Epilogue: You & I

After Blaine had left there was still a week more to go for school. And it wasn't that great, because not only he didn't have Blaine by his side to protect him but he was always being followed around by paparazzi, the kids at school, JBI, and the jocks always used to corner him in the hallway. He was living a nightmare and there was no place where he could hide.

The only time he got to talk to Blaine was at night on FaceTime, even then it wasn't helping and Blaine could see right through him. He didn't want to worry Blaine, because he didn't need that; he didn't know for how long he had zoned out during their last conversation but he did notice when Blaine said

"Okay, what's bothering you, and don't tell me you are fine"

Kurt sighed and shrugged his shoulders, he knew that he looked exhausted, and he hadn't smiled since Blaine left, even if tomorrow was the last day of school he still wasn't looking forward for a whole new year of high school "I'm tired, Blaine, I'm sorry, we'll talk later, you need to rest too"

"Kurt, baby, talk to me, please I know you are not okay-"

"Blaine, please, not now, I don't want to worry you either, please I just… want to rest now" Kurt said tiredly, running his hands through his hair, a thing he never does and Blaine knew it because whenever Kurt did that it always was when he was intentionally deflecting from a topic he didn't want to discuss. Blaine knew he couldn't force Kurt to talk and as much as he wanted to just strangle and take Kurt away from all his problems he couldn't. And so he himself reached a decision "okay, sweet heart, go and sleep okay, I love you, and don't worry tomorrow is going to be a good day"

"Sure it is, love you, good night" Kurt said and signed off.

Blaine sighed and placed his iPad away, he held his head in his hand, and he knew what he had to do. He was just hoping that it won't be so hard, it's not because Kurt needed him but honestly he needed Kurt more than he thought. Kurt was his muse, the only person who knew how to take care of him; Kurt knew exactly what he needed to hear. And after so many years of being alone, he doesn't care if he is being clingy because hell! He needs Kurt and he's gonna do whatever he has to get Kurt with him.

It was two days after Kurt had last FaceTime with Blaine and ever since then Blaine had barely even replied back to his messages on time. Now was the last day of Kurt's school, Kurt was thankful of getting out of here, he was even planning on getting his dad to let him go to L.A. and see Blaine during the summer. Right now he was just hurriedly trying to maneuver himself in the crowded hallway, to go outside in the courtyard where his friends were, Kurt didn't know why there was so much crowd in the hallways today. But he did find out the reason behind it when he entered the courtyard to find the glee band on the steps. Kurt made his way to his friends "you guys didn't tell me we were going to perform today"

"It's not us, here -" Finn handed a blue card to Kurt and said "the band gave us this to give it to you"

Kurt took the card and opened it, he read out loud "and you thought I'm gonna leave you that easily without a fight" Kurt held his breath, he knew exactly who this was from, he just couldn't believe it until the band began to play and Kurt looked up at the top of the steps when he heard the kids scream out loud

There he was cuter and sexier than ever, the love of his life, the man everyone thought was a stuck up obnoxious rock star, but to Kurt Hummel, he was his boyfriend.

It's been a long time since I came around
Been a long time but I'm back in town
This time I'm not leaving without you

Blaine sang, he scanned the crowd until he spotted Kurt, he locked eyes with him and pointed at him, giving him a wink when he continued singing

You taste like whiskey when you kiss me, oh
I'd give anything again to be your baby doll
This time I'm not leaving without you

Blaine jumped from the last two steps and landed on the table top a few feet away from Kurt, he gave Kurt his signature smirk when he sang

He said, sit back down where you belong
In the corner of my bar with your high heels on

Sit back down on the couch where we made love the first time
And you said to me

Somethin', somethin' about this place
Somethin', 'bout lonely nights and my lipstick on your face
Somethin', somethin' about my cool Nebraska guy
Yeah something about, baby, you and I

Blaine walked from one table top to another until he reached Kurt, he stayed there and sang

It's been two years since I let you go
I couldn't listen to a joke or rock 'n' roll
Muscle cars drove a truck right through my heart
On my birthday you sang me "A Heart Of Gold"
With a guitar hummin' and no clothes
This time I'm not leaving without you
Ooh-oh ooh-oh

His boyfriend then grabbed his hand pulling him up on the table, and lacing his arms around Kurt's waist, he swayed with the music while he sang to the love of his life.

