Hi! I'm trying something a little different than usual, since I usually write humor and parody. I apologize if this sucks. I just thought it would be cute...

This takes place after Aizen is dead and all that fun stuff. So there will be spoilers, if you read carefully.

Legal disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. But I created a Nemu x Uryu word: Nemuryu. I can't believe no one thought of it before...sheesh. Besides, I think it's better than IshiNemu. But maybe that's just me.


Nemu Kurotsuchi adjusted the veil on her head. She was so excited, but so sad...what would she do after this? Her father would never except her, and some captains still spoke their disapproval of this. New Head Captain Kyoraku had always been like a grandfather to her, and he had promised not to banish her, but still...

She sighed, a rare occurence. Then again, before Uryu, she hadn't even thought she had emotions. Toying with the engagement ring on her finger, she remembered when thay had first met.

Thank you for not killing my father.

Master. She had still called him Master.

B-but...what about you?

I'll be fine.

She hadn't been fine. A different kind of poison had entered her body.


Nemu whirled around, smiling. Uryu Ishida was in the doorway, unsure whether he was allowed in.

"Uryu, you may come in," she said happily.

"But I heard that if you see your bride in her wedding dress before the wedding..." Uryu trailed off.

Nemu walked toward him, putting a hand on his shoulder. She kissed his cheek. "You know those are superstitions."

Even now, Uryu could still hear a trace of Nemu's old, monotone voice. Would it ever truly leave her?

"You look beautiful, my dear," Uryu smiled, shaking away the thought. Nemu blushed.

It was true. She wore a creamy white wedding dress that trailed behind her about six inches or so. She wore no sleeves, and someone had braided her hair and put flowers in it. She hadn't adjusted her veil to cover her face yet, so Uryu could see her face. She hadn't put even a speck of make-up on, but she looked even more beautiful without it.

"I, um, have to g-go prepare..." Uryu stuttered. Nemu laughed, and said, "Well, don't let me keep you."

As Uryu left, another person came in: Yachiru.

"Hey there, Nemu - chan!" she chirped happily, hugging her legs.

"Hello, Madame President," Nemu looked down at her.

"You should see all the people out there!" Yachiru chattered. "It's like the entire Seireitei came! And have you seen the food?" Yachiru's tone turned dreamy. "There's so much chocolate and ice cream and - "

"Have you seen the wedding cake, Madame President?" Nemu asked. Yachiru shook her head no. "Oh, yes, it IS hidden very well! But Uryu and I saw it, and it was huge! It was as tall as Chad-san!"

Yachiru's eyes bugged out. "WOW!"

Nemu knelt down next to her. "And I made sure to put a lot of candy in it for my very special maid of honor!"

Yachiru squealed in delight. Hugging her, she said happily, "Thank you, Nemu - chan!" She flash - stepped out of the room.

After a couple of minutes, Nanao poked her head in. "It's time, Nemu."

Nemu rose, her dress ruffling. Walking over to Nanao, she said, "I'm so nervous."

"You shouldn't be," Nanao smiled at her. "My marriage to Shunsui was the best choice of my life. And Uryu really cares about you. You know that."


The two women were silent for a moment. Finally, Nemu asked, "Is he..."

Nanao looked at Nemu, who trailed off. "Is Uryu what?"

Nemu shook her head. "Not him. I'm just wondering, is he here?"


"You know, HIM," Nemu put special force on that last word.

"Oh...you mean Captain Kurotsuchi," Nanao spit out his name like it was poison. "No, he isn't. I don't know why you would want him here, after all he's done."

"Oh," Nemu said, letting a trace of sadness into her voice. Nanao looked at her with pity.

"Nemu, you know I didn't mean it that way," Nanao apologized. "I wish he cared about you, but...he doesn't."

Nemu nodded, a lump in her throat. She had always known, but hearing Nanao say it made it real.

"Thank you for handing me off," Nemu said, keeping the tremble out of her voice.

"Of course, darling..." Nanao said lovingly.

And as the curtains rose to reveal her and Nanao, Nemu knew she had made the right choice.

Okay, that is chapter one. As it says in the description THIS IS NOT A ONE-SHOT. It could be, but it's not. I shall continue even if you readers hate it! Bwahahaha!

But seriously, review. Please. Or else Nemu will be sad!

As inspiration strikes. ~Spottedmask77