And the who's its, and the what's its

And the stories of Kings

And the needle, And the thread of the thing.

"I cannot believe this is our last Friday as high-schoolers."

Rory looked up from her locker at the voice and a small smile fell across her lips at the thought.

"Crazy isn't it?" Madeline breathed out the words in awe. "I won't lie, I actually feel kind of sad."

Rory shut her locker and turned to lean back against it, scanning the halls and taking in her surroundings. Yeah, she was sad too.

"Oh no you don't." Louise's voice had her looking to her left. "You guys are not getting all sappy and sentimental now. Save it for graduation next weekend." She pointed accusingly at them and then placed her hands on her hips as a giant smirk covered her face. "It's our last Friday in high school so that only means one thing- it's our last weekend as high-schoolers. Time to live it up girls."

"Let me guess, you're throwing a party?" Paris rolled her eyes as she approached them. "As if we didn't see that one coming."

"Nope. No party." Louise's smirk didn't falter but seemed to grow more mischievous as she spoke.

The three other girls looked at her with a mixture of surprise and caution. "Okay, so what then?" Madeline asked, much more eager than Rory and Paris were.

"Well…" Louise drawled out, twisting one of her blonde curls around her finger, loving the moment of attention. "Have I said lately how amazing my wonderful fabulous brother is?"

Now even Madeline started looking suspicious. "No, you haven't." she answered slowly. "In fact I don't think you've ever said anything good about him at all." she added as an after thought.

Rory glanced at Paris's narrowed eyes and a small smile played on her lips. Over the past few months Paris had come out a little more about her relationship with Mike to everyone except Louise. She still denied it to Louise, not give her the satisfaction of being right. So she was always ready for battle whenever Louise even mentioned his name, even though itwas her brother.

"What did you blackmail him into doing now?"

Louise rolled her eyes at Paris's comment but her excitement didn't falter one bit. "I didn't have to blackmail him into doing anything. As you so very well know Paris, Mike's been in a great mood these past couple of months."

Paris kept her expression stony as if she had no idea what the other girl was talking about. "Please hurry up and get on with what you're dying to tell us so we can go to class."

"He gave me my graduation gift early." Louise's eyes seemed to sparkle as she said it.

"And?" Rory questioned. Just as lost as Paris and Madeline were.

Louise grinned. "He pulled some strings and made it so we're all going to have VIP access to X tomorrow night."

Rory's heart dropped at her words. Now she could see why she was so excited. When Louise had been able to go to X the first time she had acted like a kid on Christmas and Rory knew she was dying to go back. But she herself couldn't. There was no way.

"Rory." Louise's voice had Rory bringing her eyes up to hers. "You have to come."

A million emotions were flooding through her all at once. It had been almost three months since she left Tristan's apartment and never looked back. When she had gone she had half expected Finn to show up at school the following week again and beg her to go see him. But he never did. And for that she was grateful. Walking from his apartment took all that she had in her and at the time she didn't know how much more she could take before she had a full out breakdown.

It took a couple weeks of fighting with herself to go find him and a couple more to completely heal. But she had. And with every day that passed she grew stronger. She stopped looking up when she heard a motorcycle roar less and less, and a few weeks ago even ventured with Paris to the Chinese restaurant by Tristan's apartment to get some food even though she knew there would be a possibility she would run into him.

But she hadn't. And a part of her was happy for that. But then there was that other part that was disappointed. A part of her she didn't even know wanted to run into him until she got back home and felt completely empty. Which made her question if she had even wanted to go get food there or she was subconsciously craving it for another reason.

And that only proved to her that she still wanted him. That she still was madly in love with him. Sure, she was doing a good job acting like he was completely in the past. She delved back into schoolwork and kept herself as busy as she could to keep her mind off of things. But at night when she laid down, she couldn't do anything then. He always drifted back to her, flooding her with memories, feelings.

Yeah, she was in a different place now. But he was still very much with her.

"I can't." Her voice was much more quiet than it had been before. She could go and get food at a place a block away from his house. That was one thing. But to go to the club he practically owned? A place she knew he hung out at? A place that was full of the memories of the last time she was there? The dances they shared where they seemed to become one person and reach a closeness that was almost dreamlike.

She couldn't.

"You can. You just need time to think about it." Louise insisted and waved a hand as Paris started to rant at her. "And you're going too because Mike's going to be there and those girls at X, well I'll just say they aren't the type to keep their hands to themselves."

Rory could have sworn she saw steam come out of Paris's ears and she knew it was a mixture of the thought of other girls with Mike and Louise insinuating Paris would even care.

"I'm in." Madeline stepped forward with a smile, trying to cut the tension.

Louise leaned her back against the locker next to Rory's as Paris started in on Madeline about how she needs to stop following Louise because it only makes the girls head bigger.

"He might not even be there, Ror. Mike is just going because of Paris."

Rory crossed her arms in front of her, trying hard to ignore her heart as it screamed for her to say yes. To go.

"I can't."

Louise sighed but a knowing smile still danced on her lips. "You'll think about it and let me know later." she winked at her once before hooking her arm with Madeline's and leading her away down the hall away from Paris.

"I'm this close to calling the cops and getting her placed in psychiatric hold." Paris muttered.

Rory managed a smile. "And what would you tell them exactly?" she asked as they started towards their classes.

An evil smirk covered Paris's face. "Oh you wouldn't believe what I can come up with. And I'm always at her house. I could easily plant evidence to back up anything I said."

Rory let out a laugh. "I can picture you telling Mike to hold on a minute and jumping out of his bed to run over to Louise's room."

"Quiet!" Paris chastised, her face turning red as she looked around to see if anyone had heard. "And by the way I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Uh huh." Rory grinned. "So are you going?"

Paris rolled her eyes and then let out a sigh of defeat. "Tell me the girls at the club wear turtle necks and parachute pants and look like men."

Rory laughed at the image. "More like… they look like Kate Upton and wear clothes that… well, they have special shops for them. And the shops usually carry whips and such as well."

Paris cursed under her breath. "Looks like I'm going."

"You'll have fun."

Paris stopped and looked over at Rory. "No, we'll have fun."

"Paris, I can't go." Rory told her and the blonde opened her mouth to protest but the ringing of the bell cut her off.

"We'll talk later." Paris promised as she walked into her class.

Rory nodded half-heartedly and made her way to her own.

Not even the wrath of Paris was going to change her mind.

"I've finally got it."

Luke placed his hands on the counter and leaned forward until he was eye to eye with Taylor Doosie.

The man sitting at the counter nearly spilled the coffee he was sipping on himself at the menacing voice of the diner owner in front of him.

"You've finally got it?" Taylor repeated, setting his cup down safely without spilling any more.

"Yes." Luke's smile was tight and forced. "It must be your life's mission to make me go crazy. And I got to tell you, you're this close." Luke pressed his thumb and index finger together forcefully until they turned white. "But I'll tell you… It won't be the padded room I end up in. It'll be a cell. Want to know why?"

Taylor swallowed, his adams apple even seemed to be quivering but he managed to look highly offended at the same time. "And why is that?"

"Because I'm about to…"

"Get you that new toast you asked for." Lorelai intervened, steering Luke away from Taylor, who looked like he was about to call the cops.

"I'm not getting him new toast. I've already given him new toast four times." Luke gritted, glaring at the man still sitting at the counter. "First it was too dark, then it was too light. Then when it was just perfect he said he wanted wheat instead. Then he suddenly didn't want butter even though there had been butter on the previous three slices and he never said a damn thing about it!" Luke's voice grew louder and his face turned redder with each word.

"Looks like you've done it." Jess grinned at Taylor and then reached in his pocket and pulled out a ten-dollar bill. "Must say I'm happy we've managed to put our differences aside to come together in this mutually satisfying way."

Taylor, attempting to be discreet, slid the bill across the table and stuck it in his pocket while looking around to make sure no one seen. "I won't admit that it is entertaining but I won't deny it either." Taylor stood up and grabbed his newspaper. "I only will say that I sleep better at night knowing I am no longer your target."

