Let's get right into the next installment

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

(Author notes, Setting)



"Bijuu, Summon, Giant Monster talking"

'Bijuu, Summon thinking'


Arc I: Introduction

Chapter 03: The yellow light

(With the yellow image)

As Naruto and Hinata are teleported to an unknown location, we turn our attention one other person who is doing a few push-ups and sit-ups.

This ten-year old boy is a little plump, has spiky brown hair, swirl like markings on his cheeks while wearing a green short-sleeved haori, white scarf over a white shirt with the kanji for food on it, black shorts, hoop earrings and bandages around his legs and forearms.

This boy is Akimichi Choji, son of the current Akimichi clan head Akimichi Choza, clan heir and sixteenth head of the Akimichi clan in the future. As he was growing up in the village he has been made fun of for being his plump self. He used to play with kids in the park when they played 'ninja' (a combination of tag and hide-seek). They made fun of his size and slowness, so he decided to exercise a little.

What the kids didn't know is that he is the way he is because it's the way the Akimichi clan looks due to eating a lot of food and using the excess weight in their clan techniques. They are able to expand any part of their body or become giant sized and have incredible strength wether they use the clan techniques or not.

"49, 50" he said as he stopped for his sit-ups. As Choji decided to head home for lunch he disappeared in flash of yellow light.

With Choji heading to who knows where, he's going to meet up with two others and the one who will train them as ninjas with the powers of air, water and earth.

Thanks for reading everyone. I know it's even shorter than my other two chapters, but now I can make them longer starting next chapter.