Haha, I kept my promise, didn't I? :D I'm gonna try to keep this up, though I've got three other stories to update too...Well, I'm gonna try!

Anyways, I told you guys that this chapter would be interesting...since it has, like, the only kiss scene in the whole entire anime. BUT THE KISS SCENE ISN'T OF AMU AND IKUTO! DX I was so angry at the fact that they didn't even kiss once... :(

Anyways, I don't own Shugo Chara! or any of its characters! The plot isn't mine either, but the actual writing is!

My sister was up to something, I knew. I really didn't know what it was, but she seemed really off lately, not quite sad but just…off. She was always looking around, like she was searching for something, and then her gaze suddenly went hard and expressionless. That went on and on, every time I saw her. When I observed her surroundings a little more, I realized that I saw more of her devil chara than the other clumsy angel. I actually hadn't seen the angel in a while. It made me worry a bit, thinking that she had completely tossed away her old self and gave in to evil, which may have also explained the increase in X Eggs around her. There was also that one strange X Egg that always followed her around, though it never quite hatched. It was a strange yellow colour, yet I never got close enough to see its weird pattern.

Because of my observations, I went to her latest concert to see if I could figure out what was going on. Maybe Sanjo had something strange planned and Utau just couldn't get it off her mind. It wasn't really any different though—she just sang and then waited for the right time to take some X Eggs. I knew she was really uncomfortable taking those dark eggs, but it happened every time, and so it didn't really explain the sudden change.

After the concert though, as I was walking out of the concert hall into the forest, I couldn't help but notice some blank stares in the crowd. It really saddened me to see it, especially when it was my sister who had caused this. And it was even worse when I remembered that she was doing this all for me. Why me?

I had followed her for the next few days, watching as she kept on looking around and noticing the absence of her angel chara. Maybe she was worried about her chara? That was quite possible, yet why had she left in the first place? She may have gotten lost, that was believable, but my sister looked like she was trying to ignore her worry most of the time.

There was one day in which she suddenly disappeared, though. I hadn't heard Sanjo or anyone give her any orders, but she just left.

As I was her older brother, the protective side of me came to life and I worried about where she was going. So I tried to find her, character changing and flying above the city.

I never saw a blonde girl walking in the streets, nor window shopping by the many boutiques near our house.

During my search, I came across a large park near Seiyo Academy and decided to go in, climbing on a tree to watch the passing children. I hadn't thought that Utau would go near Amu's school, yet the thought suddenly crossed my mind that she was trying to find the young pinkette. I wasn't quite sure why she would, but I was well aware of her jealously for the girl.

Instead of finding my sister, though, I managed to spot the pinkette I had been thinking about on a bench in the park, eating ice cream with another boy that I recognized from their 'guardian' group. I immediately started having suspicions for the two, yet it didn't make sense since I thought that Amu liked Tadase.

I chuckled to myself, realizing that I was probably misunderstanding the situation. They were probably just friends, yet I really didn't need to care if Amu suddenly had feelings for him now.

Tadase would be heartbroken though.

Shaking my head, I tried to steer my head away from Amu's love life, knowing that it was not my business at all.

I jumped to a tree closer to the two kids, hiding behind the leaves, hopefully unnoticed. Managing to catch their conversation, I realized that Amu was having trouble believing in herself and was confused with what her true character was, or something of that sort. That other older boy was probably just trying to cheer her up.

I stayed there for a little longer, curious to where their conversation would take them. In truth, I wanted to see if Amu would get caught up in the moment and share something about herself, wondering if she could be that honest with someone else like she was the night before with me. I could also possibly use the information to tease her with later.

No, that's just an excuse to cover up the fact that I want to know more about her, I silently admitted.

Before they could speak of anything more though, I noticed a glowing butterfly flutter towards them, exploding into a strange glitter that formed into strong gusts of wind. I knew who it was immediately, but it still shocked me to see my sister standing there in front of Amu, a weird mix of anger and amusement in her gaze.

"Found you," she said.

So I was right, she had been looking for the pinkette. But why?

I quickly debated on whether to jump down and face the blonde or not, soon deciding to leave them be for a while. Listening in on their conversation was a better thing I could do, as she probably wouldn't want to tell me some of the things she planned to do. This was what I always done—never interfering until I really needed to.

"Utau-chan!" her angel chara, whom I had not noticed, shouted, flying up into the air beside Amu.

Since when did she know Amu?

"Utau-chan, you've come for me haven't you?" the angel said hopefully.

"El," she said in surprise, though her tone was nonchalant. "I was wondering where you'd gone." It seemed that she hadn't known about El's sudden contact with Amu. "So you became Amu's guardian character?"

Her other devil chara proceeded to cheer, calling out "Enemy! Enemy!"