Rory watched as Taylor left the diner and then sent an accusing stare at the messy haired boy behind the counter. "You evil evil boy."

Jess grinned. "What?" he asked innocently. "He made the right choice. He knew he wasn't going to beat me, so he joined me. A smart man right there."

Rory shook her head in amazement and took a long sip of her coffee. "Never would I ever think I would hear those words come out of your mouth. Especially about Taylor seeing as though he was your first enemy in Stars Hollow after that police tape and body outline stint you pulled."

Jess exaggerated a satisfied sigh. "Ah, the good old days."

Rory rolled her eyes at her best friend "And what are you going to do when Luke finds out about your little scheme?"

Jess leaned over the counter with a big grin. "I'll be willing to trade your silence for covering for you this weekend with whatever Louise has planned for you guys."

Rory shook her head. "Not needed. But I will keep my silence under the agreement that you owe me one. And I will make it really good." Rory narrowed her eyes and put on the most conniving face she could muster.

Jess quirked an eyebrow in amusement. "You know it was funny though."


"So, no big shindig this weekend? Final weekend as high-schoolers and your crazy Chilton friends really have nothing planned?" Jess questioned, grabbing a rag and starting to wipe down the counters when Luke sent him a warning look for standing and talking.

"Oh no, there is. I'm just not going." Rory shrugged. "So tell me more about you and Taylor's deal."

Jess rolled his eyes. "Nice attempt to deflect. Why aren't you going?"

Rory finished her coffee and motioned for a refill. "I guess Mike got us VIP status at X."

Jess leaned back against the wall, watching Rory closely. "Uh huh."

Rory shifted in her seat, not liking the way Jess was looking at her. "And I'm just not interested in going so…"

Jess cocked his head to the side as if contemplating saying something but then just shook his head and starting wiping the counter again.

Rory's eyes narrowed. "What?"

Jess looked up with a smile. "Nothing."

Rory glared more at the way he said it. "Oh Luke!" she called out and Jess immediately shushed her and turned her stool the other way as Luke looked over to them, puzzled and then continued ranting to Lorelai.

"And you say I'm evil." Jess muttered. "I was just thinking that you should go."

Rory shook her head in disbelief. If anyone was on her side with this she at least expected Jess to be. "You're kidding."

Jess shrugged. "I just think… it would be good for you."

Rory narrowed her eyes at his voice. "Okay, spill. What aren't you telling me?"

"I've just heard some things is all."

Rory sat up straighter, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "About?"

Jess sent her a half smile. "Just things. And you can go ahead and tell Luke right now about Taylor, I still won't tell you." he said, already knowing she was about to threaten him.

Rory slumped in her seat, uneasiness flowing through her. What had Jess heard? And why hadn't he said something like this to her until now? Had he talked to Finn?

"You know, when you're trying to get over someone avoidance isn't always the best option. Sure it is at first but eventually you're going to have to see them. You're going to have to put everything to the test. If you never happen to run into them again you're not going to fully get over them. The "what if's" are always going to be there. You have to see them and be okay with it. That's when you know you've officially moved on." Jess explained.

"Thank you Dr. Drew." Rory retorted sarcastically, hating that she knew every word he just said was completely right. "But there's always the other way it could go too. That you see them and realize you aren't nearly as over them as you thought you were and you go back to square one."

Jess nodded, bringing a hand up to his chin in thought. "That is true but that actually works in your favor."

"How so?"

"Well, you're going to Europe for the summer. If for some reason it turns out that you do go back to square one and feel like you're going through the initial break up again then what a better place to really get over someone than thousands of miles away?"

Rory opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She wasn't even sure what to say or why she was letting him talk her into doing this at all. She went from being dead set on not going to actually thinking about it.

Planning on it.

"You've changed a lot. And I don't just mean since you guys broke up but even before when you were together you were changing. You're so much more confident now, you don't take anyone's crap, you know what you want and you go for it. You're in a totally different place now Ror. I highly doubt you're going to go back to square one." Jess told her, leaning his elbows on the counter as he moved closer and lowered his voice when he noticed Babette's ears perking up a few tables away. "So go have fun."

Rory started to shake her head and then just sighed. "I don't know."

"Yes, you do." Jess said quickly and then stood and grabbed the coffee pot. "Hello, Lorelai."

Rory turned to see her mother walking towards them. Lorelai quirked an eyebrow at Jess before turning towards Rory. "I'll take that coffee to go Jess. You ready sweets?"

Rory climbed off the stool and grabbed her book bag. She waved goodbye to everyone as she walked out the diner doors with her mother and headed towards the house.

"Good thing your grandmother cancelled Friday night dinner so I was there to stop that disaster. You know it's a little weird that Taylor was ordering toast for dinner." Lorelai's voice broke the silence. "I have a feeling something was going on." She sent a sideways glance at her daughter.

Rory fought back an amused smile. "Your guess is as good as mine."

"Hugs! Only a dollar! Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! Who needs a hug? You look like you do! A dollar and these arms are all yours." Rory and Lorelai both turned to Kirk who was standing next to the gazebo, arms spread as he winked at a random person walking past him.

"What is he up to now?" Lorelai questioned as they cautiously walked over to Kirk as he put his arms down once again.

"Lorelai? Did you come for a hug? For only a dollar you can get these warm arms wrapped around you for a full five seconds. For a pat on the back during the hug or an encouraging pat on the arm as I pull away just add another dollar. Three for a bear hug and for five, I can whisper a sentence of your choice into your ear as I'm hugging you. Also it's a dollar for every additional five seconds but after a minute I take it up to two dollars for an additional five since my arms will start to tire."

Lorelai exchanged a fearful look with her daughter. "Kirk… you're selling hugs?"

"It came to me last night." Kirk stated proudly. "As I laid in bed after listening to my mother sing me my bedtime song, I began to think of a new business adventure and it hit me. What do people need the most? No it isn't a hose that shrinks to fit in your purse or a pair of slippers with animal heads that have the mouths open as you walk. It's hugs. It's a universal need. Young, old, male, female. Hugs make the world go round."

Rory tried to hold back her laughter at how deadly serious he was. "Have you had many customers?"

Kirk stood up straighter as if trying to puff out his chest. "I've earned ten dollars so far."

Lorelai let out an amused snort. "Your mother?"

"It was a mixture of an extended bear hug with me patting her on the back and whispering in her ear that one day I will move out and find my own place." Kirk replied reluctantly, making Lorelai and Rory both break out laughing.

"Oh Kirk." Lorelai managed when she finally controlled her laughter and then stilled and her mouth parted as an idea dawned on her. "People can buy hugs for themselves but can they buy them for other people?"

"Oh no." Rory put a hand to her head, only being able to imagine what her mother was going to come up with.

Kirk contemplated it for a moment before crossing his arms and nodding. "I don't see why not. I shall extend that branch out. What do you have in mind?"

Lorelai's look turned evil. "I want a minute long bear hug, with you whispering into his ear about how much you love flannel."

Rory almost choked.

Kirk raised an eyebrow but seemed to be taking what she was saying in complete seriousness. "Who?"

"Luke." Lorelai grinned wickedly. "And I expect to get my full moneys worth. If he tries to pull away…"

"Not even god himself could separate these arms when I have them locked." Kirk locked his hands together to show them. "I promise you to get every cent you pay for. Even if it involves chasing."

Lorelai reached into her purse. "And can I substitute a pat on the back for a… love tap on the butt?"

Kirks face turned red and he took a step backwards. "Well Lorelai…"

Lorelai grabbed a twenty out of her purse and held it in the air and like a fish to a dangling worm, Kirk grabbed at it instantly. "Consider it done. You will not be let down." he said proudly, clutching the twenty as if it were a hundred bucks.

Rory's mouth opened in shock as her mother grabbed out another twenty.

"And I want the same to Jess. Only I want you to run your hand through his hair instead and talk about how much you love the movie "The Outsiders" into his ear."

That was it. Rory nearly doubled over with laugher. She could have sworn she'd seen dollar signs pop out of Kirks eyes as he grabbed the other twenty and saluted them. "Mission accepted."

