Amalthea: OH MY GOD, This Plot bunny is driving me Insane! Here enjoy another FF7/Hp crossover! Voldemort is not dead yet in this story!

KON: Amalthea does not own FF7, Harry potter or Any Songs that appear. All she does own is her version of FemHarry, the family ties and the idea. Please Vote in her Poll and PLEASE Read and Review her stories! Fanart is welcomed and much appreciated! Now on to the story!

Quick vote! Should Angeal also be paired with FemHarry?

Yes: 11


Holy Shitake Mushrooms! You guys must really want Angeal in the pairing...well you got your wish!


Sabriel paled at the familiar voice and spun around to find Dumbledore standing there with Hojo, she quickly stepped closer to her brother and Genesis who quickly and gently pushed her behind them as Sephiroth snarled "What do you want Hojo?"

"It's more like what my Companion wants that I'm interested in..."

Dumbledore smirked and said "Dr. Hojo was kind enough to bring me to Gaia to retrieve my wayward students especially your sister."

Sabriel growled as she then yelled "FUCK OFF! I'M NOT GOING BACK TO BE YOUR LITTLE PUPPET AGAIN!"

Dumbledore just smirked and said "You really don't have any choice in the matter, Sabriel. Unless you want your Brother to be harmed...I suggest you do what I say."

Sabriel just flipped Dumbledore the bird as her brother and Genesis told Dumbledore and Hojo to take their best shot at them, needless to say...Hojo and Dumbledore did not take kindly to that and quickly attacked. The battle was fast and was soon over as Dumbledore's wand was snapped then Dumbledore was captured along with Hojo, Dumbledore then managed to throw off Rude and grabbed Hojo's arm as the other Turks let go in surprise. They apperated away to Sabriel's anger and Sabriel began to curse quite fluently in different languages, Genesis gently hugged her to calm her down and Sabriel buried her face into his chest as tears of anger slid down her cheeks, She then said "I'm going to wring Dumbledore's neck until it SNAPS if he comes near me again..."

She calmed down around 5-10 minutes later then gave a shaky smile to her brother, boyfriend and other companions, Hermione sighed as she knew Sabriel would now put her happy mask on to please her brother and Hermione shook her head slightly. Sephiroth then suggested they continue with the Animagus potion and that they all take it at once to get it over with, Sabriel laughed and nodded in agreement as they passed the vials out and quickly got enough space between them just in case. They all gulped the potion down and felt the potion go to work; everyone looked at each other once the change was complete and grinned...

Hermione: Lioness

Rufus: Cougar

Reno: Tiger

Rude: Rottweiler

Cissnei: Fox

Draco: Golden Eagle

Ginny: Red tailed Hawk

Luna: White tail Doe

Neville: White tail Stag

Fred: Cocker Spaniel

George: Irish setter

Sephiroth: Silver wolf

Genesis: Abyssinian cat

Angeal: Newfoundland dog

Zack: Black lab Puppy

Cloud: Dire Wolf

Everyone then looked over at Sabriel and their eyes nearly bugged out of their heads at seeing a silvery white Coeurl with black stripes where Sabriel had been, which marked her as a type of Coeurl from the Calm lands of the inhabitable continent of Spira. Sabriel laughed in amusement as they then changed back as the potion wore off, at the looks on everyone's faces at her form. Hermione then said "Only you would have the form of a Creature of Gaia..."

Sabriel just snickered and said "Hey Rufus...didn't you say your dad had a bad experience with the creature I turned into?"

Rufus saw where she was going with this and had to laugh evilly as he said "Oh man, do it! If you can get him to shit himself in public, I will pay personally you around 30000 Gil. "

Sabriel snickered again and said "you got a deal!"

Two days later...

Rufus laughed and laughed at the video of his father shitting himself in front of hundreds of people at the opening of a new Mako reactor, Sabriel had snuck into the event and had hidden herself in Animagus form then waited quietly until the President was in front of the Cameras. She had let loose with a loud roar and jumped from her perch in front of the president who screamed and soiled himself before passing out with a rather "Manly" squeak. The "Coeurl" then jumped into the crowd and ran out the gates before disappearing into thin air according to the Turks that had been with the President at the time.


Genesis was helping Sabriel with her materia and watched as his girlfriend tried to get the hang of using ability Materia by sparring lightly with Cloud, she finally managed to cast Haste on herself and quickly beat Cloud. Genesis smiled and walked over to hug her from behind as he praised her for getting the hang of the Haste Materia, Sabriel beamed at him and gently kissed her lover's lips as Cloud jokingly made a gagging noise. Genesis and Sabriel parted and gave Cloud a playful glare as Sephiroth entered and said with an annoyed sigh "We're being sent back to Nibelheim for a mission. The suspected Terrorist group called Avalanche is suspected to be using Shinra Mansion and the surrounding area as a base, we are to go in, find them and take care of them. Permanently if need be..."

Sabriel then said "Seph...I don't like this. This feels like some kind of Trap or setup for us..."

Sephiroth nodded and said "I get the same feeling but an order is an order..."

Three days later...

Zack was bored as they drove into the small town and said "This mission smells fishy for some reason..."

Sabriel just sighed and then yawned as she leaned against Genesis with a sleepy look on her face, she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders and gently pull her closer causing her to smile at her boyfriend. Sephiroth smiled at the cute picture his one best friend and his sister made when he noticed Angeal looking at the couple with a sad smile, Sephiroth gently tapped Angeal's arm and whispered just softly enough for only Angeal to hear "What's wrong?"

Angeal just smiled sadly and said "Feeling a bit left out of the love game, that's all..."

