This is what happens when you start fangirling and talk about Turbo, cybug theories and Marvel heroes at the same time XD

You have to sing it to the tune of the 1960's animated Spider-Man theme song. hahaha I'm a dork.

Turbug Man Turbug Man!

Does whatever a Turbug Man can!

He can catch a man of any size,

until one will make him die.

Is he strong?

Milk my duds!

He's got turbo-tastic blood!

In Sugar Rush,

he's now bug mush

because of a beacon of light

formed by Wreck-It Ralph's might.

Turbug Man! Turbug Man!

The arcade's villainous Turbug Man!

Racing fame

he has adored


Death is his on-ly reward!

To him life is one fast car ride;

It's a "shame" that he died.

Look to the beacon and think of Turbug maaaaaan.