"Wait Kirk!" Lorelai called as he started walking towards the diner. "I want it done tomorrow morning when the diner is packed with people eating Saturday morning breakfast and you have to make sure we're there first!"

Kirk nodded and saluted them once again before walking back towards the gazebo and announcing his hugs for sale.

"Luke is going to kill him!" Rory laughed as they walked away.

Lorelai grinned. "He won't be able to, Kirks powerful grip wont allow him to. You know how he's freakishly strong for being so bony."

Rory nodded. "I don't know if that will still matter when Luke's anger reaches a new high and he finally turns into the Hulk."

Lorelai wiggled her eyebrows. "Ripped flannel and cut off shorts? Now that's an image."

Rory made a disgusted sound as they turned onto their street.

"So I overheard Jess telling you to go have fun."

Rory glanced sideways at her mother and shrugged. "Louise is doing a last weekend as high-schoolers thing tomorrow. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go."

Lorelai nodded silently, not saying anything else until they reached the house and they both sat on the porch steps, looking around.

"Does this have anything to do with a certain leather wearing, motorcycle riding bad boy?"

Rory's heart started to beat a bit faster as Tristan made an appearance in her mind. And more specifically his leather jacket and all the memories that came with it.

"There's a possibility he might be there." she replied, folding her hands together.

"Alright babe. Time we have another talk." Lorelai patted her leg and turned until she was facing her daughter.

"Paris gave me a speech at school today and Jess just threw out some random therapist advice at the diner. There must be something in the air."

Lorelai sent her daughter a playful glare. "Zip it." Her face turned serious. "It's been what, a couple months now?"

"Almost three." Rory muttered.

"So it's way past the time of avoiding places where each other will be out of respect. That's usually like the first two weeks of a break-up. So that being said, you should go have fun with your friends without having to worry about if he's going to be there or not."

Rory sighed. "It's not just that. I'm scared of what will happen if I do see him. I still miss him. Every day."

Lorelai frowned. "I know sweetie. Trust me. Even though you haven't told me that until now I could see it in your eyes. And it's been killing me. Maybe you need to see him to see that you're either over him completely and finally move on or not."

Rory sat back, a look of confusion coming over her face. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is sometimes when a relationship is so serious like yours was there is no getting over it and sometimes you need to just accept that they'll always be there and that'show you move on."

"Mom, you don't understand. I gave him a choice and he didn't pick me."

Lorelai nodded, holding up a finger. "Which brings me to my next subject. Sometimes men need to lose what they have before they can really appreciate it. They're idiots like that. And I don't mean lose it for a week. A week doesn't give them time to appreciate what they had fully. Now a few months on the other hand…"

Rory shook her head. "I feel like everyone is pushing me towards him when I'm trying to be strong and stay away."

Lorelai pulled her in for a quick hug. "And you have amazed me these past few months. But you haven't been happy hun. Not like you were before and I miss that girl, so very much. And I'm not pushing you towards him exactly. I'm pushing you towards finding out if this is really it or not. And seeing someone after months will definitely answer that for you. You need that part of the closure."

Rory felt like she was going to cry. Everything was building up again. How was she supposed to keep these feelings away when everyone was pushing her to let them out?

"Do you really believe that, mom? That he's realized what he had?"

Lorelai smiled. "I don't know him but I know many guys just like him and he's probably kicking himself in the butt everyday. I'm just surprised he's thick headed enough to have stayed away this long but I know that he's probably doing it because he cares about you so much and wants to respect your decision. And it's probably killing him because it's nearly impossible to stay away from a Gilmore girl. Just look at your father and me. Two decades later and we're still dancing around each other because he keeps coming back. Even after all this time. He can't stay away."

"Tristan's stayed away though. He made his choice." Rory whispered, not knowing what to think now.

Lorelai pulled her close and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "You know him better than anyone Ror. You need to ask yourself if he did it because he didn't want you or if he did it for you. And we both know it's definitely not the first one."

"And if it is?"

Lorelai shrugged. "Then when you see him you'll be able to feel that and you will be able to completely move on. You won't know unless you do though."

Rory sat up, wiping a tear that had escaped from her cheek and stared at her mother. "I never thought you would be trying to talk me into this."

Lorelai smiled. "At the end of the day, I just want what's best for you. Even if that means letting some motorcycle riding tattooed alpha male grow on me. I want my baby happy and I don't want you looking back on your life with regrets like I do."

Rory stood up and grabbed her bag. "So I'm going tomorrow." she said slowly. Nervousness and confidence both building as she said it. "And if I come home a complete mess?"

"I'll be waiting here with a tub of ice cream and Dirty Dancing in the DVD player."

"If Luke lets you live long enough to do that." Rory commented, walking into the house and grabbing her phone out of her bag to send Louise a text.

Lorelai laughed behind her. "Oh he loves me too much." she said, heading up the stairs to shower.

Rory quickly typed her message and took a deep breath before sending it.

"I'll go."

"I cannot even begin to explain to you how excited I am!"

Rory walked over and sat on Louise's bed as the blonde girl ran into her closet and started sorting through shoes.

"What are you wearing?"

Rory grabbed the book bag she had put a few dresses in and held it out to Louise. "I'll let decide if you even want to look. Since you're probably going to make me wear something else anyways."

Louise rolled her eyes and unzipped Rory's bag, pulling out the first dress, a light blue spaghetti strap dress. "This would look amazing if you were going to homecoming." Louise told her, tossing it aside and Rory wasn't surprised at all and waited silently as she grabbed out the next one, a knee length red halter top dress. "And if I was having a party here I would so have you wear this." Louise told her. "Can I borrow this sometime?"

"Sure." Rory shrugged, laying back in the pillows and held her breath as Louise pulled out the last dress. She had bought it that morning when she stopped at the mall briefly to procrastinate going to Louise's house. As one final attempt to convince herself not to go, to just go home. A navy blue form fitting strapless mini dress that had dark blue lace covering the entire thing and then extending up to the shoulders and down the arms to form elbow length sleeves of lace.

All she could think about was going to X that first time and thinking that if she had wore something of her own choosing instead of Louise's, she would have worn something like that. It was beautiful but not over the top, not revealing but still sexy and just so her.

"Let me guess, it would be great for every other time except tonight?" Rory's voice was sarcastic when a few seconds passed with Louise not saying anything.

The blonde girl turned to glare at her and then shook her head. "No, I think it's perfect."

Rory sent Louise a look, clearly thinking she was mocking her outfit choices.

"No I'm serious. I think this dress is going to be perfect." Louise repeated, looking it over. "I'm wearing something like this too," she told her, walking back over to her closet and grabbing two dresses and holding them up.

"Okay." Rory said slowly, furrowing her eyebrows together in confusion. "Who are you and what have you done with Louise?"

Louise rolled her eyes but then just grinned. "I was thinking. Almost all the girls there are dressed like they work in a strip club. And I don't want to blend in. I want to stand out. I want to look mature yet like I still have fun. Classy yet still extremely sexy."

"I see." Rory replied slowly. "Paris?"

Louise sighed and flopped back onto the bed. "I hate to admit it but she was over here last night, apparently for leaving a book in my brothers room I may add though she completely concocted this insane story of how it got there…" she explained and Rory chuckled. "… And she saw me trying on outfit's and we started arguing and well eventually just got into a deep conversation and as much as I hate to admit this she made some valid points."

"Uh huh."

"So the idea of walking into that club and having everyone looking at us because we're dressed so different just sounded too appealing to pass up."

"So sticking out like a sore thumb is a good thing now?" Rory mused.

"Tonight it is." Louise winked. "But that dress, seriously. You're going to look amazing in it. Tristan isn't going to know what hit him."

Rory froze. "What? How… you don't even know if he's going to be there. And why would that matter?" she asked suspiciously.

Louise's face turned guilty and she slowly sat Indian style on the bed and faced Rory. "So after Paris left last night Mike and I got to talking."

Rory swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. "And?"

"Well, Tristan found out- however it is he finds out about things, that you were going to be there tonight so I guess he cancelled some things and is going to be there too."