Sit back down where you belong
In the corner of my bar with your high heels on
Sit back down on the couch where we made love the first time
And you said to meSomethin', somethin' about this place
Somethin', 'bout lonely nights and my lipstick on your face
Somethin', somethin' about my cool Nebraska guy
Yeah something about, baby, you and I

Blaine let go of Kurt but kept their hands clasped together as he reached the high notes

You and I, you, you and I
You, you and I, you, you and IYou and I, you, you and I
Oh, yeah, I'd rather die
Without you and IC'mon!
Put your drinks up!We got a whole lot of money but we still pay rent
'Cause you can't buy a house in heaven
There's only three men that I'mma serve my whole life
It's my daddy and Nebraska and Jesus ChristSomethin', somethin' about the chase (six whole years)
I'm a New York woman born to run you down
Still want my lipstick all over your face
Somethin', somethin' about just knowing when it's right
So put your drinks up for Nebraska,
For Nebraska, Nebraska, I love ya

You and I, you, you and I
Baby I rather die
Without you and IYou and I, you, you and I
Nebraska, I'd rather die,
Without you and I

Kurt had placed his hands on Blaine's shoulder, Blaine reached forward kissing Kurt's cheek softly, he breathed in Kurt's scent and sighed, he whispered the last lyrics of the song in Kurt's ear

It's been a long time since I came around
Been a long time but I'm back in town
And this time I'm not leaving without you

As soon as the song had ended it was like Kurt couldn't hear the cheers and applause from the crowd, because all he could, hear, feel and smell was Blaine. Kurt hadn't realized he had started to cry until Blaine thumbed the tears away, cupping Kurt's cheek he leaned in and kissed those lips he missed so much since he left a week back. The kiss lasted for a moment before Kurt pulled away and asked "what are you doing here?"

"fighting for you" Blaine said, kissing Kurt's temple "I told Capitol Records if they wanted me then they'd have to think of another solution but I'm not gonna stay in L.A. while you're not there with me, so after much consideration, I'm gonna stay here, in Lima and record my album from here at home"

Kurt eyes were wide he couldn't believe it, Blaine was staying, Blaine was staying here in Lima "s-so you're staying? For good?"

"until you graduate baby, I'm not leaving Lima without you, I don't want anything else from life if you're not in it with me" he said, a smiling on Blaine's lips as he watched Kurt's reaction.

"I love you so much" Kurt said in a rushed whispered before he crushed their lips together for a hard kiss, his arms lacing around Blaine's shoulder, to hold him in place, they did however break the kiss when they heard Finn clear his throat, blushing deeply Kurt and Blaine stepped off the table hand in hand. Blaine glanced down at their hands and said "you know I made a promise, and I'm going to keep that promise, just you wait, babe" He brought Kurt's hand to his lips, kissing the spot where the ring Blaine had given Kurt was on his engagement finger.

Sighing Kurt leaned against Blaine, thinking this was going to be a good year.

He could see it now, few years from now they would be in L.A. or NYC, living together and married just like they dreamed of, with Blaine recording his next track while Kurt was waiting for his promotion to be the next stylist/ editor at Vogue, They would come home to one another with their kids jumping into their arms as soon as they arrived home. It was a good life, they got through everything thrown in their way and after everything that happened they still managed to find love against all odds.

~* THE END *~


A/N: thank you all for reading this story and taking time to review.

I planned this to be a little longer but due to my tight schedule I had to keep it brief.

Song used is 'You & I-Lady Gaga'

I hoped you enjoyed the story as much as I did writing it.

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