I do not own the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series

Annabeth's POV

When I woke up this morning I was very excited because Chiron let me stay at camp until Goode High School started. Percy didn't even know about it. When I got ready Argus drove into the city past The Empire State building/Olympus, to Goode High. When I got inside I went to the office and got my schedule.









Social Studies


When I got out of the office I saw a crowd and in the lead of it was the one and only Percy Jackson. Before he could see me I ducked into the bathroom and got ready for the prank. I messed up my hair, made fake pimples, put on fake braces, and then put on the thickest glasses you have ever seen. The only person who was in on the joke was Piper, she and Jason transferred last year. When I exited the bathroom Percy was 20 feet away. I walked up to meet him and I said "Hi Percy! It's so good to see you again."

"Do I know you?" he asked

"Well you should. I answered, I saw you at that pizza place, camp, that coffee shop, the carnival, and that fancy restaurant." He looked confused but he couldn't respond because the bell rang. On my way to class Piper met up with me.

"That was hilarious, she said, best way to start a school year."

"Yup, sophomores, I said. First was homeroom I sat near Piper she looked at my schedule and said that Percy, Jason, me, and her had the same schedule. Sweet more fun with Percy (or so I thought until he came up to me).

Percy's POV

This was a weird first day after that random girl came up to me claiming she knew me and said how she knew me but I wasn't really listening. She looked really familiar blonde hair and gray eyes. I had a suspicion and when she sat next to Piper and whispered my suspicion was confirmed. I walked up to her in the hall and said "Hey if you know me so well what is my favorite color?

"Uh blue?" she responded

Interesting only a few of my friends know my favorite color. Then I asked "What is my mom's name?"

"Sally" she answered.

"Annabeth?", I asked

"How did you know?" she asked while wiping her face off and taking off her disguise.

"What you don't think I know who my girlfriend is? I said and don't sit by your best friend when you are disguised." We hugged and went to Math. But that surprise wasn't the biggest because the next day something awesome happened.