Rory glared at the wall behind Louise's head. So nothing had changed. "Cancelled a run, right?"

Louise took a deep breath and bit her lip. "Not exactly."

Rory's eyes narrowed. "Okay, what aren't you telling me, and why didn't you call and tell me this last night when I text you? You know I wouldn't have come."

"And that was the reason I didn't." Louise replied easily. "That and I've been struggling with myself all day whether I wanted to tell you this or not."

Rory shook her head in disbelief. "That he's going to be there? You're my friend. You shouldn't have had to decide to tell me or not."

Louise shook her head quickly. "No not that. I was going to tell you when you got here; I was just waiting for an easy way to bring it up instead of just blurting it out. But that's not all Mike and I talked about. Like seriously, he was in here for like two hours. It's the longest we've talked, ever. Especially without fighting."

Rory ran a frustrated hand through her hair, trying to ignore the fact that she suddenly became fully aware that she was going to be seeing Tristan tonight for the first time in months. To say she was nervous would be the understatement of the century. "Okay I'm getting confused."

"Mike's been hanging with Tristan and Finn a lot lately and I've been worried. Because way back when he only ever hung out with them every once in a while. He was never really involved in…" Louise paused, not needing to say specifics since they both already knew what she meant "…you know, that stuff. And after the shooting, every time he walks out the door I wonder if I'm ever going to see him again. So I confronted him about it."

Rory felt a pang in her heart as she remembered all the times she had confronted Tristan about the same thing. But it never helped. Everything was a thrill for them. A way of life. "Did it work?" Rory asked, hoping for Louise's sake that it did since her and Mike were starting to grow closer lately.

"That's the thing…" Louise bit her lip again as if preventing herself from talking any more. "I guess things have changed."

Rory just watched her for a second, her hopes shooting up momentarily before she forced them back down. "What do you mean?"

Louise took a deep breath. "Well it's a long story, like insanely long, I didn't even know who Mike was talking about half the time but basically that guy Marsters, who got killed when everything happened, well apparently he was into some really bad stuff."

"Louise, they're all into bad stuff!"

"Not like this Rory." Louise's face turned serious. "Mike said that for a while now things have been really tense with everyone. Things have been happening that shouldn't have. Fights. Shootings. And no one really knew why. And this was before Tristan and you ever even met."

"By the way, the name's Tristan."

Rory could literally hear the words in her head as if he were here right now saying them again. The picture of him getting onto the bus with a cocky smirk. Her sitting in her seat clutching her bag in fear. Him telling her his name and getting off the bus. That very first day! Thinking she would never see him again. She almost found herself smiling at the memory.

Oh how wrong she was.

"So anyways, long story short this Marsters guy was into some really bad stuff with this other gang and I don't know the specifics but he was losing a lot of their money and somehow blaming it on Tristan and the Kings without any of them even knowing about it." Louise continued.

Rory snapped back to the present and her mouth opened in surprise at the information.

"Mike said that everyone knew something was going on because of the random attacks for no reason with this certain gang who before then never bothered with them. And after this Marsters guy died they found out and I guess…"

Rory waved her hands for the girl to continue when she stopped. "Guess what?"

"Well, he said Tristan kind of lost it. But in a good way." Louise added hurriedly. "Everyone expected him to go after the guy and end it because the hole Marsters dug was so deep they didn't think this other guy was going to stop coming after Tristan and the guys. Even though they had nothing to do with it."

Rory's heart stopped beating that same old familiar fear creeping up. "What happened?" her voice was only a whisper.

"Mike said he just went to the guy and laid everything out. Told him if he wanted him dead he could do it right then. But it would start a war and he promised within weeks he'd be gone too and over nothing because Marsters was the one who started this whole thing with lies. That one of Tristan's men was dead and one of the other gangs guys was dead and that they could both walk away right now and call it even." Louise let out a breath. "And this is like seriously out of a movie. I was on the edge of my bed as my brother was telling me this. Literally. But yeah, I guess they came to an agreement or whatever. Well, as much of an agreement that they could come to given the circumstances."

"And he's okay?"

Louise grinned. "Yeah he's okay. Mike said that the power shifted. The Kings rose higher, only now things have changed, majorly. Tee has been leading the guys."

Rory took slow breaths. "He stepped down?"

Louise shrugged. "From what Mike said, not completely. But I can tell you they haven't been on a run in over a month. The gang is still there just the dynamic has changed. And the reason Mike's been hanging around more is because of that."

Rory didn't say anything for a few minutes. Just let herself get lost in the information and absorb it all. This must have been what Jess had heard. But why didn't he tell her? If Tristan had given up a part of the life why wouldn't he let her know? "Do you think that…"

"That he did it for you?" Louise asked with a smile. "There is no other reason."

Rory's heart felt as if it were going to beat right out of her chest. "Then why wouldn't he tell me? If he did it for me, so that we could be together, why wouldn't he let me know?" Her words were laced with anger.

"I'm thinking he's even more stubborn than you are." Louise smirked. "And honestly Ror, from the things my brother was saying, I think Tristan may have wanted to prove something to himself before he brought you into it again. I think he wanted to make sure things would be okay this time."

Rory shot up from the bed and started pacing back and forth. "And if not?" she asked, frustration making its way into her words as she became angry with herself as her hopes started to rise. "And if he's just moved on with his life?"

Louise sent her a dumb look. "I somehow highly doubt that."

Rory leaned back against Louise's door and as if her legs gave out, slid to the floor and rested her head in her hands. "I don't even know what to think."

"And I do not blame you one bit, it's a lot to take in." Louise replied. "But the decision is still yours no matter what Rory. He isn't out completely…"

Rory shook her head in amazement and the closed her eyes. "I know."

Louise sighed. "Tonight is going to be amazing. I've shipped you two since the beginning."

"You shipped us?"

Louise grinned. "Oh hell yeah."

Rory didn't bother responding to statement. "I don't want him to know that I know all of this. I want to see if he will tell me himself. And I want to know why he would let me walk away and then change anyways."

"You and me both and unless my room is bugged he'll have no clue." Louise said and then looked around suspiciously and Rory let out a laugh. An easy laughter that she felt she'd been holding in for months. "Alright Gilmore, let's put on our faces before Paris gets here and starts rushing us. Tonight is going to be the first night of the rest of our lives."

Rory stood up, grabbing her dress and pushing away the nerves.

"I won't lie. I expected to have to convince you a lot more than this." Louise commented after a moment of silence.

Rory shrugged. "I've been dead set on staying away from him for three months." Rory took a deep breath to reassure herself. "If this is probably going to be the last night I ever see him I'd rather end it on a good note than how it ended before. It might be what I need."

Louise stopped what she was doing and stared at her friend. "Are you saying that even though he's changed things you still wouldn't get back with him?"

Rory shook her head and put on a confident face even though her heart was screaming at her to stop being so stubborn. "It's too late."

Louise frowned. "We'll see."

Rory just ignored the comment and began brushing her hair, knowing whatever was going to happen, it would definitely be a night to remember.

"You are going to break your neck in those heels."

Rory glanced at Paris and then down at the five-inch glittery navy heels she wore.

"Don't listen to her." Madeline ordered, tugging at her dark green velvet mini dress. "You look hot."

Rory sent her a small smile. "Thanks. You look amazing too."

Paris snorted. "As if looking good is worth breaking your ankles."

"Tonight it is." Louise grinned as they all started walking down the dark street towards the entrance to X. They saw people lined up around the corner before they even turned it. "Wow it's packed. Good thing we get to go in the other entrance."

"I have a bad feeling about this." Paris muttered, taking the lead. "All of you just stay behind me. If he gives us any trouble, let me do the talking."

Louise laughed but listened and followed behind the girl. "You'll have to slow down." she called. "We're not wearing one inch wedges like you."

Paris stopped walking and crossed her arms as she waiting for them to catch up. "I wouldn't have even worn them if they weren't forced on me."

"You'll get over it and live." Louise sing-songed and then locked her arm with Rory's as they started walking again. "You done being nervous yet?"

