Disclaimer: I own the whole world, be jealous fool. (This is going to be a bit OOC properly alot but yeah just a heads up brother)

Little Catarina had just left her screen writing class, her hands full with this weeks assignment when she heard a muffled sob coming from behind one of the other classroom doors; she wasn't one for prying but she didn't like people being upset as it made her feel bad so she peeked her head around the door catching a glimpse of black and green hair; she knew instantly it was her best friend yet she stayed hidden not wanting to set of the ice queen. I wonder what's wrong she thought carefully sliding away from the door and rushing down the hallway in search of Beck who had only just come back to school after his trip to Canada.

"BECK" she yelled running full speed towards the long haired actor who was bobbing his head to whatever Tori was saying to him, he had the faintest smile played on his lips. "BECK" she screamed once again tugging on the plaid red shirt he was wearing, turning his head away from Tori Vega he looked down at the little red headed girl who was impatiently pulling him away from his locker. "I just seen Jade crying" she whispered/screamed into his ear so that no one round them would hear, his calm and cool facial expression turned into a frown.

"What do you mean crying Cat, why didn't you stay with her?" he asked following behind the fast moving child who was obviously bringing him to the spot where she caught Jade crying. "Because I didn't want her to get mad, you know she doesn't like people catching her cry. Come on faster Beck what if she is hurt". Beck still didn't understand why Cat didn't just go up to her best friend, he knew Jade could get grouchy when someone caught her crying but that rarely ever happens and Jade never actually meant anything she said to Cat or him but he didn't really understand many things Cat or Jade did so he didn't comment and just picked up his pace to match Cat's speed which had come to halt out side of room D14, "She is in there, go on go in there" Cat squeaked pushing him into the door which flung open and hit the wall rather hard.

The long haired actor straightened out his posture glancing around the empty room, "Cat she isn't in here" he commented looking back at the red head who was moving from one foot to the other. "oh phooey maybe this is the wrong classroom, one time my brother-" she was cut off by a large pink ball hitting her shoulder "OW" she yelled turning to see Sikowitz holding an old silver camera to his face "Drive by acting exercises" he yelled pulling Beck into the focus of the camera, "we really-" the handsome teen started, "Cat your a child who is trying to tell the cashier you have lost your mother and Beck you are an angry women trying to pay for your groceries but the cashier isn't paying attention, GO" he yelled. Both teens rolled there eyes getting into character.

"VEGA" the ice queen yelled across the asphalt startling the brunette singer who was staring at her lunch with much intensity, Tori's brain blew up with all possibilities to why Jade was yelling for her, the main one was that Jade was finally getting her back for stealing the night of her production of the play she had worked on just so she could have a prome, but to her surprise Jade slapped down a large book covered in some type of purple glitter, "I found your math book in the art room" she said taking a seat opposite the pretty brunette who was touching the wet glitterfied book. "what did you do to it?" Tori screeched grabbing a napkin to wipe the substance of only to have the napkin to stick to the book, "you can not prove I did that" the screenwriter commented giving Tori her famous smirk. "Whatever, is that all you wanted?" Jade shook her head opening her mouth to say something but was cut off by Andre and Robbie walking over to the table, "never mind" she whispered pushing her self of the seat and stalking away.

"what's got her panties in a twist?" Rex the obnoxious puppet of Robbie laughed, Tori shook her head flicking the puppet in the head "hey" she heard but she wasn't paying attention her eyes followed the pale teen who was rushing out of the court yard and back into the school, "Have you noticed her acting strange recently?" Tori asked the songsmith who was picking at his fruit salad. "Isn't she always strange?" he said tilting his head to watch Tori who was staring at the seat Jade had been seated in. "Don't joke around Andre, I'm serious since prome she hasn't said a hurtful thing towards me and she doesn't even sit with us heck she stands a few meters away from us and even Beck, we need to find out what's happening".

Andre thought back to the past week, Tori was right Jade had toned down on the hateful comments and she had been staying clear of any hand on hand contact. "Well let's talk to Beck, see if he will say why Jade has been- uh- distant?" He said trying to think of an expectable word to explain what Jade is doing. "Well he is coming now so ask him" Robbie commented pointing over to Beck who had Cat on his heal and he looked quit annoyed which was a rare sight to see. "Yo Beck man" Andre yelled waving over the other teens who looked up at the exact same time and headed over to the table. "Have any of you seen Jade?" the red headed teen asked batting her eyelashes at the other's, usually that would be cute but Tori wanted to know what was going on with Jade. "Yeah, but we need to ask you Beck about her, she has been acting strange recently-" once again Tori was cut of by someone Today seems to be the day for everyone to get cut off Cat thought as Beck started talking "I know okay, I don't what's going and apparently Cat saw her crying, but I can not find her anywhere".

The other four teens looked at Beck trying to figure out what to say to him without setting off anything in him, "Isn't that Jade's crown from prome?"Cat asked pointing to the crown which was lying on the pavement behind a dustbin. "Yeah, why would that be there?" Tori asked setting her hands on the table to step up, everyone else followed her but they suddenly stopped as they caught site of the bent and bloodied crown, "well that's defiantly a crown Jade would like, why would you buy one like that for Prome Tori? did you plan on having her the queen?" Beck laughed reaching down to pick it up but Andre grabbed his wrist,

"That's not what the crown looked like when we put it on her mate".

So maybe like review and stuff and tell me how it's going? should I continue or just forget about it? Yeah uhh thanks :D