They then felt the van stop and looked outside to see the mansion in front of them, they all piled out and Sabriel sighed as she said "Let's get this over and done with..."

They split into teams of two and began searching the Mansion top to bottom, it was Sabriel and her brother who went into the basement and found the second Library they had missed the first time around. Sabriel and her brother then noticed a book lying innocently on the table with the Title "Project S", Sabriel opened the book and began to read only to pause in horror and said "Seph...I think you should read this!"

Seph could see the anger and disgust in her eyes as she held the book out to him, he then took it and began leafing through it as his eyes got wider and wider. Sephiroth then threw the book against the wall with a loud and angry yell, Sabriel then hugged her brother as he clung to her like a lifeline and said "Hojo will die for this!"

Sabriel nodded and said softly "Seph, don't believe one second that you're a Monster because what happened to us in the womb. The only thing that would make you a monster is the decisions you make in life..."

Sephiroth smiled at his sister and softly said "Thank you, Sabriel..."

Just then Genesis, Angeal, Zack and Cloud ran into the room and said "We need to get out now! We found a bunch of bombs set up around the house that are on a timer!"

Sabriel then saw another two books called the Chaos Project and Project G; she grabbed them and the Project S book before running after her brother and boyfriend to the exit. They had just made it outside the gates to the Mansion when the bombs went off causing them to hit the ground from the shock wave, Sabriel groaned as they stood up and said "Remind me to never get hit with a shock wave like that again...that hurts like hell!"

Genesis had to chuckle and say "I agree. That hurt like a bitch..."

Sabriel then looked around and said "It's a good thing we got out in time..."

Suddenly they heard Hojo's voice and quickly hid in a rock outcrop just outside the gate as Dumbledore and Hojo came out from the woods minutes later, the group listened as the two men talked about capturing Sabriel somehow since their plan to kill her companions didn't work. Sabriel let out a very low snarl as they then walked away from the outcrop; Sephiroth was also pissed as they all watched the two disappear back into the woods. Sabriel and the others waited until Dumbledore and Hojo were completely gone before jumping down and heading back to the village at top speed, they found Tseng and the other Turks at the inn and told Tseng what happened at the Mansion.

Tseng cursed violently and said "This isn't good...why would the president send all of you if it was false information?"

Sabriel paled and said "The imperious..."

Tseng looked at her and said "What is it Sabriel?"

Sabriel then explained about the imperious curse and Tseng cursed as he said "You think the President was put under this curse?"

"It is possible but if he is...we could all be in danger."

Sephiroth got what she was saying and said "You believe that they could control him into getting rid of us..."

"Afraid so..."

Tseng cursed and said "Let's get home and figure out what to do from there."

The group nodded and piled into the van where they then started on their way home...

Two days later...

Sabriel was sleeping when Sephiroth came in and gently shook her shoulder, she moaned softly then rolled over causing a smile on his as he whispered in her ear "I thought you wanted to make Angeal's favorite breakfast for his birthday before he woke up..."

Sabriel shot up at that and hit her brother in the nose with her head causing a quick cuss word as he held his nose, Sabriel apologized then ushered her brother out so she could get dressed. She then quietly snuck out of her room and into the kitchen where her brother waiting to help her, they grinned at each other then quickly began making breakfast. They were soon done as Genesis, Cloud and Zack came out with smiles and sat down at the table to wait for Angeal. Sabriel then grinned as Angeal's alarm went off and he came out in his pajama pants, he wandered into the kitchen and stopped in shock as he surprised by a loud "Happy Birthday, Angeal!"

He grinned and said "Ok whose idea was this?"

Sabriel grinned and took a playful bow as Angeal laughed and gave her a hug as he said "Thank you for doing this, Sabriel..."

She blushed lightly and said "You deserve it Angeal..."

He smiled then they sat down to eat, Genesis smiled as he asked to talk to his brother in all but blood after breakfast in his room alone. Sabriel hid a grin as Angeal looked a little worried at that but nodded in agreement, they soon finished breakfast and they walked into the living room as Zack and Cloud put the dishes in the dishwasher. Angeal then followed Genesis into the room to talk, Sabriel waited quietly as she counted down and they heard Angeal yell in shocked surprise "WAIT, WHAT?!"

Sabriel laughed as Angeal and Genesis walked out and she stood to give him a kiss since she had noticed the looks she and Genesis had been getting from Angeal, She had talked to Genesis and Genesis asked if she was ok with him sharing her with Angeal. Sabriel remembered how she told him that she didn't care because she knew Angeal and Genesis would never hurt her on purpose, she then felt Angeal's hand on her shoulder and heard him ask her "Sabriel...are you ok with being shared by me and Genesis?"

Sabriel smiled and then kissed him lightly on the lips as she said "Love is love and I don't care about being shared by two wonderful guys who are the best of friends..."

Angeal smiled and gently returned the kiss when they heard a knock on the door, Sabriel sighed and went to answer it as she looked out the peephole. She smiled and said "It's Tseng and Reno!"

She opened the door and smiled as she greeted them, Tseng smiled and asked to come in as Reno smiled and said "Hi, yo!"

Sabriel let them in and Tseng said "Sorry to interrupt but we examined the President for curse Magic and found like Sabriel suspected...a mind-control curse. It's been removed and the President has declared Hojo an enemy of Shinra along with Dumbledore..."

Sabriel smiled in relief at the news of the curse being removed and then Tseng and Reno had to leave, Sabriel then promised as they left that she would bring them some Cake later if they couldn't come for the small get together for Angeal's birthday. Tseng thanked her then they left as Sabriel closed the door and they began to get the apartment ready for later...