Rory glared. "Are you trying to be funny?" Her nerves were picking up more and more with every step she took.

What the hell was she thinking?

Louise laughed as they turned the corner and the entrance came into view and they all stopped and just stared.

"Oh wow." Madeline breathed in awe.

There were at least a hundred and fifty people in line waiting to get in, leaning against the brick walls of the building as the line slowly moved forward.

"I see you weren't lying." Paris's voice held disgust as she eyed a few girls with shirts smaller than a bikini top.

Louise pulled her hand to force her to start walking again. "Easy tiger. They haven't even done anything yet."

Paris rolled her eyes. "They're degrading woman with the way they dress. Is that not enough?"

Louise went to reply but Rory cut her off as they approached the VIP entrance. "As much as I would love to listen to you guys fight I'm kind of freaking out here." She twisted her hands together nervously.

This was crazy. She couldn't go in there. She couldn't see him.

"Rory, it's going to be okay. Where's that insane confidence you've had lately?" Madeline asked, putting an easing hand on her arm.

"It just went out the window." Rory admitted, turning around. What if seeing him hurt? What if she was setting herself up for something horrible by going in there? She just needed to accept how things ended like had been the past few months. Coming here was a big mistake.

Louise stepped forward, forcing Rory to meet her eyes. "If he didn't want to see you would he have cancelled his plans when he found out you were going to be here?"

Rory closed her eyes and tried to calm her heart. Louise was right. He did change his plans, whatever they were, when he found out she was going to be there. So he did want to see her.

And she couldn't deny the fact that she wanted to see him too.

Knowing Tristan this was his way of coming after her. Meeting her in the middle. That way neither of them were actually giving in.

"I can do this." she said to herself, not caring that people in line were looking at her like she was crazy. She felt her confidence grow. "I'm doing this."

"There you go." Louise grinned and they all walked up to the bouncer but before anyone could say anything he let out a laugh and they all were caught off guard.

"Well well well." The guy loomed over them, besting them all by at least a foot and a half and when he stepped into the light Rory noticed it was the same bouncer from the first time she was there. "It's good to see that pretty face again."

He stared right at Rory and she felt herself blushing. "Hello, Ed."

The man in front of her put his fist to his heart. "And she even remembers my name."

Rory found herself laughing, feeling completely comfortable, her nervousness sliding away.

"And I see you brought some pretty friends with you." Ed said, glancing at the other girls with a welcoming smile. "Y'all look mighty good tonight. I guess I won't make ya stand out here, come on in. Welcome to X." He winked and stepped aside.

Louise was the first to enter with Madeline quickly following behind. Paris stepped after her and eyed Ed over carefully. After she stepped inside he let out an amused chuckle.

"Let that one know if she's looking for a part time job, I'm hiring. Think she'd be good at scaring people away."

Rory let out a laugh. "You have no idea." she couldn't control the giant smile plastered on her face. It was amazing how at ease she felt around him. She had missed that feeling of safety.

"It's mighty good to see you again. We was beginning to wonder about your boy." Ed's mouth formed a lopsided smile as he spoke and she watched his eyes scan the area slowly even as he talked to her, still on guard.

Rory opened her mouth to correct him but her lips just formed a small smile. Didn't they know he wasn't her boy anymore?

"Well I won't keep you out here any longer. You go enjoy yourself and remember if you need anything-just holler. And welcome back." With one last wink his back was turned to her as he asked the next person in line to show ID.

"About time." Paris's voice weaved its way through the barely lit hall and Rory nearly jumped in surprise. "We thought you were going to stand out there and talk all night."

Rory rolled her eyes and then bit her lip as the nerves slowly crept back now that she was inside.

This was it. No turning back now.

"You ready girls?" Louise yelled over the music, as it got louder with every step they took.

Ready as I'll ever be, Rory thought.

And then they walked in.

The place was even more packed than it had been the last time they were there. Strobe lights reflected off the dancing bodies moving in all directions on the floor. To her left the neon lit bar was swamped with people getting drinks, the tables on the platform surrounding the dance floor all filled with people talking, drinking, and kissing.

The atmosphere just sent a jolt right through you.

"I'm pretty sure this is the best night of my life." Madeline yelled over the music and then grabbed Paris's hand and dragged her down the steps and to the dance floor.

"You ready Ror?" Louise's excitement matched her own and she nodded as they walked down the steps together. Rory noticed the guys heads turn, a few getting slaps from the woman they were talking to. Paris was right they were standing out. And from the looks on the guy's faces, it was definitely a good thing.

When they got to the bottom step Rory was finally able to look up onto the second floor loft area where Tristan had been before but found herself looking everywhere but.

"Guess who's looking right at you?" Louise brought her lips to Rory's ear. "Time to show him what he's been missing."

Rory surprised herself by laughing as Louise pulled her to the center of the dance floor and began to dance.

She managed to let herself get lost in the song for a full thirty seconds before she couldn't take it anymore. Still dancing, her eyes darted up to the second floor landing and just as if it were the past replaying itself again, her eyes instantly met with blue.

Standing there, arms bracing himself as he leaned against the railing that blocked off the loft area, staring right at her. She could see the way he was gripping the railing and her heart started to race.

She met his eyes steadily, still dancing, twirling and never losing eye contact for more than a second.

It hit her right then just how much she'd missed him. His baggy jeans, his always-white shirt, and the messy blonde hair he was always running his hands through. Every inch of him.

But with the good came the bad. And all the memories of him walking away, of not willing to change for her all came back.

Was he just going to stand there and watch her? She couldn't control the feelings he was evoking in her. Lust, Want mixing with Hate and Regret and all building up way too fast. It was only she and he in a staring contest that was making electricity bounce off the walls.

Didn't everyone else feel it? Her skin was tingling from his stare, shivers racing all over her body.

But he just stayed watching her. Not moving a muscle. And she just watched him, dancing slowly, knowing he was taking in every single movement.

She closed her eyes and hoped to herself that the same memories were flooding his mind of the way they had once danced on that floor. Hoped that he felt the loss she was feeling just as much.

She didn't understand how he could do this to her. Why would he let her walk away and then do what she wanted anyways? Did he really just not want to be with her?

Rory pushed the thought away instantly, knowing how ridiculous it was but still not understanding what was going on with him.

The song changed again and she let herself get lost in the music once more, feeling his eyes still on her and putting on a show.

Rory opened her eyes back up and turned to where Louise was dancing but a hand on her hip stopped her. Her heart raced for a brief moment before she realized the touch wasn't familiar. Turning around, ready to turn down whoever was trying to attempt to steal a dance, her face immediately broke out into a grin as a familiar accent filled her ears.

"Hello, love."

Rory's eyes moved up to meet the dark brown ones of the Australian in front of her. "Hey, Finn."

Finn moved closer and Rory almost stepped back at how strange the closeness was but Finn quickly brought his lips to her ear. "I never though I'd have to say this to a woman but try and look like you're enjoying this doll."

Rory let out a confused chuckle but did as he said, moving in sync with him as the song went on.

"Finn what are you doing?" she asked cautiously, eyes glancing briefly to the second story balcony to see Tristan now standing, watching them with a dark look on his face.

"Well, you know Tristan is stubborn. He was so dead set on coming here but now he's just standing up there like an idiot, and a creepy stalker I might add, ogling. So a man has to do what a man has to do."

Rory quirked an eyebrow at him. "I see."

Finn grinned, flashing white teeth. He looked so strange out there on the dance floor with his long trench coat and combat boots but she noticed the way everyone gave him room, just like they parted for Tristan. Finn had the similar effect on people.

"Just for the record." Finns lips found Rory's ear again. "This is the second time I'm risking my life for the sake of my friends sanity. There's a good possibility he'll kill me later for dancing with you."

Rory narrowed her eyes. "I can dance with whoever I want. I don't belong to anyone anymore."

Finn threw his head back with a laugh that had a few people looking their way. "Are you sure about that love?" Before Rory could respond he continued talking. "But I figure this will put a fire under his arse to get him down here and dance with you himself so perhaps he will thank me later."

