I own nothing!

The Guardians were being called to North's workshop. "Ah, Man In Moon, we are all here, what is it you need us to do?" A moonbeam shined on the floor. "There's going to be a new Guardian," North said, excited.

"But why?" Bunny asked.

An image of a normal 25-year-old woman appeared, "Who is it?" Tooth asked.

"Her name is Joy, she will become the Guardian of Imagination. She is not immortal yet, but when she does, she'll need guidance."

"Where we find her?"

Joy was driving home from the book store where she worked. She looked in her rear-view mirror, the guy behind her was swerving like crazy, Drunk, she thought, rolling her eyes. She sped up a little to avoid him hitting her, and then she came to a red light. Unknown to her, when she stopped, the driver sped up.

When she woke up, she couldn't remember anything, but she was floating. Then a voice coming from the Moon said, "Your name is Joy, you will meet the other guardians soon." Guardians? She floated back down and realized something, she didn't know anything else. She sat and waited for these so called 'Guardians' and wondered, "Who am I? What am I?" She looked up at the Moon in desperation, but received no answer. She looked around and saw someone walking, "Sir?" no answer, "Sir!" she tried grabbing his shoulder but her hand went through him. She pulled her hand back in shock.

"Yea!" she heard someone yell up in the air. To her surprise, she saw a red sleigh flying up in the air Santa? No, don't be ridiculous. She looked over at the man, who didn't seem to notice all the noise the sleigh was making. North saw her staring and knew who she was, "There she is!" The same voice said in a thick, Russian accent. The sleigh landed in the ally next to her. "There you are, Joy."

"Who are you?"

"We are the Guardians, and so are you."


"You're a Guardian, mate," A giant bunny said.

"This is so excited!" Tooth squealed, "Hi, I'm Tooth, this is Sandman, North, and Bunny. It is so nice to meet you!"

"Yeah, but what is a Guardian?"

"We protect the children of the world, bringing them joy and wonder, and now, imagination."

"I thought children had their own imagination."

"They do, but now they have someone to help them if they lose their train of thought or run out of ideas. What makes each child special is their imaginative ideas," the Moon answered.

"Ah, Man in Moon, glad you could make it, we were about to make her Guardian."

"Wait, I don't know if I can do this."

"Of course you can."

"But I don't even know how to…'create' imagination."

"Look in your bag," the Moon said, Joy opened it and found it filled with sparkling dust, "Spread this over anyone and they will be filled with creativity."

"OK, now you become Guardian," North opened a huge book and began to read.

Then a dark voice said, "Ah, a new Guardian; and why wasn't I invited to this occasion?"

I looked behind me to see a man who didn't look much older than me, "Who is that?"

"Pitch Black" he introduced himself, "And what might your name be, Guardian?"


"Oh, how original, a guardian bringing joy to children. Might I ask, what makes you so special?"

"I don't know, what makes you so special?" Joy countered.

"Imagine this, every boogeyman, every monster in the closet or under the bed, and every nightmare, all in one. That is who I am, how about you?" Pitch cupped her chin, looking into her eyes.

"Let 'er go, mate, we don't want any trouble," Bunny jumped in.

"Alright, let your little ceremony continue."

"Wait, I still don't know if I want to be a Guardian."

"What?" North asked.

"Well this is just great," Pitch laughed, "Someone doesn't want to be an all-important Guardian."

"What you mean?"

"'What I mean,' is I don't know any of you, why should I trust you?"

"Because…" North trailed off.

"I thought so," Joy said, then she shot up into the air, leaving the Guardians where they stood. Pitch decided to follow her.

A/N I know MiM doesn't talk…technically, but he needs to for this to work. And yes, Joy basically has fairy dust, but I couldn't come up with anything else.