One shot.

Hanna had just woken up, and she really didn't feel like getting out of bed. She knew that Emily was either in the shower or downstairs with her mom. Today was Saturday so she could lie in bed all day, and be lazy with her girlfriend, without having to deal with all the idiots at school.

"Em!" Hanna called. Downstairs she heard her mom laugh and Emily's laughter came right after that.

"Yes Hanna?" Emily called back.

"Come upstairs!" She called back down.

"Why? Are you hurt or something?" Emily asked, teasingly.

"Mom, tell Emily to listen to me!" I whined.

"Hanna, you're being lazy. Come down here and have a nice breakfast with us!" Ashley called back to her daughter. She loved that Hanna was so happy with Emily; it made her feel like she was doing something right.

"No!" Hanna laughed.

Hanna heard Emily sigh and she heard the stairs creek slightly under Emily's feet as she made her way up the stairs. Soon her bedroom door was opened and Emily walked in with an amused face.

"Hello, beautiful." Emily giggled and flung herself onto the bed.

"Hi, cuddle with me?" Hanna asked, using her big blue eyes to lure Emily in.

"Of course I will, but you have to promise me that we can have a movie night tonight." Emily told her with her signature Fields' smile.

"That sounds pretty fantastic actually. Deal." Hanna smiled and Emily scooted closer to her. Hanna wrapped Emily in her arms and pulled her close, connecting their lips. Emily responded eagerly to the kiss making Hanna moan. Their lips moved in perfect sync and Hanna's hands tangled themselves into Emily's hair, pulling her closer. Emily's hands found Hanna's waist and her fingers danced along the hem of her shirt. Hanna's tongue teased Emily's lower lip, begging for entrance, which Emily granted. When their tongues touched, both girls let out a moan. Emily's fingers decided that they weren't satisfied without touching Hanna's silky skin. They moved under Hanna's shirt and teased the skin there.

"God Em, your hands are freezing!" Hanna cried, pulling away from Emily's lips.

"I know, and you're really warm. Warm me up please!" Emily giggled.

"I knew more than one way to warm you up, Emily." Hanna winked. She then began kissing down Emily's jaw and neck.

Emily gasped and hit Hanna's arm. "Hanna, your mom is in the house!"

"You just have to be quiet." Hanna got out through kisses.

Emily pushed her away lightly and kissed her cheek. "No, but maybe when she leaves. Plus, Aria and Spencer are going to come over."

"Why?" Hanna whined.

"Because it's Saturday and they always come over on Saturdays." Emily giggled.

"Why can't I just spend the day with my girlfriend? Without my best friends?"

"Because, your girlfriend and your best friends are best friends so that makes your girlfriend your best friend too. And best friends have to congregate. Duh."

"What?" Hanna looked confused.

"Nothing, just know that Spencer and Aria are coming over soon." Emily sighed.

"Fine." Hanna huffed. "Can you at least take your hands out of my shirt? You're making me horny."

"How is that making you horny? My hands are just sitting on your stomach."

"Yeah, but all I can think about is what they would be doing if I had my way with you." Hanna smirked again.

"You're a pervert, and I refuse to move my hands. They're freezing."

"Whatever." Hanna sighed. "What time is it?" she asked before yawning.

"Almost noon."

"Why the hell am I up so early?" Hanna groaned. Emily knew, all too well, after three years of being in a relationship with her and six total years of them being best friends, Hanna shouldn't be up before one on the weekend.

"I don't know, but now that you're up, go brush your teeth and come eat breakfast with your mom and I."

"Why do you two have to be such great friends? I thought after your mom came back, that you two would stop spending so much together." Hanna groaned again.

"Your mom is like my second mom. Plus, I miss living here. My house is so big and empty all the time. I loved being here. Spending every night with you." Emily sighed.

"I miss that too." Hanna smiled sadly, softly brushing her lips over Emily's.

"I love you." Emily looked into Hanna's deep blue eyes.

"I love you more."

"No." Emily instantly replied.

"Oh yes. I love you more in one pinky, than you love me." Hanna argued.

"No. I love you from here to the moon and back."

"I love you more than there are miles in the galaxy." Hanna giggled.

"Now we just sound like one of those really sappy couples. I thought we were cooler than that." Emily groaned.

