A/N: Ugh, so this chapter was so hard to write! I have been sick. I've pretty much been living off of chicken noodle soup and popsicles. Okay, so here we go!


Sherlock's POV

My heart drops as I see how badly injured John is. He is trembling on his feet, but I see he refused to let them put him on a stretcher. He is naked, and judging by the marks visible on his neck, torso, hips, wrists, knees and ankles, he had been restrained horizontally, most likely on some sort of hard surface due to the way he is favoring his shoulder. It's possible that he was on a stretcher, and that is why he wouldn't let them put him on another.

I rush towards him and he stumbles out of the hold of Mycroft's men.

I catch him just as he is going down. His eyes are wet, and haunted, but he is real. He's alive, and he's mine.

My John. My strong soldier, and my caring doctor.

He clears his throat, and grabs my scarf. He pulls my face closer to his, and his eyes rake over every line, as if he is reading the last year on my face. I wait, and I hold my breath waiting for him to say something.

Mycroft is holding back his men, giving John and I a moment alone.

John's voice is rough, "Just give me a reason, Sherlock. Why shouldn't I go on with my life, and leave you behind? You left me."

My throat feels tight. I have a bit of trouble choking out the words, "Because, I- I love you, John. Everything that I did, was for you. Moriarty knew that you were my heart John. I killed people for you, and I would've killed more, if it meant you would be safe. I don't expect you to forgive me. I knew as I stood on the edge of the rooftop, that it would hurt you. I knew you loved me, just as much as I knew I loved you. It was obvious. We shared glances, and light touches, and you were the best thing that ever happened to me. I always thought we would have forever. A life full of chasing criminals, and morning toast and jam. A life full of fights over milk, and you writing your blog. John, if you never forgive me, I understand. But please, please you have to know that I would do anything, I would go anywhere, and I would give everything to make you happy again. Even if that means letting you go."

I have tears streaming down my face, John raises a shaking hand and wipes them away gently. He's crying too, and I want to kiss him, but I still don't know where we stand.

John's POV

Sherlock's words both break my heart, and patch it up.

To see Sherlock so distraught, and so out of control, it is completely unnerving.

Because that's so very not-Sherlock.

I am looking for the words to say to him, I know my brain to mouth function is slower than normal. But, Mycroft's men are fidgeting, and I know they are anxious to get me to some private hospital somewhere.

So, I pull his face down further, and I kiss him.

"You're a bloody idiot, you know that right? You aren't getting away from me again." His face lights up at my response, and he helps Mycroft's men tuck me into a large blanket, and into the backseat of a car.

He sits next to me as we ride back into London.

I feel his eyes dart over my face, and I know he is seeing everything that Moran did. I know he blames himself, and maybe I would be hurt less if it weren't for him. But, I knew what I was getting into. I would die for Sherlock Holmes. Because that's what comes with love.

Sacrifice, and sometimes a lot of pain.

I wouldn't trade the life I have for anything.

I have a lot of healing to do, and I know it will be a long time before I am okay again, but with Sherlock by my side, I can do anything.

I grab his hand, and lace our fingers together.

Mycroft's POV

I watch as my brother gets into the car after John, and I let a smile cross my face.

I turn to Lucia and she hands me fifty quid. "You know I really was hoping John would punch Sherlock. I suppose you do know him better. I never got the impression that he was gay. He seemed interested enough in me."

I smile and kiss her cheek, "Everyone is interested in you, darling. Especially when you wear such beautiful clothes. Although, I am not so fond of the name you have chosen to use this year. Amy is just, not you. At least Anthea was elegant, like your given name is, Amy just seems common. But, we agreed. I let you choose your names, and you let me eat cake."

She laughs and says "Mycroft, I love the name Amy! If you would watch the telly with me, you'd understand. To me, Amy is the name of a fiery, passionate, and brave woman. You are the only man in the world who knows what my real name is. I get to have fun with choosing my aliases."

"You are all of those things, my dear. It is your decision, though what you see in Doctor Who, I will never understand. Now, I do believe that we need to get the required legislation drawn up. It simply won't do to have a joining ceremony. No, Sherlock and John deserve to be properly married, without having to leave the country to do it."

Lucia looks at me and smirks, "Already planning the wedding, Mycroft? Who knows how long it will be before John proposes. It could be years yet."

"Lucia, love, I will bet you 100 quid that it will be Sherlock to propose, and that it will occur within the next 18 months." I put my hand out, and she shakes it firmly. Then, I draw her hand to my mouth and kiss it lightly.

"You will regret that, I am positive John will do the proposing. Now, I assume we should have new cameras put in the flat? I pity whoever has to watch the feeds, it'll be very... interesting indeed." Lucia pulls out her blackberry and starts typing as she talks.

I raise my hand and place it on top of the phone, and she looks up, surprised.

"I believe that it would be best if we- ah, wait a few weeks before we resume surveillance inside the flat. Double the security outside, and I want the CCTV footage of both of them monitored at all times." I say, knowing full well that Sherlock could find a way around even that, if he wanted to.

She nods, and then gets into the car that has been waiting for us. I follow, and we join hands as soon as the door is closed.

All of this business with John and Moran has really gotten to me. I can't imagine what I would do if I lost my dear Lucia.


Gah! This chapter did not come easily. Okay, so I am thinking maybe 1 more chapter? Set into the future a bit? xD Tell me your thoughts!