Memories and old deals

Only after the coach had started moving did Enjolras ask where it was going.

'To Montfermeil.' The coachdriver answered.

Éponine noticably stiffened when she heard this.

'What's wrong?' Courfeyrac asked.

'I grew up there. My father has still got many depts there and the people won't hesitate to get them from me as soon as they find out my name.'

'Oh, that isn't good.' Combeferre said.

'We have to figure out a different name for you.' Enjolras said.

'You could use yours, Enjolras. Pretend you're married.' Courfeyrac said with a smirk.

'Where would we find rings to show that we are.' Enjolras noted.

'I happen to have your family ring on me. I thought you might want it at the barricade, but I forgot about it when-' Courfeyrac stopped mid-sentence and they all knew he was thinking about Gavroche.

'Then we still need one for her.' Enjolras said.

'Wait. I snatched a madame's purse a few days before I went to you Enjolras and as I haven't been able to wear anything else I still have it. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a fancy ring like that one in it.' Éponine searched her dress and found it. She opened it and found what she was looking for, it was a beautiful ring and to Éponine it felt wrong wearing it. When she looked up she expected looks of disapproval, but instead she was looked at with compassion. The boys really did feel sorry that she had had to steal to be able to live.

'Do you not mind that I was once a criminal?'

'No, you had no choice in the matter.' Enjolras said in a sweet tone which she had never heard from him before. It made her blush so she hid her face in his shoulder.

'Only one more thing though.' Courfeyrac interrupted, 'You have very expencive rings, but you're both wearing torn rags.'

'I know a clothing shop. It's the only one in town so I am sure it is still open.'

At a certain point during the journey they all fell asleep. When they arrived the coachdriver woke them up.

'The inn is over there.' He pointed at a small building at the end of the street.

'Thank you monsieur.' Enjolras handed him the money they owed him.

Éponine led them to the shop and they bought clothes to match their rings, they also bought sleepshirts as they'd had to give the ones of the night before back to the innkeeper. The clothes felt all wrong on Éponine, it had been so long since she'd had nice stuff. When they went to the inn Éponine was shocked to see that the new innkeeper had kept the name The Sergeant of Waterloo. They went inside and asked for rooms.

'Names?' The innkeeper asked.

'Enjolras.' Enjolras said as he pointed to Éponine and himself.

The other two gave their names and they were brought to their rooms. Éponine flinched when she saw the wall her father had punched instead of her head had still not been repaired.

'Éponine! Why didn't you clean out the stables?'

'You never told me to do that papa.'

He lunged his fist at her head and she ducked just in time. He punched a hole in the wall.

Éponine shivered at the memory. All these thing only started after Cosette had been bought away. Enjolras noticed her feeling uncomfortable in this inn.

'This used to be your father inn.' It wasn't a question, but still she answered it.


'We'll get out of here tomorrow.'

'Thank you.'

'Now where can we eat?' Courfeyrac asked.

Éponine led them to the only restaurant in town where, unfortunately, her father had some unfinished business.

'I heard Thenardier had a gang in Paris. He's supposed to have made enough money to pay his depts here by now.'

Éponine froze when she heard her last name and the restaurant keeper noticed.

'What's wrong with you?'

'No-, nothin'.' Being back here had brought her accent back and that's what gave her away.

'Hey, you're that Thenardier girl. Tell your dad he's still gotta pay us back, will ya.'

'I can't.'

'Sure you can, just go back and tell him.'

'I'm on the run.'

'Sure you are. Look, if you won't go back to your paps, we'll let you pay. With what nature gave you.'

Enjolras wanted to get her out of there, but she stopped him.

'What nature gave me has been shot. I bet you don't want to look at a gross wound while trying to satisfy your filthy needs.'

'Who said I'd look there.'

He had come very close during this conversation and that's when she took her chance. She'd learned a thing or two from the streets. She planted her knee in his crotch making him duck down, she turned his hand on his back and pushed him down, barely any strength was needed for these moves. They ran then, stomachs still empty. When they got to their room Enjolras seemed to be proud of her.

'You are an amazing woman. Do you realize that?'

'You're exaggerating. Every woman of the streets can do this. And I'm no woman, I'm just a girl.'

'I am most certainly not exaggerating. Not every woman of the streets who is wounded can do this. You are a woman. Why would you say you're only a girl?'

'Oh, you do not know my age?'


'I'm only eightteen. And you?'

'Twenty-two. Do you mind the age-gap?'

'No, of course I don't, I-, I love you.' She said with an insecurity she had never felt before.

'I love you too.' Enjolras beamed back at her. He did not like to admit it, but he had felt very unsure of their love up to this point. Now they had said these words all doubt was gone.

They got dressed for bed and felt an absolute bliss when they went to sleep. They had to rest, because in the morning they had to run, especially after what Éponine had done.

A/N: I just really wanted Éponine to have a strong moment, but also I wanted her to show her insecurities and fears. I hope you like the way I did that. Feel free to review!