Percy And Annabeth At School

Chapter Two


Percy raced out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang. He did not like that class, because 1. Peter is a mortal and a total jerk and 2. The class was boring. The only thing exciting in the class was Percy. His awesomeness was too much for them to handle.

"Hey, Percy, how was class?" Ben walked up beside him. Ben was a average guy. He had average height, muscles, and weight. He had brown hair, was very tan, and had blue eyes.

"You know the usual." Percy looked down at his shoes. They were his normal tennis shoes that took him wherever his feet could go. Now they were taking him to his next class, English.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Ben laughed. "In math today, what got to eat pie for pi." Ben talked about it as if he couldn't have gone to the store and got a pie. Maybe it was cooler, because you got to do it at school or with your friends.

"Well, this is where we part ways. Bye." Ben turned at the corner. Ben and him had only a few classes together, because Ben was in all the smarter classes than him. Liz and him had more classes together.

Percy saw Liz seating next to the window and decided to take a seat next to her. She had black hair, brown eyes. She wasn't in many hard classes either, because she won't apply herself. In other words, she was very lazy.

The teacher was talking to another teacher, which meant they would start class late. It's okay for teachers to be late and talk, but students can't. What is this?

Percy wished he was at Camp Half Blood right now. It wouldn't be as boring as this. All he did was learn all day and talk to mortals. What fun is that? He also wished he could see Annabeth. He wondered what she was doing right now.


Annabeth and David exited the plane. They had just arrived and Annabeth was so excited. They were now waiting for their luggage when she saw her luggage. She now had one suit case and her backpack. David was still waiting for his luggage.

David was one of her closest mortal friends, but nothing could replace her original friends, Percy, Grover, etc. She didn't tell David anything, and wouldn't. He wasn't that close of a friend.

He finally got his suit case and they started heading out. She had some money of a cab and they waited for one to be available. Finally, one was open and she handed the man the money telling him where to drive to.

She was so excited to see Percy. She hadn't seen him since the summer, but they talked. She was worried something weird will happen though. Like a monster will attack. It seems to always happen when they're together. Weird.