Okay! So before I start I have to remind you that this is The Purge. There will be some stuff in here but nothing to graphic because I just can't do that kind of stuff cause it isn't my forte.

I got this idea after watching The Purge and felt like writing this. I don't know what I'll write so um, just in case.


Disclaimer: I do not make a profit off of this and do not own any of the characters let alone The Purge itself. So, I really don't know what I own.

I hope you enjoy!

The Purge-fifteen minutes till The Purge begins

I couldn't believe it. Only fifteen minutes till The Purge begins.

The Purge is when all crime (murder, theft, rape etc) is legal and no emergency services are available.

True, this is an annual event and I've been through this for the past sixteen years of my life. This is the first year without my father; it was something my father was good at. But something that also made him a monster. He would participate in The Purge every year. He would always come home the next morning at seven o'clock with blood all over his hands and shirt. Nobody messed with us because of that, everyone knows that if they messed with us before, after or during The Purge…they would get purged.

But that is the exact reason my mother left him, because he started becoming too violent. Too…unmanageable! She left him…kicking him out. But now, the purge was going to start in…oh dear god, eight minutes and he wasn't with us. Nobody knew not to mess with us.

I begged my mom to let us stay at the Autobot Base, it was a secret location, and nobody could find us. We were completely hidden from the world…no one could harm us.

She said a plain and simple "No" when I asked her she snapped, stating that it would wrong and unfair if we went to a secret location.

She really didn't understand the concept that we were going to die because our house was nowhere near locked. We just had the windows locked and doors shut; the problem was it that I could see everyone else's houses. They were all shut, locked in tight. Making sure no one can come in and no one can get out.

My mom had also sent Arcee back to base. Arcee went without protest; the Autobots didn't understand what The Purge was about either. They didn't even know it exists.

Looking over at my clock, I frowned when I realized that it was five minutes till The Purge begins and everything illegal is legal. I sat up in my bed and grabbed my phone, quickly typing in Miko's number I began to call her.

"Hello" came her voice on the other line. She didn't seem worried one bit; it was probably because she wasn't really afraid of anything. I wish I was like that.

"Miko" I started, trying to keep my emotions under check, "Be safe, okay. No tricks"

Miko sighed, "Jack, I'm fine. My foster parents are rich. My house is locked up so tight that Optimus and Megatron's power combined couldn't break in"

This time I sighed. She was so confident; I was scared out of my mind. "Miko, please just be safe. Stay inside, don't let anybody inside" I said, looking over at my clock again. Three minutes, I still needed to call Raf. "I have to go, Miko. I'll see you in school tomorrow" I said, hoping that that was true.

"Okay Jacko! See you then…" I was about to close my phone to hang up but she started speaking again, "be safe Jack…and one more thing Jack" she said.

"Anything Miko" I said, twitching nervously.

"You don't….support this? Do you?" Miko said weekly, I could hear the house's defenses going down through the phone.

I looked out the window, noticing how everyone who supported it had put blue flowers outside on the lawn. Ours had none. "No Miko, I don't support this"

Miko breathed, "ok….be safe Jack, see you in the morning" and with that the line clicked, and I knew that she hand hung up.

I typed in Rafael's phone number as quick as I could and called him.


"Hey Rafael, I just wanted to…tell you to be safe and be careful" I said.

"I'm fine Jack, my house is locked up tight…I'm not so proud of this but my whole family has a gun in their hand" he lowed his voice even more then he did before, "including me"

I froze, I couldn't imagine young, bright, Raf Esquivel killing someone, let alone having a gun in his hands. "Be safe Raf" I said finally after regaining my composer.

"Be safe, Jack. I'll call you later, I have to go with my parents and my siblings" he said, "see you!"

"See you too, Rafael" I muttered, hanging up.

I looked up quickly as I heard my mom yelling my name. I shoved my phone into my pocket and walked out the door. I made it to the living room where the TV was one. My mom held the remote firmly in her hands as I walked in. she was tense. You could see her muscles tensing up.

I grabbed a blanket that was laid over the couch and wrapped it around my body. I sat on the bed, my legs brought close to my chest. My heart sank when I heard the announcement start.

"This is the Emergency Broadcast System announcing the commencement of the annual purge. At the siren, all emergency services will be suspended for 12 hours. Your government thanks you for your participation"

The sirens were loud, and when I mean loud, I mean loud. I've survived The Purge for sixteen years just because my father was the most feared man alive in my neighborhood.

I looked over at my mom, her body was shaking I almost wanted her to tell me to call Ratchet so we could go through the Ground Bridge and get into the base.

Unfortunately, she never did. Standing up, she turned towards me and tried smiling. Trying to mask how terrified she was. "I'm going to make some brownies…do you want any?" she asked sweetly.

I shook my head, "no thanks mom, I'm good" I said.

She nodded curtly, leaving towards the kitchen.

I looked back up at the TV then at my phone. I was hoping to see a text or miss call from Rafael or Miko. I wanted to talk to someone who wasn't worried about all of this. Miko had no fear and Rafael was holding a gun in his hands just in case someone broke into his house.

I heard screaming coming from outside and I hurried to the window. I pushed back the curtains a bit and looked outside. I saw a teenager from my class, he had to be fifteen. His name was Zachary. At least that's what I've been told. I watched him in horror as he threw another teenager in my class, Christopher, on the ground. Bat firmly in his hands Zachary hit Christopher with all the might that he had. The bat became bloodier and bloodier with each blow.

Finally, the screaming stopped. I couldn't believe what I just saw. Zachary, a normal teenager from my class, killed someone!

Walking backwards, I ran into my mom. "Mom" I breathed.

"Jack, I don't want you looking out the window" she said sternly and I turned around. The thought of someone being brutally murdered still running through my head. Sometimes, humans are just like Decepticons. Cold hearted.

Breaking out of my mind and into reality I stared at my mom, "I'm sorry, mom. I just can't help it" I frowned, shaking my head while my eyes were glued to the ground.

"Jack, please don't look out the window" she said and left back into the kitchen.

I decided to talk towards my room, when I passed by the kitchen arch I told my mom where I was going. She told me okay.

I passed by the front door and stopped. I saw the shadow of someone through the slit that was underneath the door. I took a breath, surely nobody would come in. would they?

A knock came from the door, that's when my mom came out. A kitchen knife in her hands. The knocking grew louder as the person behind the door started slamming his fist against the wood.

The person must've given up because the knocking stopped. I and my mom looked at each other, a little relieved. But then, the door came crashing down. Hitting the ground with a loud bang. My mom grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind.

Out from the shadows emerged Vince, a long metal steel bat in his hands.

"Darby!" his voice was loud, "we have some unfinished business!"

Thanks for reading this! Hope you liked it! If you did great if you didn't…great? I really don't know. Have a good day (or goodnight depending on when you read this)
