Wow. Wow.

First Darcy said – and then Lizzie – and then they –


She called Charlotte right away. Before she could start her long list of questions, though, Charlotte said, "Oh, hey, how did you do on that test you were stressing about?"

"What? Oh, the statistics exam. Whatever, it was fine. Charlotte! I don't want to talk about school; how could I possibly talk about boring stuff like tests after seeing Lizzie's latest video?!"

"Oh. You saw it, huh?"

"Uh, yeah. Why didn't you tell me? You were actually there!"

"Technically," Charlotte said in that know-it-all-big-sister voice, "I left before it all went down."

"Whatever. You knew it was happening."

"If you're really this excited, why didn't you call me right away on Thursday?"

"Statistics exam," she grumbled. "I've been so busy I hardly even have time for Twitter. It's sooo annoying. Is college really that important?"

"Yes," Charlotte said, allowing for no argument. "You'll thank me once you have your degree. Besides," and her tone softened, "once you've gotten through most of the general education requirements, you can have some fun. Check out your course guide. I think I saw a humanities class called Analysis and Deconstruction of Science Fiction Tropes in Western Television. You could get college credit for watching and discussing Dr. Who."

"What?! Are you kidding? That's awesome. I'm checking that out right now. Thank you thank you thank you Charlotte."

"Still mad at me for not telling you about Lizzie and Darcy?" Charlotte was smug, but that was okay.

"It's fine, it's fine. I just wanted to ask – were you really nervous when you answered the door and saw him there? I mean, I'd be totally intimidated; he's like this huge important businessman –"

"I'm not intimidated by Darcy," Charlotte said. "He's a human being just like the rest of us."

"Yeah, I remember when you told him off in Lizzie's videos. That was so brave."

"Bravery comes in a lot of different forms. I think you're pretty brave too, kid sister."

"Me? How?"

"Going to college is brave. Taking a chance on your education instead of settling for a boring, safe job."

"You don't mean you're not brave! You're practically running the company now. You're not even afraid of Catherine de Bourgh."

"Well, like I said, there's more than one way to be brave. I'll confront my Catherine de Bourghs, and you confront your statistics exams."

"Okay. I can deal with that."

"Love ya, sis."