Rory shook her head, wanting to ask a million questions but froze as Finns wide eyes shot to something behind her head.

"And that would be my cue to get my sexy arse outta here. Thank you for the lovely dance doll."

In a flash he was walking off quickly across the dance floor and Rory stood at his back confused as the song shifted and the dance slowed as the singers voice fell over them like honey.

I've been out on that open road

You can be my full time daddy,

White and gold

A moment passed, as she just stood there confused before the feeling of someone behind her had her back straightening and her fists clenching with nerves. She slowly turned around already knowing he was there and blue instantly connected with blue.

Singing blues has been getting old

You can be my full time baby,

Hot or cold

Tristan stood and let his eyes move over her for a moment before moving forward until only inches separated them. His lips moved to her ear, but still the only thing touching her was his breath.

"Can I have this dance?"

Rory's heart quickened at his words and then stopped as she saw his extended hand. She looked around at people giving them strange looks but he didn't care. He just stood there, hand out like a gentleman at a debutante ball.

Without a word she slowly took his hand, the most incredible feeling of completion filling her at his touch, electricity shooting up her arm as his hot skin caressed hers and he pulled her close, keeping one hand in hers as the other snaked its way around her waist.

I drive fast,

I am alone in the night

Been tryin' hard not to get into trouble,

but I, I've got a war in my mind

So, I just ride, just ride,

I just ride, just ride

"Hi, Mary."

She never knew such an annoying nickname could make her weak in the knees but it did. She watched him for a moment, as if he were a dream and if she took her eyes off of him he would disappear.

"Hello, Tristan."

Dying young and I'm playing hard

That's the way my father made his life an art

Drink all day and we talk 'til dark

That's the way the road dogs do it - ride 'til dark.

"I was hoping you would come."

"I almost didn't." Rory told him honestly, feeling slightly embarrassed but unable to avert her eyes from his.

"I'm happy you did."

Rory felt heat come to her cheeks and was amazed he could still do that to her. "Oh yeah?" she found herself saying. She had wondered if they talked what they would say, but now it was just coming so easy she wondered why she had even worried about it. "Why's that?"

His lips turned upwards and the smile knocked the breath out of her. It was amazing how they could go so long without seeing each other and yet act like it had just been yesterday. Nothing had changed. If anything it had just grown stronger.

"Because I missed you."

Don't leave me now

Don't say good bye

Don't turn around

Leave me high and dry

As the song continued they seemed to meld together, Tristan's hands finding Rory's hips and moving his into them and she heard herself sigh at the movement.

How had she stayed away from him so long?

He felt his fingers brush her hip and the spot where her tattoo sat and her heart raced but then reality hit.

This couldn't happen. She couldn't just let him act like no time had passed. She couldn't act like no time had passed.

I'm tired of feeling like I'm fucking crazy

I'm tired of driving 'til I see stars in my eyes

It's all I've got to keep myself sane, baby

So I just ride, I just ride

Rory closed her eyes and leaned her head against his chest as the song changed. Trying not to get lost in the feeling of his arms around her.

"What is this Tristan?"

The words were out before she could stop them but he didn't miss a beat. His bright blue eyes found hers and she saw the weariness in them and her breath caught in her throat.

"Is that a shot at my dancing?" He answered easily and Rory found herself letting out a little laugh at his playful sarcasm. "We're dancing, Mary."

"I think we're doing it wrong." she commented, noticing how the tempo had picked up and everyone around them was dancing to a much faster beat yet they stood rocking slowly, arms around each other.

Tristan just sent her a lopsided smile, bending his head to rest his forehead against hers.

"We never were ones for doing things the right way now were we?"

Rory couldn't help the smile that touched her lips but also didn't miss the way his words tore at her, reminding her she was here to say goodbye, not to fall for him again.

She wished they could just stay like this forever. She knew the inevitable was going to happen eventually but right now she just wanted to cherish this moment.

A few songs later, Tristan stopped moving and tugged on the hand he hadn't let go of yet. "Come with me."

Rory sent him a questioning look before following behind him. The crowd parted as he walked through and she blushed at the stares she received.

Tristan pulled her to the second floor balcony and motioned with his hand and people started walking down the steps and off of the balcony, leaving them alone.

How did she not feel awkward? Well she supposed she did a little. But mostly there was the immediate comfort with him and she hated that. It was going to make this so much harder than it already was.

He walked over to a leather sofa that sat in the middle of the room and motioned to the seat next to him. "Do you want to sit?"

Rory bit at her lip and didn't miss the way his eyes flashed to her lips, only making her insides go even crazier. "I don't know. Louise invited us. I feel bad leaving her down there."

She sounded like a bitch. She knew it. And by the look in his eyes he did too. But she wasn't ready for this just yet. She thought she was but now… she couldn't do it. Not yet. Dancing on the floor with him was one thing. But sitting here face to face with him, hashing out their relationship… she knew it had to be done but couldn't do it yet.

Tristan stood up and stuck his hands deep in his pockets, his face unreadable. "Okay then." he said slowly and walked back towards her. "Do you want to get a drink?"

Rory relaxed instantly and sent him a small smile. "Yeah, I would."

He took her hand again as he led her back down the stairs and across the dance floor. Her skin came alive at the touch of his and she wondered if he was feeling the same. If he was fighting and inner battle with himself as well. Her brain was telling her to pull away, but her heart was screaming at her to never let go again.

"There you are!" Madeline greeted with a huge grin as they approached the bar. Rory looked to see Paris and Louise also there waiting in a long line to be served and didn't miss the way their eyes drifted to her hand which was still being held by Tristan.

"How long have you guys been waiting?"

Rory looked up surprised at his voice. He usually spoke so abrupt and condescendingly to her friends but now where it was still icy cold it held a hint of something else. He was civil. Well, slightly at least.

Louise blinked, clearly just as shocked as Rory was. "Umm, about ten minutes give or take."

Tristan's eyes narrowed as he approached the bar and held his hand up. The bartender immediately stopped what he was doing and walked over, asking what he needed.

"Get them whatever they want. All night. It's on me."

Rory raised a surprised eyebrow at him and as if feeling her eyes on him he looked down and met hers. "What?"



"Rory what do you want?" Paris asked and Rory slowly let go of Tristan's hand and stepped forward, pushing away the regret instantly but knowing it had to be done. She scanned the three girls drinks, surprised to see even Paris had ordered a martini. She noticed Madeline's long island iced tea and pointed for the bartender to make it two.

As much as she wished it were her rebellious side that was daring to drink, she knew it was to ease her nerves.

"I'll arrange for you guys to have a ride home."

Paris turned to Tristan and took a long drink before speaking as if building her courage. "Mike is going to be driving us."

Tristan narrowed his eyes and Rory thought that the time had come for him to snap something but he said nothing, only nodded.

Amazed and confused, she took a long sip of her drink, trying to think of something to say. She just wanted to go back onto the dance floor with him. It was so easy then. But now… the awkwardness had definitely kicked in full force.

Tristan brought his lips down to her ear, sending heat spreading down her neck and her spine. "Want do you want to do?"

Dance with you, was her initial thought but looking in his eyes and remembering the last time she had looked into them when he had said goodbye had her pulling away again. "I'm going to hang out with my friends."

His face never faltered but something dark moved into the blue depths of his eyes.

"If that's what you want." he said, and then pulled away, taking a step back and smirking at her. The look cold and guarded. "If you want to catch up, I'll be upstairs." Someone called his name and he nodded to him or her in acknowledgement before taking another step back. "Enjoy your night, Mary."

And just like that he distanced himself and she was left just staring after him as he walked away.

If she wanted to catch up?! She couldn't believe what he had said. What did that mean? As if they were just two old friends who would talk about what they'd missed in each other's lives the past few months? The guy she walked away from three months ago would have insisted she go upstairs with him. He wouldn't have taken no for an answer yet here he was just telling her to have fun and walking away.

And catching up isn't what needed to happen. He should be telling her that he had made changes in his life and explaining to her why he hadn't done them when she had asked.

Rory grabbed her drink and downed the rest of it, ignoring the protests of the other three girls. She turned to the bartender to order another but Louise stopped her.