"No! It's not like that!" Amu denied, probably feeling horrible for both El, for being considered the enemy just because of a small bit of contact, and Utau, for having her chara 'taken'.

"Whatever," she waved it off as if it was no big deal. "I have a new guardian egg, after all."

Utau held up that dark yellow X Egg I had seen floating around her, smirking.

I hadn't realized that it was a guardian egg. Was it even possible to have an X Egg as a guardian egg? As I thought about it, I realized that it could be possible for someone like my sister who always hung around those dark eggs and could control their energy. But had the egg been hers in the first place? She had three guardian eggs?

"Dia!" Amu cried out, a look of horror on her face. "My egg!"

She had just answered my question.

So the egg was hers.

The brunette beside Amu looked confused and surprised at the fact that Amu now had four guardian charas. I had just realized it too, not believing that one person could have so many. I didn't think anyone else had been in that situation before.

But what did that mean? Why were her dreams separated into four different charas? Did that mean that she had four different dreams, four different sides of herself?

"Yours? Aren't you mistaken?" my sister asked with a smug look. "See?" The egg was now floating around her head, seeming very attached to the blonde. "It's staying by my side."

The way my sister was acting right now both worried me and disgusted me. She used to be so happy, so innocent, and so kind. When did she turn into something like this, how did she turn into this?

I shook my head, being reminded that it was I who had made her act like this. She just wanted me to be happy, yet I wasn't happy at all with the way she was acting. I didn't know what she would turn into just to get the Embryo for me, but I was sure that I wouldn't be happy if she turned into someone evil, someone crazy, and managed to get that damned egg. Angry. I'd be angry at myself, knowing that my sister would never go back to what she had been before. I still had hope now, since she still showed signs of returning to her old self sometimes.

"Dia!" Amu called again, a look of pain on her face.

"It seems that she doesn't accept you as her owner," Utau said. "That's why she left you and chose me instead."

More and more X Eggs started appearing, floating around the blonde girl like an army.

I looked to the pinkette, where I could see that she was both saddened and angry, clenching her teeth. The brunette was standing behind her, looking worried, though he was still conscious of the fact that Utau could strike at any moment and kept his eyes on her.

"Come on Amu, let's fight."

"Give her back," Amu ordered, ignoring my sister's request.

"Do you want me to?" She smirked. "Then you'll just have to beat me."

Her guardian chara cheered, as well as the floating X Eggs around her, and Amu looked to be preparing herself for the battle.

There was a crazy urge in me to jump down to the ground and stop them from fighting, but I knew that I was never the one to do something like that. If Easter saw me interfering and protecting Amu from my sister, they'd suspect something and think that I thought of her being more important than Utau. That wasn't true, at least I thought.

I looked away from them, trying to find something to occupy my attention with. My gaze scanned the empty park, soon spotting two ice cream cones scattered across the ground.


Confused for a moment, I suddenly remembered that Amu and the other boy had been eating ice cream when they were talking, the strong wind caused by the blonde sending the food flying away.

"If you win, I'll return Dia," I heard Utau say.

I shook my head, focusing on the ice cream on the ground. There was no way that I could block out their voices in this silent park though.

"If I win, I don't need El anyway."


"But instead, I'll take the Humpty Lock," she declared, and my head snapped back towards them when I heard.

"Why?" Amu shouted.

What did my sister want to do with the Humpty Lock?

"Because I want it, the lock that matches Ikuto's key," she replied.

Before she could say any more, I took off from the tree, hoping that the two didn't hear it, yet also hoping that they did since it would distract them. I was off to buy some frozen desserts for Amu and her friend, seeing that my sister had wrecked theirs.

The store wasn't too far from the park, as Seiyo was near a pretty busy street with a variety of shops. There wasn't really one I wanted to go to, I just searched for one that sold frozen treats. My mind was too occupied to think of which store I needed to go to.

Had Utau only went to find Amu for the Humpty Lock? And she only wanted it to get closer to me?

But if it meant that much to her, what did Amu having it mean?

I shouldn't really care about all those matching charms and all that, though. So what if my sister had a lock that had the same design as my key?

But truthfully, I knew I cared. At first, that lock was something that let Easter think that I was really the bad guy, trying to steal it from their 'guardian' team. I had actually wanted to take it before, wondering what would happen if the lock and key were put together, but ever since Amu had taken possession of it, I never thought of taking it again. Of course I wanted to know what would happen, but I wanted her to agree to it. I didn't want to steal it from her. The fact that her lock and my key matched was also something that I didn't want changed. I felt…close to her somehow. She was the one person other than Yoru who seemed to care, seemed to understand me.

