Sam was sitting in his motel room , the only sound being the quiet clicking of laptop yawned and looked at the time. It was only two brothers were in Lima , Ohio hunting a vampire. Only , when they cut off his head , it just grew back again. They barely managed to escape somehow , but they knew they had to find a way to kill that thing.

We , being Sam , of course. Dean was at the bar which was code for 'I'm hooking up with someone. Disturb me and I kill you'".He reached for his beer and took a sip. It was going to be a long night of began searching and clicking away when suddenly he heard a noise. It sounded a lot like when Cas materialized in their room."Cas?" , he asked , looking around"Guess again , pretty boy", a voice said and he fell from his chair.


His face hit the floor with a loud thud as he groaned.

He'd recognize the sound somehow managed to stand up and look the angel in the eye."Gabriel" , he said with a sign."Don't be like that , Sammy-Wammy!" , the trickster replied , and a lollipop materialized out of thin air and into his hand. He put it in his mouth , sucking thoughtfully.

"What do you want , Gabriel?" , Sam asked , sitting on the bed , letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Suddenly , a candy 'magically' appeared inside his mouth.

"Hey!" , Sam cried as he saw Gabriel was smirking and dressed in black pants and a white shirt with his hair slicked back neatly , sitting on a chair. "Green Apple. Your favorite" , he said , winking and Sam felt himself blush and cough.

"Tahnk you" , he said , his voice muffled by the candy in his mouth."Any reason you wanted to come here?" , Sam asked and Gabriel laughed. "I came here to see you , gorgeous"

"Hilarious , Gabriel" , Sam said rolling his eyes , and fixing his attention to the laptop. Suddenly, his laptop disappeared.

"Gabriel!" , Sam let out a cry of frustration and Gabriel whined like a small child whose lollipop has just been stolen."Come play with me!" , he whined and Sam growled. "I can't , Gabe , unless you let me work!"

"Gabe?" , the trickster smirked and Sam rolled his eyes. "Shut up"

"Look , let me work , Gabriel." , he said adjusting the lollipop in his mouth and Gabriel signed. "Fine , Sammy. If it gets me into your pants..." , he trailed off because at this exact moment Sam began choking on his lollipop , which he spit out on the floor , ungracefully.

"Excuse me?" , he said and Gabriel signed , a candy bar appearing in his hand. "I like you. Duh."

"Like , Like-I-tolerate-you-like or like-I-like-you-like" , Sam and and Gabriel groaned. "Honestly , Sam! You're such a bore. I like you as in I wanna be with you , dumbass"

"Excuse me? But you're a friggin angel!" , Sam said motioning to Gabriel and he smiled. "Always so smart. And there isn't any rule against an angel and a human being together"

"Human?" , Sam said , shaking his head as he sat down on his bed. "I'm something more advanced than human. I'm a disease , Gabriel""Sam" , Gabriel said , crossing the room and sitting beside Sam.

"Look , we all make mistakes. I cast myself outta 'Heaven'" , he said making air quotes.

"Why?", Sam asked and Gabriel signed. "To be free , Sam. To finally get out and do what I want and not take orders from some douchebag who can't tell his wings from his ass"

"I know how you feel" , Sam said and Gabriel smiled , switching back to his devious mode."I know , Sammy. You see , I was the Angel assigned to protect you , watch over you and stuff. I know your whole life" Sam suddenly backed off , looking at him with dubious eyes.

"I'll prove it , Moose. Try it!" , Gabriel smirked but Sam cocked an eyebrow.

"My first girl kiss"

"Alice Wilkins"

"My first boy kiss"

"Jerry Springer" , Gabriel replied and winked at Sam. "And I know how much you liked it , Sammy. And also , how afraid you are that you did"Sam didn't say anything but Gabriel put a hand on his shoulder. "My favorite pie"

"Blueberry with cream" , Gabriel said as he came closer to Sam as Sam looked at him shyly.

"My biggest desire"

"To help people" , Gabriel said softly as he brushed off a loose hair on Sam's face. They were almost whispering now. "Will I ever be happy?"

He asked finally. The couple were so close they could feel each other's breath on their skin. "With me , yes" , the archangel replied."I'm damaged , Gabriel." , he said and Gabriel smiled. "So am I. Let's be damaged together"

He finally leaned forward and kissed. It was...beautiful. They were both patient and Sam tasted of coffee and Gabriel just tasted like...candy.

"You taste like candy" , Sam said and Gabriel laughed. He was just about to say something when the horn of the Impala startled Sam.

"Gabriel , I.." , Sam started and Gabriel stood up and leaned down to kiss Sam's cheek.

"Go , Sam. Go save the world" , Gabriel joked and Sam stood up to kiss Gabriel. "I want to see you soon. Promise me , Gabriel" , he said and Gabriel looked sad , like he knew something Sam didn't.

"I promise"

He broke the promise.

********************************************ooOOoo *************************************************

"Don't do this alone , Sammy" , Dean said , his last hopes of holding Sam back had faded away. He had resorted to begging.

"Let me go , Dean. I'm doing this alone" , he said as he climbed out of the Impala and Dean signed. He wasn't gonna argue with reached Gabe and smiled. Gabe looked silent today.

"Hey , Gabriel. I..I miss you. Alot. Anna misses you , even Cas. We're in some deep crap and all I want is you. All I've ever wanted was you. And two insanely smart kids because that's just how we are. I want to pick out your clothes and you'll spoil my teeth with candy. It all seems like a childish dream now. I'm fighting Lucifer but I can't do it , Gabe. I know I can't. Gabriel , please" , Sam finished and broke down crying.

15 minutes passed

He finally composed himself and looked at Gabriel's headstone."Here lies a true warrior of God". The headstone had been Cas's idea.

He wanted to properly bury his brother's mortal shell. He never quite said anything about it to anyone but Sam somehow knew that Cas knew about him and silently placed something on the grave and walked towards the car.

Dean signed but Sam shook his head. "Just drive" , he said and the brother reluctantly got in the car and drove.

*****************************************ooOOoo*** ************************************************** *********

He watched the car speed away as the last remains of sunlight finally settled in the horizon. It was getting dark; dark like the vast corners of his mind, like the feathers of the raven he saw landing over a tree branch, seeming to watch him, but he wasn't afraid of the dark.

He looked down at the headstone, raising one eyebrow when he found something lying over it. He grinned, the corners of his lips raising just slightly in a confused joy. It was a single strawberry lollipop.

He picked up and neatly opened the wrapper, observing it in momentaneous doubt before sticking it into his mouth. Before he could enjoy it, though, his eyebrows creased in a frown. It tasted...strange.

Slowly, he pulled the candy out of his mouth and was surprised to find letters engraved on the candy. The darkness made it difficult to identify their meaning, but he squinted his eyes and read it, the pale silverish light of the moon reflecting on the damp surface of the lollipop.

A tear slid down his face as he finally understood what was written.

"I Know You're Alive."