"What's going on?" The blonde girl demanded, pulling her away from the bar and into a dark corner to their right.

Rory shook her head and crossed her arms. Not completely sure herself. "I don't think…" she paused, looking out over the crowd silently for a moment. "I'm not going to be the one to go to him." she decided, her voice defiant. "He tells me to find him if I want to catch up. Ha."

Louise blinked in surprise. "He didn't say anything about what he's been doing?" she questioned. "I thought that would be the first thing he said to you honestly."

"Not a word." Rory confirmed, just as surprised. "He's acting so casual."

Louise shook her head. "I don't know Rory. I'm sure it's really awkward for both of you right now…"

"He's definitely not acting awkward." Rory interrupted, a mix of emotions filling her but the nervousness and awkwardness fading away and she knew it was thanks to the alcohol.

"Let's dance off some of that steam." Louise insisted, pulling her back onto the dance floor.

Rory glanced up at the second floor balcony and saw Tristan standing there with Finn. The Australian rolled his eyes and shook his head, using exaggerated hand gestures as he spoke to the blonde and Rory wondered what he was saying.

She watched Tristan just shake his head, a stony look on his face as he turned and leaned against the balcony railing, his eyes scanning the crowd.

Rory looked away quickly before he caught her staring and began to dance in sync with Louise. She felt his eyes on her after a few moments but this time refused to look up at him.

Instead she just got lost in the dancing. Madeline joined them after about an hour or so and then Paris for a bit until Mike came and found her and whisked her away.

Rory smiled at the way Paris's face lit up when he did so, not even caring that Louise was watching.

"Well she pretty much confirmed all of my suspicions." Louise grinned as a new song started playing.

Rory let out a small laugh. "Leave them alone. They're happy."

Louise shrugged, a small smile coming to her lips. "I know. And I'm happy for them. It's just too fun teasing Paris."

Rory shook her head at her friends and a feeling of sadness fell through her at knowing after graduation they would go their separate ways, Madeline and Louise to California and her and Paris to Yale.

It had been one crazy senior year, but she wouldn't have changed a second of it.

Her thoughts had her eyes finally moving back up to the balcony and onto the man who was still standing there, looking out over the crowd, a beer in his hand and he took a long swig when his eyes met with hers.

Rory stopped dancing and motioned to Louise towards the second floor, "I'll be back in a bit. If I don't do this now I don't think I ever will."

Louise just grinned and waved her off, turning to start dancing with a random guy on the floor.

Rory made her way slowly across the floor, bumping into people as she went and then finally reached the stairs. Even though she knew he saw her and knew she was coming Tristan still stood where he was, elbows leaning on the railing looking out over the club.

Even as she stepped onto the balcony he still didn't move and with confidence washing over her she walked over to stand next to him, her back against the railing as she looked over at him.

"What are you thinking about?" The words were there before she could think them over.

She thought she saw a hint of a smirk but in the blink of an eye his face was emotionless, hard.


Rory's breath caught in her throat at his omission but she refused to let it get to her. "What about me?"

Tristan still didn't look at her. Just finished his beer and set it on a table nearby.

"How have you been Rory?" He avoided the question with another one.

Rory bit at her lip for a moment before responding, unsure what she wanted to say exactly. "I've been good. Getting ready for Europe and Yale."

Tristan just nodded, eyes still on the crowd.

"What about you?"

He looked over at her question and then away again. Why wouldn't he look at her? She wondered. What was going on in his head?

"I've been busy."

Rory rolled her eyes at his typical response. "Busy with what?" she pushed; wanting to hear it from his own lips what had been going on. Wanting to hear him say that he was getting out of that life so that she could demand answers.

"Just stuff." he shrugged and the disappointment entered her heart quickly and painfully.

"Stuff like what?" she persisted. Was he really not going to tell her?

He stood up then and leaned a hip to the railing so he was now facing her. "You ready for Europe?"

Rory shook her head, anger starting to rise up. "Yeah. I am. Why do you keep avoiding my questions?"

Tristan shrugged, one hand running through his hair and then diving into his pocket. "There's not much to say."

Rory shook her head in disbelief. "You were all ready to talk earlier, what changed?" she figured the best method would be straight confrontation since he liked to avoid everything.

Tristan was quiet for a long time before looking out over the crowd. "I didn't come here tonight to fight with you."

Rory swallowed, her throat dry. "Neither did I. I just think that I deserve answers and I'm not going to act like everything is okay."

Tristan smirked evilly. "Did I say that everything was okay?" he asked sarcastically.

Rory stilled at his words but refused to let him rile her up to his benefit. "Tristan I know things are different now."

His icy blue eyes met hers instantly. "I figured."

Rory's eyes narrowed as they frustration grew higher and higher. "Why are you acting like this? A couple hours ago you were fine."

Tristan laughed, the sound sending chills racing from the tips of her fingers to her toes. "Fine? Baby I haven't been fine for a long time."

Rory took a deep breath, searching for a different word but Tristan continued to speak, his eyes now piercing into hers. "I don't know what I thought would come of tonight. I honestly don't."

"I didn't either. But…"

"Yeah shits changed." Tristan admitted. "But that doesn't mean anything."

Rory laughed at herself in complete disbelief. Of everything she imagined. This hadn't even crossed her mind that he would act like this.

"I asked you to leave parts of your life behind, and you have." her voice was only a whisper but he heard and she saw the emotion rush into his eyes.

"But there's always going to be other things that are going to be there." His voice turned rough and the weariness flashed back into his eyes briefly before going cold again. "And you don't belong in my life."

Rory stood speechless, not believing what she was hearing. That after everything he was still pulling away from her. And from the look in his eyes she knew that nothing she said right then was going to change her mind.

He was giving her up.

She felt tears welling behind her eyes but her stubbornness pushed them away. She wanted this time to be different. She wanted to leave on better terms but she found herself even angrier this time than the last.

"Tristan." she spoke with as much confidence and as steady of a voice as she could muster. "After everything, you have absolutely no right to say that to me."

Tristan closed his eyes for a moment before opening them back up and meeting hers. "Rory…"

"No." She stopped him, stepping forward until they were just mere inches apart. "I want you to listen! I came here telling myself it was to say goodbye to you, but when we were dancing that changed and for a second I thought maybe things could happen again, that you have done what I asked and that we could work things out now. And I know you didn't come here tonight just to tell me I don't belong in your life. You're being an asshole and pushing me away because that's what you do best. Because you're too scared to be a better man."

She knew the words stung him but didn't care. It had to be said. She reached up and placed her lips softly on his cheek, her fingers entangling in his hair as she did so and it took all the willpower she had to pull away from his warmth for what she knew could be the last time.

She took a step back and met his eyes evenly. "There could still be a chance. I just need to know what you want. This will be last chance I give you."

She sent him the best smile she could force as her emotions took over. He didn't say anything as she walked to the stairs. Just stood there and watched her, his face unreadable, his eyes dark.

"And I'm not going to wait forever, Tristan." was the last thing she said before she descended the stairs. She walked slowly away, hoping he'd come after her right then but when she looked quickly over her shoulder she saw him rooted to the same spot just watching her walk away.

It took her a few minutes to find Louise and tell her she wanted to leave but thankfully the girls were all ready to go anyways. She walked to the exit on the far wall, her heart pounding but before walking out the door she turned one more time to look up and see him - only to see wasn't there anymore. She scanned the crowd quickly, heart racing wondering if he was coming after her but he was no where to be found.

He was gone.

"I found a picture of my ex boyfriend from ninth grade in the back of my locker." Louise's voice was filled with disgust as she fell into step with Rory as they walked down the hall after the last bell of the day rang.

"Which one?" Paris asked, joining them as well.

"Steven Corriger."

Madeline approached as Louise finished answering and the other two girls muttered "ew" in unison.

Rory managed a small smile. "Should I ask?"

"Picture Duncan and Bowman - having a kid who looked a mixture of both of them."

Rory quirked an eyebrow at Paris's reply and shivered. "That would be interesting."