Once I was inside a random super market, I quickly grabbed a few popsicles and other things from the freezer and made my way to the cashier, worried about the battle that was probably going on at the park. I was starting to regret my decision on leaving them there, but the line was thankfully short and I was on my way back in no time.

I got there just in time to see a blinding light explode from the center of the park, and I shielded my eyes, waiting until it died down a little before making my way to the tree near them.

What was going on?

Everyone seemed to be character transforming, even the boy that had been with Amu earlier. I saw the pinkette in an unfamiliar transformation, as well as my sister. The blonde seemed to be transformed with Amu's yellow X Egg, while the other had transformed with El, Utau's chara.

Was that even possible?

I looked again, making sure my vision wasn't playing tricks on me.

No, it was real.

I watched their battle, El failing to help Amu fight with Utau as she just 'couldn't possibly fight against her'. It was expected though, since I'd be incredibly surprised to see the angel help the opponent defeat her owner.

But Amu seemed to be out of energy, falling onto her knees as my sister walked closer to her. The look she gaze the girl on the ground disgusted me, but when I looked at her for a little longer, really looked at her, I could sense a bit of force in her actions.

That made me smile a bit, knowing that she truly felt uncomfortable doing it, yet I quickly realized the pain that she must feel acting like that. I didn't know which was worse.

She didn't need to act like this at all though.

I watched them, getting ready to jump between the two if Utau made any move to attack, but I saw the lock around Amu's neck suddenly start flashing. Looking towards my sister, I saw that her whole body was doing the same thing.

What was happening?

The two were soon back in their normal clothes, their transformations disappearing, and breathing heavily, falling to the ground. They seemed to be out of energy.

It was then when I realized what had happened.

They had character transformed with each other's charas, which was a very rare case. It probably took a lot of power to be able to do something like that and their energy got drained pretty quickly.

How convenient.

"What happened? Why do I feel so weak?" Amu asked the people around her—her charas and that other boy from earlier who had made his way to her side.

"Your battery ran out," I answered, deciding that this was the right time to come between the two. None of them had the energy to fight anyways.

The pinkette looked confused for a moment, looking around to see where the voice had come from. She soon spotted me in the tree and called out my name in surprise.

I jumped off the branch and landed on the ground swiftly, walking towards them with the bag of frozen treats in my hand.

"Good effort on that intense duel," I said, making sure my sister knew that I had seen the whole thing. Well, I hadn't seen the whole thing, but I had seen enough.

"Ikuto, you were watching the whole time?" She looked away guiltily.

"Not really," I replied. "I just happened to be passing by."

Turning my attention to the two kids, I held out the bag in front of them.

"Here," I said. "Compensation. Utau made you drop yours, right?"

Their guardian charas rushed towards the bag, surprised and probably happy to find it filled with frozen treats. I handed it to the boy next to Amu, a grin appearing on his face as he looked inside.

"For real?" he asked.

"Is this to replace the ice cream we dropped earlier?" Amu asked, pointing to the bag.

I looked away.

"Correct!" Yoru shouted from his place on my shoulder. He always spoke at these times, but I was thankful for that since I really didn't want to speak.

Amu made a side comment that I didn't quite get, but I ignored it, starting to speak.


"Why are you apologizing?" my sister yelled from behind me, and I was surprised at how much energy she could have after that transformation.

I turned to her, giving her a weird look.

"What do you mean why?" I asked. "You apologize too."

"No!" she spun around, yet I saw that she had crossed her arms against her chest.

"Just say it."

"No way." Her voice seemed softer this time, like the embarrassment finally set in. Or maybe it was because she felt nervous about disobeying me. "I didn't do anything wrong."

"Utau," I spoke in that stern voice I rarely used. I never usually went into that whole 'older brother' character though, and I actually shocked myself in wanting her to apologize to Amu for fighting. It was the right thing to do though, as she had just barged in and started attacking. There was no more than that.

I was surprised at her protest though, as she would usually listen to everything I said. Her jealousy for the pinkette obviously played a part in this.

"Jeez, why are you on Amu's side?" she asked, annoyed. "Idiot!"

Her outburst was a surprise as she tackled me to the ground. I knew that she did that frequently, yet I never knew when she would do it, so it was never expected. And so I fell on the concrete with my sister on top of me, her whacking me endlessly in her envy and shouting out the word 'idiot' over and over again.

"Hey! Ow!" I cried out, her actions getting me extremely annoyed. It wasn't that she had noticed my sudden siding with Amu, even though that also annoyed me a bit, but that her obsession with me was going overboard. I knew that I could live with this though, as it was just affection. I couldn't live with her giving into evil for me though, I wouldn't let it happen.

