This fanfic takes place after Opal. Katy is stuck with the D.O.D and Daemon is searching for a way to find her.

**Disclaimer** I do not own the Lux Series no matter how much I wish I did.


Katy p.o.v

"Wake up mutants. Breakfast is here. Eat up cause it's all you get until lunchtime." I heard the guard yell as he walked down the hall banging on doors.

It was 7 in the morning and if I remembered correctly it's a Friday. I have been stuck in this hell hole for three months and I am loosing hope of escape as well as my mind. The first few weeks I was here I cried every night. That earned me a slap in the face by one of the guards and constant smart ass remarks from the others. I stopped crying and started toughening up. I got to the point where I don't show emotions. I can't because emotions make me weak and I need to be strong if I ever want to escape. The only emotion I live by now is anger. The rage I feel for the guards and this whole group. The way I am furious at Blake for getting me stuck here. Also the anger I feel because Daemon and all my friends failed to rescue me. He failed by breaking his promise.

"Hey kid, did you hear me? Get up." I looked up from my bed to see the guard standing at my door. "Come on I ain't got all day. Get the hell outa that bed!" Slowly I put one foot on the floor then the other as I glared at the guard. I walked past him and out the door then down to the lunch room.

Breakfast was horrible like always but I didn't care because I wasn't gonna be here any longer. I looked over at the guard watching the door. Once he saw me he gave me one slow nod. I smiled as I started to put my plan into action. My plan is to get myself into isolation where the guard who is helping me will give me a uniform and key card. Once that was done I could get the hell out of here.

First I needed to cause a fight with a guard. Just then I saw the guard from this morning. Perfect. I walked over to the trash cans he was standing next to and pretended I dropped my napkin. As I bent over I knew he was watching and as if on cue I felt a hand grab my butt.

"Nice ass you got here." I whipped around and glared at him. "As a matter of fact you have a damn good body. I wouldn't mind getting out of here and breaking a few rules." He grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me to the exit.

"Let go of me you jack ass!" I yelled at him.

"Oh come on pretty lady. I know you want to." He pulled me roughly into him and as soon as I felt his filthy hand touch my boob I hit him, only not with my fist. I hit him using the Source. Suddenly guards advanced on me like a swarm. "You bitch! I will kill you, you filthy freak!" Before jack ass could grab me the guard who was helping me, put handcuffs around my wrist an ushered me to the isolation cells.

"Give me 5 minutes." Was all he said before he shut the door and locked it. I sat there and smiled at myself until he got back. "Put these on and hurry." As soon as I had on the uniform he rushed me down the hall and soon we were making a break for the doors. I couldn't believe this was happening. I kept thinking we would get caught or alarms were going to go off or something bad will happen, but none came. It was a sweet relief when we stepped out of the doors to the building.

"Go on down this road. There will be a black van waiting for you. Get in it and the girl in it will give you different clothes then I will be there soon. Hurry!" I nodded at him then ran as fast as I could to the black van. The door opened and I saw a woman with blond hair like sunbeams. "Get in." I jumped into the van slamming the door shut behind me. The woman handed me clothes and I changed into the plain jeans, sneakers, and a blue t-shirt. The silence was awkward and I had so many questions. Finally she broke the silence. "My name is Serena. What's yours?"

I smiled at her. She seemed very nice and human. I wondered how she could have gotten mixed up in this world. "Katy. Nice to meet you."

She smiled at me then surprised me by saying, "You are so young. You have to be only 18. Well then again I do know a boy who is a lot younger than you. Although he is very strange and is wise beyond his years." This caught my attention.

"You wouldn't be talking about a 15 year old kid named Luc would you?"

Her eyes widened. "You know him?"

I snorted, "Yeah, but I wish I didn't. He was one of the people who helped put me in here. Well he didn't mean to. It was sort of an accident."

"I'm sorry." She told me. Then she put her hand on my shoulder in a gesture of sympathy.

Suddenly the door opened and the guard who helped me stepped in. "Okay what gives? Why did you help me? What's your name? You sent me all those letter but would never explain why. I need answers. Now!"

He turned on me and I finally saw his face. He had black hair under that uniform hat. He was muscular and tall. He was also… beautiful… inhumanly beautiful. But it was his eyes that froze me in my place. They were a an odd blue and so light that it was almost silver. I knew those eyes. They were the ones of an Arum.

"My name is Hunter and judging my your reactions you know what I am."

I felt the power of the source build up inside me. "Arum."

"Very good half breed." He rolled those cold blue eyes. I raised my hand to fire and he smirked a cocky half smirk. Suddenly the temperature dropped.

"Stop!" I looked over to Serena. "Don't hurt him!"

"He could kill you!" I yelled at her.

"He won't He is good." I heard the Arum snort. Serena glared at him. "Okay then he won't hurt you and he sure as hell won't hurt me."

"How do you know that?" I challenged her.

"Because I love him, and he loves me." That stopped me in my tracks. I turned around and stared slack jaw at Hunter.

"Yeah I was surprised as hell too when I figured out my feelings. Who would have thought that a bad ass sexy Arum like me could love a human."

"How?" I asked.

"That's not important as of right now."

Serena spoke up next. "Just know that the Arum aren't all bad."

"Yeah," Hunter said, "Just like your little light brights aren't all good either." That puzzled me, but before I could say anything he continued. "So Katy, you got yourself into quite a bit of trouble."

"How do you know my name?"

"Ran into your boyfriend. You're lucky Luc was there otherwise he would have become food."

My head snapped up. "You saw Daemon?"

He cocked his head to the side. "So that was pretty boys name. And here I was calling him dick this whole time."

"Wait a second," Serena said, "She is the one who was mutated? So she is part Luxen?!" She confused me. She actually sounded scared of that fact. What did the Luxen do to her? And what did Hunter mean that they weren't all nice?

"Relax baby. The boy was a dick, but he wasn't evil like the senator and his boys." They would have to explain this to me later. Now I had other things to worry about.

"Where are we going?"

Hunter looked at me in the review mirror. "I need to see Luc." That was all he said. I nodded understanding that it was private.

"Could we make a stop first? I need new clothes."

Serena looked at Hunter. "She can't wear my clothes if she will ever have to run. They are too big for her. She is small."

Hunter sighed. "Alright, you can get new clothes. But you have to be quick."

We pulled off the highway and into a small strip mall. Serena volunteered to go in with me and Hunter handed her a card. We browsed and I ended up trying on dark wash skinny jeans with a black T-shirt that said dangerous and black lace up biker boots. I also grabbed a leather jacket. When I looked into the mirror I realized that this look fit me perfectly. I knew then that the old Katy was gone. Those months in hell had changed me forever. The only question was how much? And could Daemon love this new Katy?


Thank y'all for reading. Please review. I loved making this fanfic, mostly because the Lux series are my favorite books. Who can guess who Serena and Hunter are? ;-)

Also I love books and just finished the last book on my kindle to read list. Know any good books. I am really into paranormal romance. Recommend me a something, I might read it and maybe write a fanfiction about it. 3