:
"According to You" by Orianthi. Sung by Rachel Berry with New Directions Girls
"We Are Young" by fun. Sung by Rachel, Finn, Santana, Mercedes, Sam, and Quinn with New Directions