Yet it suddenly occurred to me that if my sister spoke too much of my sudden interest in the pinkette, which seemed to be quite obvious for some reason, while in her rant of jealousy, it may be risky as someone from Easter could be nearby. Amu realizing my attention for her was bad too.

"Why is it always Amu?" she asked, tears in her eyes, though I didn't know if they were real or not. "You know how I feel!"

How she felt? You mean her crazy crush on me that completely surpassed the kind of love between siblings?

"How you feel?" I spoke my thoughts.

But before I could say any more, something crazy happened.

My sister kissed me.

Eyes wide, I put my hands on her shoulders and tried to push her away, but she had put her full weight on me, and her strength, so I couldn't really do much. Of course, I hadn't used all my strength in pushing her away, or I'd probably hurt her. I didn't think that she'd be this strong though.

I finally managed to push her away and got to breathe, yelling, "Hey! Utau!", outraged at her actions.

She moved to kiss me again though, and managed to succeed.

I was seriously pissed. I knew that she hugged me and kissed me on the cheek sometimes, but never, never had she tried to actually kiss me. The fact that Amu and her friend were standing right there beside us made it even worse. And it was Amu who saw this. Not just any other person.

"Cut it out!" I pushed her away, managing to hold her back. "I'm getting pissed! We're siblings!" I yelled angrily, getting her off of me.

Amu must've never known that fact, since she and her friend looked at us in shock, their gazes going to Utau, and then me, and then back to her. I was probably awfully surprising, seeing a younger sister suddenly kissing her brother like that.

I looked away in anger and embarrassment.

"Brother and…Sister?" They looked at each of us as they spoke.

"Yeah, got a problem with that?" my sister asked, wiping away some tears from her eyes. "My real name is Tsukiyomi Utau. Ikuto's little sister by blood," she told them. "But despite that, my feelings for Ikuto are stronger than anyone else's!"

Here comes her whole rant…

"But why is it always you?" she asked. "Ikuto's never been this concerned about a girl before."

Shit. She said it.

Amu looked towards me after she heard those words, a mild blush forming on her cheeks. I wasn't even sure if the same thing was happening to me or not, but I sure hoped not. Either way, I tried to avoid her gaze, silently cursing the fact that Utau had to bring up my attention to the girl. I didn't even know why I did it. I just…did.

Utau soon appeared behind the pinkette, the dark aura around her so strong that the girl noticed immediately and jumped up, as if she was caught doing something bad.

"I've always driven away any pests that came near him," she continued, her voice laced with venom.

"H-Hold on!" Amu spun around, trying to explain the situation. "There's nothing between Ikuto and me!"

Of course there was nothing between us. What could there be between us? I was her enemy, not to mention that I was five years older than her. She also had a crush on Tadase, and I knew he liked her too.

But still…

I grabbed her arm, pulling her towards me and hugging her tight. This was, obviously, mainly to tease her, but I knew inside that I was trying to prevent her from thinking too much about my attention for her, trying to distract her and let her notice that she blushed at the attention I gave her. Or perhaps she could be thinking about my sister's words too much and decided to stay away from me.

"How heartless," I said, acting to be sad. "After we went on a date to the amusement park that night…"


She started to blush at how close I as to her, and it darkened when she recalled that night and realized that I had just said it aloud.


Utau appeared, as I had planned, her dark aura rising tenfold as she hissed, "Unforgiveable."

I was quite thankful for the interruption, as it would lead Amu into thinking that I had just been teasing her. It was better for her to think that while I sorted out my thoughts and tried to figure out what I was really trying to do.

"I'll never lose to you!" my sister declared, her size seeming to grow as she towered over the scared pinkette.

I spun around, walking away as if nothing had just happened. That's right, I just needed to act like I didn't' care.

"Let's go, Yoru," I said.

"Ah, Ikuto!" my sister called out. "Don't leave me behind!" She was using her cute voice again, the one she always used around me. I wondered if she really did have a crush on me, as I had always thought she had misunderstood her love for me as a sibling. Maybe she didn't actually love me, but she sure wouldn't let anyone get near me. That could be taken to my advantage, as Easter would never find out who I really loved that way, yet I didn't want to be separated from someone I wanted to be with. It didn't work like that. I didn't want to pretend to not like someone and end up having them leave me—that had happened too many times.

I knew I was dangerous though, and any contact with me could put the other person at risk.

But I just didn't want that. Why did it have to be like this?

And there you have it! Utau forcefully kissed Ikuto...in front of Amu...that's HORRIBLE! DX But I guess that Ikuto hugging Amu later in the end made up for it a bit. :P Well, I'll be updating this in a week! :DDD I'm hoping you guys can wait 'till then...and also forgive me if I'm a little late with it. ^^

Please review, your words keep me writing! :D