AN- So sorry this has taken so long, I promise it won't be a year before the next chapter comes out.

As always, I do not own anything but Hope and Bonk

The next morning, the two had fallen back into familiar sleeping patterns, Daryl with one arm securely around her, Buffy's head on his chest and one hand resting over his heart. That hand of hers and his arm not wrapped around her were always ready to reach for weapons near to them in case of danger. The sound of clicking nails on the concrete floor and the muffled sound of giggling was enough to bring them out of sleep but they did not open their eyes. They waited for the giggling sneak and her four legged partner in crime to get closer before they moved in tandem with their free hands and swooped Hope up into the bed with them, Bonk jumped up onto the foot of the bed at the excitement of her small master.

"Momma, Poppa! You made up!" The simple statement of joy from their daughter made both Buffy and Daryl look at each other, realizing in that moment that they weren't even able to fool a small child.

"Yeah Princess, we made up."

"Good, no more fighting again."

"Yes, ma'am. How about you run on and see if Carl and Sophia will take you out to walk Bonk." Hope nodded at Buffy and kissed her on the cheek before doing the same for Daryl and jumped off of the bed.

"I love you." Buffy's voice was small in the room.

"I love you too, woman."

"Talk more huh?" She lifted her head to look up at him as she asked this.

"Yeah, reckon it's for the best if we do."

"I'm sure the news has already spread to the prison, ready to face the happy faces of everyone?"

"There used to be a time when I was scary. Now I have frilly pillows in this room, told you when we first got here didn't want the damn pillows." Daryl grumbled this under his breath causing Buffy to laugh.

"Yes, and I am sure you will be again. Let's get me fed before I gather my recon team. Found an out of the way Good Will that we can pillage for clothing along with more kid and baby stuff. If we get lucky, more camping type equipment too. Also, the pillows are staying."

"Who you taking with you?" Daryl asked this as he sat up against the wall and pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around her.

"You don't often initiate the cuddles." She could practically feel him rolling his eyes at her mention of the word cuddle as she sunk into the warm embrace. "Taking Sasha and Maggie for sure. Rick still won't let Carl out, Mish and Faith are still out and about. Want to come along?"

"Sounds good to me, missed having you at my back. Those runs with Michonne or Faith just weren't the same."

"When they were keeping you alive for me, I was with the others who just don't appreciate my wit all the time. Maggie comes close though."

"You had them keeping tabs on me?"

"Only other ones I trust. Didn't matter if we were fighting, I love you. Wanted you safe."

"Suppose I should tell you I had Carol giving me updates on you as well." Daryl smirked down at her as he said this.

"Knew she was fishing for more information than she was letting on." At her pout Daryl gave a chuckle.

"How about Zach, had him with me a few times think you would like him."

"Sure, plus more testosterone on this would only help your manhood huh?"

"Pshh. Think you would like the kid. He likes to play a game."

"What game is that?"

"Tries once a day to guess what I did before the outbreak. Can't remember how it started, but it's kind of fun to hear his theories."

"Did you just admit to liking someone beyond the core prison group? I would fall down in shock if you were not holding me." Buffy smirked at at him and he gave her a mock scowl.


"Fine, secret is safe with me. Now as much as I hate to move, we need to get going." Daryl removed his arms and Buffy reluctantly extricated herself from his embrace, stood and stretched before walking out of their cell. Daryl stood up shortly after and adjusted himself before casting a look around the more girly cell and sighed, shaking his head fondly and headed out after her.

The couple laughed good naturedley at the clapping directed their way from their family as they walked into the courtyard together.

"Get it out of your systems, we have work to do today." Daryl said this as he scooped up Hope and grabbed himself and Buffy a plate of breakfast that Carol had prepared.

"We will table the teasing for later then, so what is the plan?" Maggie smiled as she said this and she and Glenn both sat at the table in front of them.

"Scoping out the Good Will we spotted off in the distance a week or so back, if it's not too bad then go ahead and grab what we need. So taking a full crew. Maggie, you in since Glenn has tower duty today?"

"Sounds good to me, who else you taking with us?"

"Daryl is coming with, and he is talking to Zach about a ride along, if you can update Sasha then that would be great. We head out in an hour. About to update Rick." Buffy moved to stand and Daryl put a hand on her shoulder.

"I got it, my spy has been tellin' me you haven't been eating enough so you finish yours. Hope and I can get this." Daryl placed a kiss to Buffy's temple and her face softened until they both heard the badly concealed 'awww' from Maggie. Daryl flipped her off with a smirk as he stood with Hope on his shoulder and handed his small passenger one of the 'new world' biscuits Carol managed to make. As he walked off he could hear Maggie talking away only catching part of the conversation. "So take it this means we don't need to go on that double A search for you now?"

Daryl had a cocky grin on his face as he approached Rick as the man was making his way to the garden that was starting to sprout nicely.

"You look pleased with yourself."

"Yeah, yeah. Yuck it up, Rick. Gonna go on the run with Buffy today. Taking Maggie, Sasha and Zach."

"Sounds good, thanks for letting me know." The men were silent for a few moments, only the sound of Hope eating to disrupt the silence. Then Rick spoke. "Glad you two made up."

"Me too, we needed to talk, still do. We know that now, so it will be okay."

"You are a smarter man that me then. Now go on and get ready, Hope can help me until Carl is done eating, I'll have him bring her in then." Daryl nodded and placed Hope on the ground who waved bye to him and grabbed onto Rick's outstretched hand.

"Before two long, Lil Asskicker will be out there like Hope is."

"Your mouth to God's ears." Daryl nodded to the man and gave a soft smile and wave to Hope before jogging back to the others, catching Zach's eye along the way and waved him over to the table where Sasha was now sitting as well.

"What's up Daryl?"

"Gonna make a run today, you want to try your hand running with the best group of women?"

"Nice way to butter us up there Daryl." Sasha shot him a grin as she said this.

"I know how this works, been on the outs with the wife here, got to get back in good."

"Can you train Glenn?" Buffy and Sasha laughed loudly at that and the man in question seemed to know it was about him and turned to look at their table from his position in the tower.

"Leave Short Round alone. Zach, this here is Buffy's run so you follow her direction on this, she has point."

"Got it, heard stories about you, so really looking forward to working with you."

"You are just a sweetheart. Daryl, you were right."

"I'll be sure to write that one down."

"You do that." Buffy smiled up at him, her breath caught in her throat for a moment of girlish whimsy when the sun framed Daryl's face in just the right light that softened his features even more. Realizing she was caught up in looking at him when his eyebrow raised and his smile turned into a smirk, she shook her head and turned to the others. "Okay so we know the plan, meet you in the motor pool in a few, need to see what vehicles are ready to go." They all nodded and dispersed to get ready for the run as Carl and Sophia passed them by.

"Headed out to help your dad?"

"Yeah, where's Hope?"

"With Rick, can you bring her on up when you get down there Soph?" The young girl nodded at Daryl and tuned back to walk with Carl.

"Young love, so sweet."

"Won't think it's so sweet when Hope starts that shit."

"Bite your tongue there Mr Dixon." Buffy stood and looped her arm into Daryl's as she led him inside to grab their go bag to meet the others.