"We are, but I just had to let you know how much I love you." Hanna shrugged. She finally rolled out of bed and into the bathroom.

"No! You're so warm!" Emily called after her.

"I had to pee!" Hanna called from the bathroom.

"Well, I'll be downstairs. Come down when you're done."


Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer were sitting in the Fields' living room watching Pitch Perfect. Hanna was sitting on the love seat next to Aria, and Emily was laying on the floor beneath them. Spencer was sprawled out on the recliner.

"I love Fat Amy. She's the perfect kind of person." Hanna laughed.

"She's just an obnoxious girl, like every other girl her age." Aria sighed.

"How dare you say that? Fat Amy should be president. That would be a country I would want to live in." Hanna added.

"Well, considering she wasn't born in America, she can't be president." Spencer corrected.

"Sorry, Ms. Official. A girl can dream right?"

"Your dreams are weird." Aria said.

"You guys are mean today. What the hell is wrong with you two? Oh! Are you two fuck buddies now? Is Aria holding out on you Spence? You know, before Emily and I had sex for the first time I-." Hanna started before being cut off by Spencer.

"No Hanna, we told you that what happened was just a onetime thing. I'm with Toby and she's with Ezra."

"So you wouldn't be opposed to doing it again?" Hanna wiggled her eyebrows.

"Hanna! Does everything go in one ear and out the other with you?" Aria scolded.

"Yeah." Hanna answered seriously.

"I don't understand how Emily has been a relationship with you for three years. Hell, I don't even know how I managed to stay friends with you since 5th grade." Aria huffed.

"You know you love me, and I know Emily loves me. She's my soul mate."

"Well, apparently opposites do attract, because you two are nothing alike. At all." Spencer snickered.

"Em, you haven't said anything this entire time. You okay?" Aria asked.

"She's totally asleep. She hates this movie." Hanna chuckled.

"That's weird how you know that without even looking at her."

"I told you we're soul mates. Plus, she's my girlfriend and my best friend. PLUS, I lived with her for almost a year. I know how she works." Hanna shrugged.

"You two might as well just get married."

Hanna held up her left ring finger to show off her sliver band ring. "We're working on it."

"You two are too in love. It makes my heart ache." Aria finally smiled back.


"I think you two should wait before making any more huge decisions." Spencer added.

"Seriously, what is up your ass today?"

"Nothing, but do you know the statistic for straight-out-of-high-school marriages?"

"No, and I really don't want to or care enough to know. I thought you got over Emily once you realized that she is not into you!" Hanna almost yelled.

"Hanna, I am trying to get over her, but honestly, do you think it's easy? Emily is perfect. You of all people should know that. She is really hard to get over." Spencer replied calmly.

"I know, but seriously, try harder. Emily is my girlfriend. She doesn't want to be constantly hit on by her best friend. Emily loves you and she cares a lot about you, and you're ruining your friendship with her by being so smitten. Plus, you're supposed to be my best friend. Best friends don't steal each other's girlfriends."

"I know that Hanna! I'm sorry that I can't shut my brain up. I'm trying my hardest. It's not exactly helping that I see her everyday and we hang out and we have sleepovers and we are so close! It's fucking hard. She's the girl that every girl wants."

"Guys, stop fighting. You're going to wake Emily up and she's going to be upset that you're fighting again."

"Whatever. Let's just watch the movie." Hanna sighed, angrily.

"Honestly Hanna, do you think I like being in pain? Do you think I like being in love with someone I can't have? Is that what you honestly think?"

"Yes." Hanna replied.

"Then you're dead wrong. I'm trying. HARD."

"Not hard enough apparently."

"Seriously Hanna, I don't want to fight with you. I'm sorry that you don't believe me. You're my best friend and I'm trying everything to stop my feelings." Spencer looked sincere.

"All I'm asking is that you back off a little. You're going to have to understand that Emily and I aren't going anywhere, anytime soon."

"I get that. And I'm sorry for putting you through so much." Spencer sighed.

"Thank you. Now let's watch the movie." Hanna turned back to the screen. Aria or Hanna didn't notice the silent tear that rolled down Spencer's face as she glanced longingly at Emily.

OH! More drama? I think yes!

Keep reading!