"Well that's one word for it." Louise mused. "I probably should have been cleaning my locker out every year."

Paris rolled her eyes. "You're just cleaning your locker out? I had mine done two weeks ago."

Louise shrugged, looking guilty. "Well Rory hasn't done hers yet either." she deflected, earning a glare from Rory.

"You guys tomorrow is our last day of school." Madeline chimed in, obviously already have had cleaned hers out as well.

"Well in my defense I only have a years worth of stuff in there, not four." Rory deflected back to Louise and the blonde girl just rolled her eyes.

"Well mine was like a treasure chest. Yeah, I found some gross stuff but I also found a number from a guy I met in tenth grade at a bar we got fake IDs for."

"Oh, I'm sure he'll still remember you." Paris snorted. "Good luck with that."

Rory let them get lost in their banter as she moved to open her locker.

"Have you heard anything from him?" Madeline asked, leaning against the locker next to her and looking at Rory with hopeful eyes.

Rory ignored the pang in her heart and just shrugged. "Nope. Nothing."

Not a word. Not a single text, a call, nothing. He hadn't come after her at the club. She had half expected him to be waiting outside by the car but he hadn't been there either. She checked her phone when they got home but still nothing. Sunday passed and then Monday came. At the end of the day she had actually wondered if he would be waiting outside and rushed out after the last bell only to be disappointed again.

So she decided she needed to start getting over him again. He wasn't going to show. His pride, his thoughts on what was best for her weren't going to change and as tough of a pill that was to swallow she was going to have to get over it. She had before-she would again. Only she knew this time would be so much harder knowing that he made an effort but his stubbornness was still going to keep him away.

Here it was the end of the day Tuesday and still nothing. Not even a text to tell her he was sorry.

But she couldn't put herself out there again. The ball was in his court and if he was too thick headed to take it then she would just have to accept it. "I told him to just tell me what he wanted. And he couldn't."

Madeline frowned and Rory put on her best smile. She didn't want people feeling sorry for her. That was the last thing she wanted.

She just needed to move on.

She twisted the combination into her locker and pulled it open only for the world to stop spinning when she looked inside.

Her lips parted in shock and her bag slowly slid from her fingers and fell to the floor with a thump, catching the attention of the other two girls.

"Rory are you okay?"

Rory could do nothing but shake her head as she forced air into her lungs as she stared into her locker.

Sitting there, resting against a pile of books was a picture or her and Tristan on the rollercoaster in New Haven, the moment when he reached over and kissed the life out of her.


Rory reached out slowly, touching the picture as if to make sure it was real.

"I didn't even know he had bought this" she breathed, looking at the black and white memory that she held in her hands. "He didn't that day. He must have went back and got it."

She was talking to herself but the girls moved closer anyways. "Rory, flip it over." Madeline urged, seeing something on the back.

Rory slowly flipped it over and her heart stopped beating once again.

I want this.

The words were written on the back in what was undeniably Tristan's hand writing.

"Oh my god." Louise's voice showed her excitement.

"This wasn't in here last period." Rory whispered, not knowing what else to say.

"He must have come and put it in within the last half hour then." Paris told her and then it dawned on her.

"So he must still be here." Rory realized, her head shooting towards the doors at the end of the hall.

Without another word and without even picking up her bag or shutting her locker she started running towards the exit, her hand still gripping the picture.

When she managed to squeeze between all the people trying to race out of the school and her feet landed on the sidewalk she instantly looked towards the tree near the front gate and her heart started racing when she saw him standing there, bike parked, leaning against the tree with his hands in his pockets.

A feeling of happiness she didn't know was possible burst through her as she took a few steps towards him and then her pace faltered as he looked up and caught her eye. She saw him swallow slowly and push himself off the tree until he was standing there, waiting.

She somehow got her legs to work again and took the remaining few steps until she was just a few feet away from him.


Rory watched his lips form the words, her heart starting to beat even faster than before.

"Hi." she whispered herself.

Tristan looked down to the picture in her hand and then back up meeting eyes. "I see you found it."

Rory nodded, looking down at the picture once again and then back up to him.

"There was a lot of things I wanted to say" he said, awkwardly running a hand through his hair as if nervous and Rory's heart swelled at the action. "And I wasn't sure how exactly to say them. But that picture kind of summed it all up."

Rory bit her lip, wanting to run into his arms right then but managed to talk herself out of it.

"You want to be an average Joe with me?" Rory asked, unable to bite back the smile that spread across her lips.

Tristan grinned then, ducking his head down and running a hand through his hair. "I guess those were the awkward words I wasn't sure how to say."

Rory bit her lip, loving the way his voice changed, the happiness, the easiness of it washing over her.

"Tristan, I need you to promise me that the chasing, the fighting, the guns…" she paused, taking a slow breath. "I need you to promise me that that part of your life is going to be over."

She saw a flash in his eyes but only for a moment as he stepped forward. "That part of my life is over." he whispered the words against her lips as his body came inches from her. "I promise, baby."

That was all she needed. Just like that, just those simple words and everything vanished away. The feelings she had buried away for months coming out full force and she wanted to cry out in happiness.

"Mary," Tristan's voice brought her back to reality. The reality that the man she loved was just inches away from her.

"Yeah?" she breathed, her chest rising and falling slowly.

"Let me kiss you."

And before another second could pass with her not touching him, his hands braced themselves on her cheeks and he brought his head down slowly, eyes never leaving hers as he did so and then his lips moved over hers.

The feelings that raced through her at that moment couldn't be explained. Joy, love, want, need, relief. All bundled into one and making her knees give out.

His lips moved over hers slowly cherishing the kiss before his tongue moved to part her lips and met hers with a ferocity that even they had never felt before. A heat that even in their past moments had never reached an intensity like this.

She had missed this. More than she had ever thought.

Pulling away breathlessly, Tristan rested his forehead on hers. "So what do you say we get out of here baby?"

Rory sent a small smile at him and blushed, holding back laughter at what she was about to say. "I actually told my grandmother I would help her out with some things after school today."

Tristan raised an eyebrow, mischief filling his dark blue eyes. "Is that so? Well you'll have to call and apologize because you must have forgot you had already made a prior engagement."

Rory's eyes twinkled as she looked up at him, wrapping her arms up around his neck as his moved around her waist, pulling her closer. "Is that so?"

Tristan nodded, bringing his lips to hers for a slow hot kiss that had a tingling feeling racing down her spine. "Yes. Months ago. You agreed I would have you for the whole week before you went to Europe."

Rory blushed as her stomach filled with want. Biting her lip at the way his eyes turned dark at his words and she laughed and pulled herself up for another long lingering kiss that made her toes curl. "You're right. I'll have to call and reschedule."

Tristan pulled back and intertwined their fingers, pulling her with him over to the bike and grabbing a helmet, passing it to her and Rory felt her heart swell at such a small little thing.

She smiled at him before putting the helmet over her head and then let him mount his bike before taking his outstretched hand and letting him help her onto the back.

Rory straightened her skirt and then glanced back at the school to see Louise, Madeline and Paris all standing on the side walk. Louise and Madeline with huge grins on their faces, Madeline waving, and Paris with her arms crossed as if disapproving but Rory saw the small smile that played on her lips as well.

She waved back at Madeline quickly before wrapping her arms tight around Tristan's body and getting lost in the feeling that she had missed so much.

With the start of the engine, Tristan lifted one of her hands to his lips to kiss it softly before placing it back to hold his stomach and a second later they were racing down the street and towards the heart of Hartford.

And finally, for the first time in months, Rory felt like she was back right where she was meant to be.

But I love the way you came on…

Yeah, I love the way you came on…

To me.

The End.

Special thanks to Sarah, who without her- this chapter wouldn't be what it is and without her constant nagging over the years this fic would have never been finished! Haha.

And to everyone who has read from the beginning, who found this story somewhere along the way or are just reading now for the first time, Thank you so very much for loving this Tristan and Rory just as much as me and joining me on this journey. It has definitely been a long one. You are the best readers anyone could ever ask for. I love you all!

Hope you all enjoyed the ride.

Thank you for everything
