Hello! I'm sorry if this is terrible but the idea was stuck in my head.

enjoy x

Still half asleep, Phil made his cereal before sitting on the sofa and putting on an episode of Buffy. Half way through the episode when the breakfast had been finished and put in the sink he heard Dan's room door open then footsteps down the hall way.

"Phil?" Dan called, dragging out his name as he walked quickly into the living room and practically jump onto the sofa next to Phil, his back to the arm of the chair. Phil paused the tv and turned his whole body to face Dan.


"What is Love?" Dan asked

Slightly taken back by the question, Phil furrowed his eyebrows and looked at him with a confused expression on his face.

"That's a serious and unexpected question coming from you this early in the morning," Phil laughed.

"I'm serious."

"Yeah, that's what worries me." Phil smiled. Dan playfully hit him on the arm.

"Do you have an answer because if you don't I think I'm just going to leave," he started to stand up.

"Dan, sit down and let me think."

"Do you have an answer yet?" Dan asked after a few seconds.

"God, you're impatient," he paused. Dan looked at him waiting for an answer.

"Love is complaining that you might get spit over a Twinkie when you open it with your teeth but taking a bite out of it anyway. Love is shoving cookie into someone's mouth when they talk too much. Love is accepting someone's addiction to malteasers and just watching their health from a distance because they know if they took them away they wouldn't live tell the tale. And love is, well, the cliché never leaving their side even when things might get bad. Does that answer your question?"

Dan looked thoughtfully for a second before answering with a simple "I think so" and running back down the hall way leaving a confused Phil sat on the sofa.