

"Tell them stories."

~Phillip Pullman; The Amber Spyglass


"There are stories about the Winchesters, dozens of them; most of them larger than life things written and posted all over the internet. But if you're watching this; this isn't one of them.

Sam and Dean grew up on a small section of Kansas. Their parents weren't ordinary, and their childhood wasn't exactly ordinary either. They've seen things, killed things, and done things that would probably make most of us shit ourselves at just the ideas.

But the thing was, they weren't supermen, or X men, or whatever kind of comic strip you're into. They just knew too much. They didn't have luck, not good luck anyway, or any superpowers. They just kept jumping back up after every hit. Every blow the angels and the demons decided to throw at them for kicks.

And yeah, they did phenomenal things because they refused to go down, You'd probably call it heroic, and it probably was. The lives they saved, the things they hunted down kept all of us safe when we didn't even know it.

But they never wanted to be heroes. I didn't know them that long; but the thing is I don't think you had to understand what kept them fighting this entire time; kept them going.

I can't speak for them, but if you remember the Winchesters for anything; don't cop out on the glitzy blockbuster movie stuff – I know they wouldn't want that. Just remember Sam and Dean were always brothers first. Everything that they did from the very start to the very end was because of that."

Kevin stared at the blinking light on his camera lens, watching it flicker like a red star for a moment.

"You both kicked ass. And Dean; we found your car in New Orleans, don't worry she's being taken care of."

His eyes closed for a moment blacking it out. He opened them again when he heard a pounding on the ship's door and Garth's inquiring voice a moment later.

"We got it from here guys – Godspeed alright?"

Kevin reached over and clicked off the monitor, returning it to black. He stood up from the chair and went to go answer the door.


The End.

If you have made it to here, I thank you. I know it's a painful thing to read, believe me I know. I had the hardest time writing it. But I had this scene, of the boys together at the very end, by the tree, together. And if I deviated from that scene, I would not have a story, everything led up to that moment, when they made it together to the end.

I know it is not the ideal life of Sam and Dean, I wrestled with ignoring my above formula, but I had to write the story the way I saw it, it is not ideal or perfect, but it is about love.

This is my first and last death fic with these guys, it's just too painful. But I had to flex my writing muscles to do something that I felt I needed to write, even if it made me cry like a little girl while writing the end.

Thank you very much.

And trust me, this isn't the end of my writing…I'm thinking, something humerous and shmoopy next…VERY HUMEROUS….

